Stroking her fresh curves, Erika took a few seconds to notice that the disorientation she had felt in her previous shifts was no longer present; no sooner had she landed in this tight little blonde thing than she had begun to explore herself. No confusion, no breathlessness, not even a vague flicker of unease. In fact, it felt no more out of the ordinary than swapping clothes. Erika had made

‘Holy shit, I could get used to this,’ Aiden grinned. His jaw was slack with awe at his new body. As much as he had grown used to his previous look under the command of his mistress, he could not deny that the figure he now found himself in was a definite upgrade. He was so amazed, in fact, that his initial disorientation from his shift was almost immediately banished.

As before, shifting from one body to another took Erika’s breath away. Having been laid in a heavily disturbed and very messy bed with Brandi a second before, finding herself alone in an office in a new skin took a moment to adjust to. Having already experienced the shift before, the strange sensation died off a little quicker and she did not need to support herself on the desk as

‘Listen,’ said the woman, wrenching his head back by the strap of his ball-gag. She chuckled before continuing. ‘Whore. That’s what you are. Just a piece of meat to fuck. Bet you never thought you would be in this position did you? Sure, you might have fantasised about being the dominant one before, hell, you may even have done it a few times. But you never imagined being the one

The sensation of being torn from the body she had occupied all her life and thrown into that of somebody she had never met was incredibly disorienting. Landing in her new figure it was immediately apparent she was no longer the woman she had been seconds before. If she had to describe it, Erika would have said it felt like she had just taken off an old, comfortable outfit that

‘Christ, somebody knows how to go all out for Halloween.’ Erika nodded, admiring the dramatically decorated garden. ‘Well the invitation did say it was their favourite holiday of the year. Besides, it looks great.’ ‘You said it,’ Aiden agreed. ‘If the party is half as good as this place looks this is going to be one hell of a night.’ The entire garden and the building it fronted was practically

Coming to a stop deep into the twisting maze of corridors, Safiya huffed furiously and slapped her palm against the wall in an attempt to dispel her anger. It didn’t work. With every passing moment she grew more and more irate and her cheeks were flushed with rage. Ever since they had left the museum, Kosey and Husani had been treating her like no more than a lowly apprentice, but

Pushing the cart along the silent corridor, Cody yawned and glanced at his watch. Scoffing hollowly he rolled his eyes. Quarter to midnight. Who ordered room service at quarter to fucking midnight? Perhaps he might have been a little more agreeable to the request if it had been a large room or a more sizeable order, but he had checked the room log and the order. Just the one guy,

Somewhere in the dark he heard the faint sound of a door opening and closing and he immediately wrestled against his restraints. The thick rope wrapped around his chest rubbed his underarms painfully, and it had not slackened any in the time since he had regained consciousness shortly before. Twisting behind his back the rope soared into the rafters and ensured that he remained standing. He was stood on a

The tall, dark man in his crisp, dark suit, titled back his head and sighed with satisfaction. The teeth that composed his smile flickered briefly, fading to sharp, triangular replacements that glinted in the light, and his eyes flooded with crimson. A long, forked tongue darted from his mouth and licked his lips before zipping back in again. Gradually the hue of his skin faded into a deep scarlet. The