By now her voice was hoarse from screaming and all the sordid things done to her to stop her screaming, but she continued to cry out anyway. In truth, it was all she could think to do. With her limbs tied up she could not run or lash out at her attackers, and with her restraints angling her away from the crowd of gathered men she could not glare at

The abandoned manor which sat atop Cursed Hill was something of a local legend. Passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, stories of the decrepit old estate, as such superstitious tales are wont to do, had taken on a life of their own such that no two families agreed on the truth behind them any longer. Some believed the manor to be the former abode of a

Day One ‘Mmmfff, mmo mmeeff, meff mme mmoo!’ ‘What was that?’ said the stunning blonde woman, removing her toes from the half-naked maid’s mouth. ‘Please,’ begged the maid breathlessly, ‘please, let me go! I didn’t mean to, it was an accident, I swear!’ ‘You think I care?’ seethed the woman. ‘You weren’t even looking where you were going. Thanks to you, I now have to replace my entire outfit that

Alone in the opulent room, Lola mentally apologised to her sister as she slipped into her new clothes. Hearing Jessie’s hushed whimpering in that room had been heart-breaking to hear. Despite knowing the punishment she would receive, Lola had automatically spoken up in her sister’s defence. The zap of the electric prod had been hot on her skin, the pain inducing a shudder through her body, but she had done

For all that she followed the man obediently trying to put on the impression of calm, all Jessie could think of was running. Her mind raced as she walked, screaming at her to wrench the chain from the man’s hand, tear off her blindfold and run far away from this isolated place. But then, that was exactly the problem: once she was out, she had nowhere to go. All she

With the cold metal bars pressed up against his bare flesh, Malcolm could not truly flinch as the flogger struck his naked pussy. Yet the pain scorched through him nonetheless, the result of which was a shrill cry and an awkward judder which only pressed his body harder into the bars. When the next strike inevitably came, he tried to grit his teeth but the white-hot agony was overwhelming and

‘You want one or two?’ Trevor shouted, leaning heavily against the Riveras’ fridge. ‘What do you think?’ Andrew replied. ‘I’ll bring three,’ Trevor chuckled and snatched up half a dozen beers. After stumbling back to the cabin in the evening gloom they had decided to raid the cabin’s fridge, which was fortunately stocked with plenty of booze. Staggering back into the lounge, Trevor dumped his haul onto the coffee table

Tilting her head to one side as the door opened, Hayley tried to look sexy. Fingers tangled in her hair, she spread her legs just enough for the plaid shirt to ride up and give a peek at her lacey underwear. ‘Hey babe,’ she purred as Will caught sight of her, ‘how do you like my new outfit?’ Her voice dripped with youthful innocence and for one brief, glorious moment

Kneeling on his own bed, suspended by the ropes expertly tied around the light above his head, manhandled without remorse by the vice grip of the dark-haired woman behind him, Frank finally learned the lesson he should have heeded long ago. Unfortunately for him, the realisation was far too little, far too late. He whimpered as the woman mercilessly hammered into him. He couldn’t take it anymore – he couldn’t

Dropping the suitcase onto her bed, Maddy admired her find. She had always loved vintage things and how they stood out from the crowd of sleek, modern items lining shop shelves and internet pages. They seemed out of place in all the best ways. As such, she had been attracted to them for as long as she could remember. Charity shops were always a good (and affordable) place to start.