It may have been the first time Martin had seen his wife in over three months, but as she turned to face him he did not run to her. Partly because he had never seen her look at him in that way – her stare distant, an unnerving edge to her expression – but mainly because he thought the burly men twisting his arms behind his back might snap them

Note: you can thank the brilliant Evie Hyde for this story, so enjoy it and then read more about her down below. Poring over the bizarre pages of the book, Holly’s confusion only deepened. It was the strangest book she had ever seen, and to think it had been hidden away in the recesses of their attic for who knows how long simply added to her intrigue. While large segments

Michael forced himself to remain calm, yet the nagging fear would not go away. The simple fact was, for all he tried to convince himself otherwise, he was in a dire situation. Having spent the last week camping in the wilds of the forest, he had packed up to undertake the two-day hike back to his four-by-four, parked up on a remote dirt track. That had been five days ago.

Lacey ran her tongue along the black bull’s meaty dick, and she felt more of her former self crumble away. The boy she had been less than an hour before was disappearing, her cravings overwhelming her and solidifying her new personality more with every passing second. Luke would soon be a hollow memory, a forgotten face, and Lacey would be free of her restrictive male persona. He had volunteered for

Note: this story is an extension of and a sequel to an original creation by the inimitable Mara’s Mischief in a universe focused on rather sexy crime syndicates. You can find more information about her in the notes section at the end of this story. As he sat at the bar, his back aching and the din of rowdy twenty-somethings filling the room, Detective Cooper was more aware than ever

Ava sat sullenly at the bar, staring deep into her empty glass as though if she looked hard enough it would swallow her up. Glancing down the bar, she could see Elias on the dance floor, a beautiful young woman grinding up against him and giggling girlishly as he whispered something into her ear. Often Ava wished she was the type of girl to confront her boyfriend about his serial

Sir Vincent, honoured knight of King Arthur, crept through the darkened corridor with his sword drawn, calculating each step carefully. It was no exaggeration to say that his very life depended on his caution and to put a foot wrong could spell his doom. All alone in the heart of the High Sorcerer’s fortress, he was lucky to have survived this far. He would have felt significantly more at ease

The sleek car pulled away, leaving the woman alone on the concrete. The large warehouse rose up before her, imposing, a towering structure of brick and metal. The exterior walls were decorated with thick swathes of graffiti and in places they had fallen in completely. She looked an alien sight in the old warehouse district, her crisp business attire juxtaposing the dusty, forgotten place. Smoothing down a ruffle in her