Models: Asa Akira & Sunset Diamond Starting awake, Louise found herself chained to a wall. Cold manacles dug into the skin of her wrists and an icy chill crawled up her spine as the cold air of the dungeon embraced her. A metal collar clutched her throat just tight enough that her breath came short and shallow. This too was chained to the wall, the metal links hard and cool

Models: Mia Little & Sadie Santana Sean had spent enough time amongst criminals and gangsters to know there was one cardinal rule on which the entire underworld ran: never show weakness. No matter what situation you found yourself in, no matter how terrified you were on the inside, maintaining the perception of confidence could mean the difference between life and death. And all of Sean’s acting skills were in use

Models: Lina Napoli & Erika Bellucci Chad whimpered as the cangue manacle closed around his neck. The metal was cold and unyielding and Professor Luxe had not bothered to pull aside his new blonde locks, so most of his hair was pinned in place too. He could feel his freedom ebbing away – a part of him knew his life as he’d known it was over. And yet, when the

‘Wait, what do you mean I’m going to become a goddess?’ Darren pressed, his mind whirring. ‘I’m an Original. It’s forbidden – it’s impossible. You heard Madame Shatter, my mind isn’t capable of dealing with the sensation of goddesshood. It would send me insane.’ Having left the horny sissy and her unlucky lover in their room, he and Goddess Lash were now working their way through the manor corridors once

Sleep slid from Darren like a silk sheet being pulled away. Not so long ago he would have considered it a strange sensation to shift from sleep to consciousness in a single breath, but these days it felt almost natural, the weary grogginess and protesting limbs he would have felt during the morning in his old life a thing of the past. Truthfully, he preferred it. He preferred a lot

Just before dawn, Greed reluctantly left Sofia’s body. The night had been a blur of passion, arousal and carnality, and while Mr. Graves slept soundly beside her she quietly vacated her host, a process far more gentle than the forceful way she had possessed Sofia the night before; when she and her siblings had first been released they had been roiling with fresh energy, but now even she was almost

‘Hey Brad,’ Wrath cooed. The sweetness of her tone was revolting on her tongue, but she wanted to lure her prey into a false sense of security before bringing his world crashing down. As she’d expected, the athletic jock was more than receptive. Crossing the room somewhat unsteadily, he beamed even as his pint sloshed over the cuff of his shirt, saturating it. There was a lustful gleam in his

The abandoned manor which sat atop Cursed Hill was something of a local legend. Passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, stories of the decrepit old estate, as such superstitious tales are wont to do, had taken on a life of their own such that no two families agreed on the truth behind them any longer. Some believed the manor to be the former abode of a

Sliding out of her inky limousine, Madame Huntress took a moment to smooth down an unsightly roll in her latex dress. Snatching up the briefcase laid in the back seat, she closed the door and watched it ease away from the kerb, the silhouette of her huge bull at the wheel. Checking her watch, she pivoted sharply toward the large, medieval building before her. It had been part of the

With the cold metal bars pressed up against his bare flesh, Malcolm could not truly flinch as the flogger struck his naked pussy. Yet the pain scorched through him nonetheless, the result of which was a shrill cry and an awkward judder which only pressed his body harder into the bars. When the next strike inevitably came, he tried to grit his teeth but the white-hot agony was overwhelming and