Hurrying through the snowy streets, Cody was careful not to veer too close to the road just in case a passing car sprayed him with the icy brown slush lining the curbs. Already late, the last thing he wanted to do was show up at Club Fantasy with his smart outfit soiled given that everyone else there would no doubt look like absolute royalty. At the very least, after spending

The first thing Beatrix heard as she strode backstage were the erotic moans of her troupe. She hadn’t been away from them for long – just a few minutes while she tied up all the tent flaps to ensure they wouldn’t be disturbed – but clearly that was all it took for a room full of horny lesbians to succumb to their own arousal. In truth, she had fully expected

Elliott made his first wish as he stepped out of the house: he wished for confidence. Though he had dabbled in magic here and there before, he had half-expected the wishing perfume he’d brewed for himself wouldn’t work, but the moment the words left his mouth he felt a thrill of energy roll through him and the nerves that had been nagging at him all day evaporated instantly. He held

As the plastic blonde probed her tongue into Kyra’s mouth, the young woman felt her concerns melt away. Of course Tammi hadn’t come back last night – why would she ever want to leave this place? Of course Kyra was going to stay with her – the villa was so much better than that crummy hotel she was staying at, after all. Maybe her friends would pay a bit more

Fantasy Resort’s communal lounge was sleek, comfortable and, presently, abuzz with hushed conversation. Ordinarily it was a space where the resort’s guests could relax together, chatting over drinks poured from the well-stocked bar set towards the back of the room. Tonight, however, the crowd was quiet, huddling together in little groups and whispering amongst themselves while casting furtive glances at the other people in the room, their suspicious gossip driven

Night was falling as the young couple ascended the broad drive leading to the striking building. It loomed over them with a somewhat imposing air about it, the soft buzz of conversation drifting through the open windows. Seth and Holly had seen it before, though only from a distance when they drove past the end of the drive; up close they found the very walls seemed to whisper of luxury

Hearing the notification on his phone, Mr. Johnson stood up and mopped his sweaty brow with the back of his forearm. Taking a moment to catch his breath he surveyed the room as he crossed to the table his phone was charging on: just a few more finishing touches and it would be perfect. All the furniture was in position and after the tireless work he had put into the

Lying back against the cold wall, Kevin shivered as he rested the point of the needle against his inside elbow. Glancing down, he took a moment to stare at his inside arm all riddled with scabs and scars. It almost didn’t feel like it belonged to him, and as he always did, he wriggled his fingers to check it didn’t somehow belong to somebody else. The gate at the end

‘Christ, somebody knows how to go all out for Halloween.’ Erika nodded, admiring the dramatically decorated garden. ‘Well the invitation did say it was their favourite holiday of the year. Besides, it looks great.’ ‘You said it,’ Aiden agreed. ‘If the party is half as good as this place looks this is going to be one hell of a night.’ The entire garden and the building it fronted was practically

When he woke up, Liam couldn’t move. He could remember nothing from before he fell unconscious, nothing other than the smell of sweat and a large figure standing over him. It took him a moment to regain all his senses, but when he did he began to panic. He was laid naked, face-down on a black PVC floor in a room so dark that he could not see the walls.