God this was so fucking hot. Not only was Sam laid out on the bed with his head between the legs of a fit, dominant man, but he was going down on his date to the soundtrack of Adam being fucked hard on the opposite side of the room. It was a situation he had only ever imagined in his fantasies, yet now here they were living it for real,

Leaping out from his hiding spot just as the figure laid the eggs down on his kitchen worktop, Jason cried out victoriously. ‘Aha! Caught in the act! I’ve got you now.’ With a sigh that seemed equally as weary as it was frustrated, the towering figure turned to face him. The Easter Bunny dwarfed even Jason’s large frame, his tall grey ears brushing the ceiling and a physique so broad

As she busied herself with sorting through her great-aunt’s belongings, Mary sighed. She had only met the woman a handful of times, but she had always had an aura of excitement and mischief about her. They had always got along well whenever they spent time together, and the understanding that she was no longer around was still a blow to the gut even if they hadn’t been that close. Their

‘Woah, no way,’ Maisy gasped, coming up into the old attic and staring around in awe. She had been expecting cobwebs and old boxes, but what she had found instead was practically a time capsule. Based on the look of the place – and the thick blankets of dust draped over every surface – it didn’t look like anybody had stepped foot in this room in over a hundred years!

Kelly had known from the moment she laid eyes on the big black bastard that he would be the one to set her free, and as she watched Tyrone force the slutty blonde to gag on the cock she had stolen from him she had to admit she could not have chosen a better victim. It was still a little strange to see her old body from the outside, like

‘That’s it,’ he said, nodding, ‘just lie back. You know how much you like your long baths. Isn’t the water so nice and warm?’ Slipping back into the bubbly water she nodded happily. ‘Oh yes, Sir, the water is very nice.’ Her smile could have charmed the birds from the trees, and as the water swept over her curves until only her head was above the waterline he tried to

Planting one imposing leather heel onto the driveway, Ebony emerged from the car and admired the sprawling mansion before her. Enormous and extravagant, it was fronted by a drive dominated by half a dozen ludicrously expensive supercars. Everything about the building and its surroundings oozed incredible wealth, yet as she took it all in Ebony’s lips were pursed with disappointment. ‘Seen better,’ she muttered to herself, pushing the car door

The bedroom Ebony found herself in felt vaguely familiar. Though she could not quite identify why, the whole place was oddly recognisable. She wondered if perhaps it was a set from a movie or television show she had seen, but neither option seemed to pinpoint exactly where she had seen the room before. Regardless, the wooden décor and red bedsheets felt strangely comforting after a night of finding herself in

Stamping her feet to ward off the cold, Ebony trudged through the snow wearing a scowl that might as well have been frozen in place. She couldn’t stand Christmas. For one thing even with half a dozen layers clutched tightly about her body the biting cold of the winter air still somehow managed to chill her to her bones. But it wasn’t the weather that she hated the most. It

Slumped in his chair, Ryan stared vacantly at his laptop screen. From top to bottom it was chock full of impressive figures: revenue, expenses, profit. As an accountant for one of the top law firms in the country, he was more than aware he was a uniquely privileged gentleman and the lavish penthouse he now sat in was proof of that. Despite this, he knew all of his wealth could