Sleep slid from Darren like a silk sheet being pulled away. Not so long ago he would have considered it a strange sensation to shift from sleep to consciousness in a single breath, but these days it felt almost natural, the weary grogginess and protesting limbs he would have felt during the morning in his old life a thing of the past. Truthfully, he preferred it. He preferred a lot

The clatter of ice against glass startled Anne, dragging her back to reality. Glancing down the bar, she spotted one of the bartenders pouring an amber liquid over the ice cubes he’d just emptied into a small whiskey tumbler. In front of him a young woman smiled giddily, watching him add several more measuring cups of various liquids into the glass; whatever the drink was, it certainly wasn’t whiskey, and

The shop was a transformation enthusiast’s heaven. Every shelf and railing and cabinet and display was dedicated to a different kind of deviant product, and when it came to naughty transformations, what the store didn’t sell wasn’t worth talking about. The shelves behind the counter looked like they belonged to a particularly depraved alchemist. Countless vials of vivid pink Elixir stood tall and proud alongside flasks of Formula, the deep

‘Isn’t this place amazing? The rooms, the beach, and now this.’ Jace waved his arms across the verdant greenhouse, a gleam of awe in his eye. ‘I love this resort. I mean it’s… it’s just stunning in here.’ Darting to his side, Kenna took him by the shoulders and span him around to face her. With her crop top barely more than a blue band concealing her modesty and her

‘No, no, don’t you dare. Not cool dude, not cool. This isn’t funny now. Get the fuck off me. Don’t you dare put those fucking ears on me.’ Adam wriggled about in an attempt to escape, kicking his legs and straining to free his arms, but it was no use. His roommate’s legs were clamped tight to his sides, pinning his arms in and keeping him restrained with ease. Not

Everything had all gone so horribly… wrong? The man Ana had recently been would probably have thought so, but the woman she was now knew the truth was the exact opposite: everything had gone so perfectly right. With the flogger coming down relentlessly on her sensitive pussy, all she could do was giggle as she recited the undeniable truth: ‘I’m your fucking slut.’ Breathless and painfully horny, she repeated herself

Crawling up to the foot of the stairs, Natasha shivered with anticipation. This was it. The day she had been waiting for. At the top of this staircase stood the door to a future of opulence and kink, all she had to do was make it to the top. Standing between her and her future, however, was the Initiation, and the trial of reaching the top would prove her worthy

Annie never really knew what happened that night. Everything happened so quickly that before she had chance to register the changes overcoming her they were already complete. As such, while she lay back in the hot tub with her vest sodden and her throat full, she couldn’t remember the misery she had caused Kara, the girl pumping a thick rubber dildo down her neck. Inversely Kara recalled it all too

‘That’s right, dickhead, fuck her prude ass. No chance she’s ever getting that perfect cock in her pussy again. Oh no, only I get to feel that.’ Terri frowned as the blonde slut between her legs came up for air, ‘No, bitch, I didn’t say you could breathe, get back to work!’ Clutching her by the hair she dragged her back into her pussy, which she lapped at obediently. Lying

Sure, it was probably a shitty thing to have done to somebody who thought he was their friend, but Adrian had never been particularly keen on his flatmate. There was nothing wrong with Sean, exactly, it’s just he was not the kind of person Adrian would have chosen to spend time with if he had a choice in the matter: too nerdy and hyperactive for his tastes. In university they