‘Christ, somebody knows how to go all out for Halloween.’ Erika nodded, admiring the dramatically decorated garden. ‘Well the invitation did say it was their favourite holiday of the year. Besides, it looks great.’ ‘You said it,’ Aiden agreed. ‘If the party is half as good as this place looks this is going to be one hell of a night.’ The entire garden and the building it fronted was practically

When he woke up, Liam couldn’t move. He could remember nothing from before he fell unconscious, nothing other than the smell of sweat and a large figure standing over him. It took him a moment to regain all his senses, but when he did he began to panic. He was laid naked, face-down on a black PVC floor in a room so dark that he could not see the walls.

She couldn’t remember how long she had been there. She couldn’t remember how she had got there. She couldn’t even remember where there was. Instead, the programming process had stripped her of everything. Every memory, every aspiration, every thought of home. If somebody had asked her where she had grown up, she would not have been able to tell them. She wouldn’t have even been able to tell them her