The bedroom Ebony found herself in felt vaguely familiar. Though she could not quite identify why, the whole place was oddly recognisable. She wondered if perhaps it was a set from a movie or television show she had seen, but neither option seemed to pinpoint exactly where she had seen the room before. Regardless, the wooden décor and red bedsheets felt strangely comforting after a night of finding herself in

Stamping her feet to ward off the cold, Ebony trudged through the snow wearing a scowl that might as well have been frozen in place. She couldn’t stand Christmas. For one thing even with half a dozen layers clutched tightly about her body the biting cold of the winter air still somehow managed to chill her to her bones. But it wasn’t the weather that she hated the most. It

Note: you can thank the brilliant Evie Hyde for this story, so enjoy it and then read more about her down below. Poring over the bizarre pages of the book, Holly’s confusion only deepened. It was the strangest book she had ever seen, and to think it had been hidden away in the recesses of their attic for who knows how long simply added to her intrigue. While large segments

Ava sat sullenly at the bar, staring deep into her empty glass as though if she looked hard enough it would swallow her up. Glancing down the bar, she could see Elias on the dance floor, a beautiful young woman grinding up against him and giggling girlishly as he whispered something into her ear. Often Ava wished she was the type of girl to confront her boyfriend about his serial