‘Woah, no way,’ Maisy gasped, coming up into the old attic and staring around in awe. She had been expecting cobwebs and old boxes, but what she had found instead was practically a time capsule. Based on the look of the place – and the thick blankets of dust draped over every surface – it didn’t look like anybody had stepped foot in this room in over a hundred years!

Admiring herself in the mirror, Abby could not help but drool. It was all so hot, so taboo. Her parents would have blanched at the sight of her, but if she was really honest with herself she didn’t much care. Years of being stifled under their roof, of her mother nagging her to find a good Christian man, of her father telling her that men wanted a woman who knew

Dr. Alex Stoke frowned as he entered the room. He had been expecting the CEO’s office, but instead he found himself in a large toilet. To one side stood a pair of pale pink cubicles, with a sink some distance away and a mirror on the wall beside that. More cubicles lined the wall immediately in front of him and to his left, but even so the room was bizarrely

Planting one imposing leather heel onto the driveway, Ebony emerged from the car and admired the sprawling mansion before her. Enormous and extravagant, it was fronted by a drive dominated by half a dozen ludicrously expensive supercars. Everything about the building and its surroundings oozed incredible wealth, yet as she took it all in Ebony’s lips were pursed with disappointment. ‘Seen better,’ she muttered to herself, pushing the car door

The bedroom Ebony found herself in felt vaguely familiar. Though she could not quite identify why, the whole place was oddly recognisable. She wondered if perhaps it was a set from a movie or television show she had seen, but neither option seemed to pinpoint exactly where she had seen the room before. Regardless, the wooden décor and red bedsheets felt strangely comforting after a night of finding herself in

The first thing that hit Violet was the smell. She had been in plenty of old school sweet shops before, but none of them compared to the barrage of aromas that wafted through the small store. The scent of rich chocolate was laced with that of gummy sweets, and there was a sour tang in the air from the sour sweets overflowing from their jars. The walls were lined with

‘Lesson one,’ growled Kerrie’s step-mom, Tina, into her ear, ‘you listen to the top bitch.’ As if to emphasise her point, she clutched hold of Kerrie’s soft black leggings and tugged them down, revealing Kerrie’s naked pussy and ass. Slipping her hand between her step-daughter’s legs, Tina ran manicured fingers over her pussy and back to the girl’s frantically winking ass, which she prodded playfully. The action drew a gasp

As before, shifting from one body to another took Erika’s breath away. Having been laid in a heavily disturbed and very messy bed with Brandi a second before, finding herself alone in an office in a new skin took a moment to adjust to. Having already experienced the shift before, the strange sensation died off a little quicker and she did not need to support herself on the desk as

The sensation of being torn from the body she had occupied all her life and thrown into that of somebody she had never met was incredibly disorienting. Landing in her new figure it was immediately apparent she was no longer the woman she had been seconds before. If she had to describe it, Erika would have said it felt like she had just taken off an old, comfortable outfit that

Clearly the woman was disappointed in what she was seeing, and though he had only just stumbled from the fetid confines of the delivery truck – a place worse than any he could think of – her iron glare already made him wish he had stayed on board. She was encased almost head to toe in black latex, a tight corset pulling in her waist, with the only visible flesh