Tattooed woman with pink hair plays piano while man pulls on chains clamped to her nipples

The brief pause Annabelle took and the little gasp that escaped her lips only had her master tug harder on the chain connected to her nipple clamps. They pulled her swollen breasts just that little bit higher and eked a little more pain across each, fanning out from her nipples like cracks spreading from a chip in glass. ‘Don’t stop,’ he ordered evenly, ‘don’t pause, don’t break the tune and do not stop. Do you know how important this performance is going to be for us?’

Her slender fingers sweeping along the keys of the piano, she forced the pain and pleasure down and focused on the melody. ‘Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.’ It was lilting, serene and occasionally powerful, and over the past few months she had learned it with such accuracy that she could have played it with her eyes closed. The difficulty came when the sexual torment set in, and practicing playing with that taken into account seemed like it was going to be an altogether more difficult affair.

Regardless, she would perfect it if it killed her. The gala was only a month away and she was determined to make her master proud when they arrived there. Ever since she had first submitted herself to him as his slave, they had visited the highly-exclusive event every quarter. It was always populated with the same faces, consisting almost exclusively of rich men who favoured the finer things in life – primarily sex – and their sensual, adoring slaves. Whenever they visited she invariably felt both attractive and objectified, dressed in reserved, opulent attire yet more than aware that every man present was undressing her mentally and that many of them would have the chance to do so physically once the night was through. Naturally, she would not have had it any other way, and she was always keen to prove to her master how thankful she was that he’d selected her to be his pet.

Fortunately, this was her chance, for the upcoming gala was her opportunity to make him proud in front of everybody in attendance. Though the later hours of the gala invariably descended into activities that the casual onlooker would most likely deem abhorrent and promiscuous, the former half of the event was a positively sophisticated matter with almost everybody clad in suit or dress. The only exception was the entertainment for the beginning of the gala, and said entertainment often took the form of a slave being bound up on the stage for public use by all.

Her master, however, was a cut above the rest and now it had come to Annabelle’s turn to entertain he wanted to make more of a statement than a mere set of stocks might allow. As such, for a sophisticated event he wanted a sophisticated show and Annabelle therefore would be playing the hypnotic melody for the crowds. Of course, she would be naked. Moreover, her master had explained that once she was halfway through the piece the audience would be permitted to take to the stage and feel her in any way they desired so long as they did not do anything to physically move her hands away from the keys. They could touch and toy with any hole they desired, could lay their hands upon any part of her person, and so long as they did not break her connection to the keys there was really nothing they were not permitted to do.

Naturally, this meant that Annabelle had to learn to play under rather extreme levels of distraction, and that was exactly what her master was forcing her to practice dealing with as she played.

Tugging on the chain again he smiled as she muted her reaction and played through. Releasing the chain he let it fall between her legs before stepping around from behind the piano. Annabelle bit her lip as she realised he had unzipped his fly and pulled out his dick, which he had been stroking up to erection while she practiced.

Wordlessly he paced around behind her and, being sure to move her gently, moved her backwards on her seat so that her ass was sticking out over the edge. Peeling down the material of her leggings he leaned into her ear with a low growl. ‘How about we take things up a notch, shall we sweetheart?’

Suddenly breathless Annabelle braced herself for what she knew was coming. ‘Anything for you, sir.’

She managed to continue to play as his head pressed against her winking ass, but once he parted the muscles and pushed inside with his lubed cock her focus was shattered and her fingers gave up on the keys to grip the lid of the instrument. She gave a shuddering moan as he filled her and was reminded of one of the many reasons she adored him: his dick was magnificent. Thick, long and heavy, it felt incredible in her ass and she groaned over and again as he began to thrust.

Then a strong hand was around her neck and his voice was in her ear. ‘I thought you wanted to make me proud, pet? You can only do that if you keep playing. Who knows, you might have to put up with this when you are entertaining our friends? I hope you are better at dealing with it then. Now keep fucking playing.’

Slowly, obediently, Annabelle returned her fingers to the keys and started to play…

Thanks for reading!

The model in this piece is Anna Bell Peaks. Unfortunately I don’t know what scene this is from, but you can find much of her work on her PornHub profile here:

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