Reclining on the bathroom countertop, Lily bit her lip and groaned as her husband’s agile tongue parted the folds her pussy. Terry was certainly far more enthusiastic going down on her in their new bodies, and her breath came in short gasps as he increased his pace. His tongue was so hot between the lips of her pussy, the weaving motion of the tip sending thrills through her nubile figure.

The room was dark as they staggered in. Cora startled as the room was suddenly illuminated, strings of multi-coloured fairy lights blinking on, and she vaguely assumed they must have been activated by their presence. She was far too focused on ensuring the contents of her stomach remained inside to pay them much attention though. ‘Woah, not so fast,’ she groaned, gripping onto the edge of a cabinet as the

Chantelle whimpered desperately as the stunning brunette lapped at her dripping sex. Her tongue was so hot, so powerful, and with one thumb pressed hard against Chantelle’s clit every stroke was intensified tenfold such that it felt as if her whole groin was on fire. Part of Chantelle wanted to scream, to cry out for her boyfriend, or her neighbours, or just in the vain hope someone might be walking

‘No,’ Helen pleaded, even as a fresh moan rose in her throat, ‘no, please, you have to stop. Nicole, Bev, this isn’t you. You’re ill. Please, I’m your friend, we can get through this together, we –’ The rising moan tore from Helen’s lips as Nicole leaned in to lick her pussy. Combined with Nicole’s relentless pumping of a bulbous dildo into her vulnerable pussy, the sensual cunnilingus sent Helen’s

Annie never really knew what happened that night. Everything happened so quickly that before she had chance to register the changes overcoming her they were already complete. As such, while she lay back in the hot tub with her vest sodden and her throat full, she couldn’t remember the misery she had caused Kara, the girl pumping a thick rubber dildo down her neck. Inversely Kara recalled it all too

Day One ‘Mmmfff, mmo mmeeff, meff mme mmoo!’ ‘What was that?’ said the stunning blonde woman, removing her toes from the half-naked maid’s mouth. ‘Please,’ begged the maid breathlessly, ‘please, let me go! I didn’t mean to, it was an accident, I swear!’ ‘You think I care?’ seethed the woman. ‘You weren’t even looking where you were going. Thanks to you, I now have to replace my entire outfit that

Kerry gasped as Sarah’s lips squeezed her nipple. She had never imagined her friend would be so good at sucking tits, but then she had never looked at her as anything other than a friend before. Today was different. Sarah had never looked more attractive and Kerry had never been hornier. Considering she’d only broken up with her boyfriend a week before it was surprising Kerry was in an erotic

Swinging at the boxing pad his trainer was holding out Dylan barely even saw what hit him. The writhing wave of magic blasted through the room with such speed it was gone in a bright purple flash and had ripped through both their bodies before they even realised what was happening. Shorting out the lights as it blazed through the room like purple fire, it left the room dim but

‘Just try and think of it as a fresh start,’ said Katie, sweeping her dark hair back from her face. ‘I mean from what you’ve told me about who you were before, this certainly sounds like an improvement.’ ‘But isn’t this weird to you?’ she asked, still unable to look directly at the girl who was now her roommate. ‘I mean don’t you miss the old Faye?’ Katie shrugged. ‘Not

I made this with the intention of it being a Twitter caption, but initially the file size was too big to add to a tweet since the it was all compiled into one image caption, so I released it as a surprise caption. In moving to my new domain, however, I decided to update it and break it down into three smaller segments. The main reason for this was that