Glancing up at Will as she played with Jade’s pussy, Pepper relished her newfound power. Her power over them was intoxicating, and she had to fight not to cum at the sight of Will mindlessly fucking the pathetic thing currently licking her pussy. ‘That’s it, babe, fuck this little bitch. I bet she’s all hot and wet inside isn’t she? Oh fuck, you like fucking her as she licks my

‘Hey there, Anton,’ said the blonde in a singsong voice, ‘long time no see.’ The brooding guy she leaned upon, in his ripped jeans and thickly gelled hair, sneered at him mockingly. ‘Fuck me, he’s just as pathetic as he was when we last saw him.’ If he was honest, Anton could not deny he probably looked pathetic in front of the queen and king of his old college. His

Sam had always admired his stepmother, Mia. Far more than his dad that was for sure. She had first arrived in his life in his early teens shortly after his mum and dad had divorced, and ever since then she had been something of an idol to him. After much deliberation, he had come to believe the thing he admired most about her was the power she could wield. With

Dr. Alex Stoke frowned as he entered the room. He had been expecting the CEO’s office, but instead he found himself in a large toilet. To one side stood a pair of pale pink cubicles, with a sink some distance away and a mirror on the wall beside that. More cubicles lined the wall immediately in front of him and to his left, but even so the room was bizarrely

Doctor Peterson stared forlornly at the image that filled the screen. The young woman was undoubtedly beautiful. Her blue-dyed hair was a bright contrast against the red of her Santa hat and she appeared to be singing along to a tune he could not hear. Running her manicured fingers up and down her body she stroked her soft skin and traced her curves with her silver nails. In the process

Neither James nor Miles had ever put much belief in destiny. As far as they were concerned, they were the sole power in control of their own decisions, and every choice they made carved out a new path for them that could never have been predicted. Nevertheless, as they danced around in their new lingerie and smacked one another on the ass, as they admired their breasts and fondled their

‘Go on,’ Kasey urged her, ‘open it.’ If anything, Kasey’s enthusiasm only made Heather more wary. Ever since they had woken up she had been acting strangely. She had complemented Heather’s outfit, made her a cup of coffee to wake her up, had allowed her to sit in her favourite armchair in the lounge – the one Kasey usually draped herself over like a sleepy cat – and even willingly

‘Dude, are you okay?’ By now Kyle was seriously worried. It was as though his friend was no longer in there. Benji seemed to have vanished completely, and in his place was somebody Kyle no longer knew. In his new feminine form, Benji’s tongue lolled from his mouth and his eyes rolled back as he dribbled a string of saliva onto the fur rug. For a moment his eyes were

The campus of Crystal Falls college was all but deserted when the earth tremor struck. With the corridors empty and only a handful of staff remaining on the premises the rattling of chairs and tables as they shuddered across classroom floors went largely unnoticed, and there was no effort made to evacuate for such a minor event. In his office, Mr. Martin Cole glanced up as the furniture juddered softly.

Riley had always been nervous about sex. She had never felt particularly confident in her abilities, nor believed herself to be any more than average in appearance. Whenever she had gone out drinking for the night the wolf whistles and lingering stares had always seemed staged to her and she had tried as best she could to avoid the men lusting after her in the clubs. When she met Adrian