‘Quiet, I think I hear them coming,’ hissed Melanie, pressing a finger to her lips. The other girls fell silent, straining their ears to listen. Sure enough the familiar beat of Penny’s strut could be heard in the corridor and a moment later she was striding through the door, cheeks rosy and hair in a mess. Her uniform was on, just about, but she had dressed poorly with buttons in

The dormitory was occupied by half a dozen girls when James was ushered in, most of them lounging on a single bed halfway down the long room. They wore their uniforms loosely with hanging ties and shirts buttoned low and were giggling at a joke they had been sharing. As he entered, prodded forward by the bony finger of the headmaster – a tall, broad man in his late-forties –

‘You know I never really believed the rumours about you, not entirely. I mean I know all the guys said you could throat a dick like a real slut, but come on, they were all dumb jocks. It’s not like they haven’t exaggerated things before.’ His satisfied smirk grew and he cocked his head to one side, admiring her pretty face. ‘But damn if I wasn’t wrong. You could be

Lingering at the top of the staircase, Helena fought off the urge to turn, burst through the door back into the dark alleyway and sprint all the way home. Actually being so close to achieving her goal felt so much more intimidating than she had anticipated and as much as she tried she could not stifle the nerves that wriggled uncomfortably in the pit of her stomach. Indistinct groans floated

After the outbreak had died down, only surviving in a few isolated pockets, attentions shifted. No longer concerned over avoiding the disease or isolating in attempts to curb the spread, vast swathes of society came to focus on the harm done by the selfish and greedy in the recent times of need. For the first time in what felt like decades, almost every bracket of society alike had found a

I made this with the intention of it being a Twitter caption, but initially the file size was too big to add to a tweet since the it was all compiled into one image caption, so I released it as a surprise caption. In moving to my new domain, however, I decided to update it and break it down into three smaller segments. The main reason for this was that

As she busied herself with sorting through her great-aunt’s belongings, Mary sighed. She had only met the woman a handful of times, but she had always had an aura of excitement and mischief about her. They had always got along well whenever they spent time together, and the understanding that she was no longer around was still a blow to the gut even if they hadn’t been that close. Their

Admiring himself in the mirror, the same apprehensive thought continued to niggle at the back of Kenzo’s mind: was this really the right thing? One thing was for sure, it was undeniably convincing. The seal of the bodysuit which ran up his back was concealed so expertly nobody would have noticed it without it being pointed out, and as for the rest of suit… Nobody would have ever imagined that

Kelly had known from the moment she laid eyes on the big black bastard that he would be the one to set her free, and as she watched Tyrone force the slutty blonde to gag on the cock she had stolen from him she had to admit she could not have chosen a better victim. It was still a little strange to see her old body from the outside, like

Lying back against the cold wall, Kevin shivered as he rested the point of the needle against his inside elbow. Glancing down, he took a moment to stare at his inside arm all riddled with scabs and scars. It almost didn’t feel like it belonged to him, and as he always did, he wriggled his fingers to check it didn’t somehow belong to somebody else. The gate at the end