The Better Bitch: Part I

Models: Millie Stone, Mya Mays and Xander Corvus

One black woman lifts bikini bra of second black woman while both pose in swimming pool

‘Who’s this, Tiffy? I didn’t think you let nerds into your place?’

Staring at Mason with triumph in her eyes, Tiffany pulled her beautiful companion closer, looping her arms around the woman’s waist and kissing her neck gently. Nevertheless, she did not break Mason’s gaze as she replied.

‘Don’t worry, Sasha, he won’t be staying long. After all, me and you have a hot date on the way, don’t we?’

Sasha nodded with a smile, groaning softly as she rubbed up against Tiffany’s nubile body. Both were knee deep in Tiffany’s pool and their supple skin glowed in the warm sun.

Overwhelmed with despair, Mason sank to his knees as he stared at the woman who had once been his girlfriend.

To anybody else, Sasha would have been completely unrecognisable: her once pale skin was now a deep ebony, her straw-coloured hair was black as midnight, and her formerly skinny physique was toned, athletic and undeniably enticing, with plump tits and a fleshy ass that put her original ironing board figure to shame.

Yet echoes of Mason’s love still remained. The curve of her lips when she smiled, the way she tilted her head curiously to look at him, the bubbly giggles as Tiffany pulled up her bikini top and began fondling her nipples – it was the tiny details that assured him beyond all doubt this woman had once been Sadie. His Sadie.

And now she had been transformed. Corrupted. Worse still, she could not even remember him. Though he searched desperately, Mason could not find even a glimmer of recognition in her eyes, and in that moment his heart shattered completely.

Tiffany chuckled again as she continued to massage Sasha’s soft tits, her unyielding glare piercing down to Mason’s soul.

‘I warned you you’d regret pissing me off, Mason. I bet you thought you were being so brave refusing to do my coursework for me, didn’t you? I bet you bragged to that flat-chested prude Sadie that you’d stood up to me. But nobody crosses me and gets away with it. Maybe this will teach you to be a good boy and do as you’re told next time.’ A cruel smile on her lips, Tiffany slipped one hand into Sasha’s bikini bottoms, prompting a gasp then a long, erotic groan as she toyed with Sasha’s clit.

Mason’s face crumpled miserably but he could not look away. ‘I’m sorry. I was wrong. I should never have said anything. But please, give her back to me. I’ll do anything. Just bring back my Sadie.’

Tiffany’s eyes were shards of ice as she glared at him. ‘No,’ she said simply.

Removing her own bra with her free hand she began grinding sensually against Sasha’s body. ‘Sasha is my bestie with benefits now, runt. Every day we’re going to go shopping for the skimpiest, sluttiest outfits we can possibly find. Every night we’re going to fuck my hot boyfriend together until his cum is dripping from all our holes. Every weekend we’re going to go partying with him and all his friends before coming back and letting them all use us like we’re whores they’re paying for. And every time we see you, we’re going to have our guys beat the shit out of you for daring to even look at us. Do you get it now, your worthless prick? This is what you get for pissing me off.’

Two black women pose topless in pool while naked man approaches from house in background

Mason felt as if Tiffany had just eviscerated him, but clearly her words had only turned Sasha on even more. Spinning around to face Mason’s bully, Sasha pulled her close so their fat tits were pressed together. ‘Oh fuck, Tiffy, stop making me so horny! I need a cock so bad right now. Please, babe, use your spell book to turn him into a hot stud for me. I need a bull to ride.’

‘He’s not worth it, beautiful. Besides, Joel will be here any minute now to show you what a real man can do.’

As if summoned by Tiffany’s words, a tall muscular man with cropped hair came striding outside. ‘Harper!’ he shouted at Mason, ‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing here? Are you annoying my girls? I’m going to fucking kill you!’

Although Joel was entirely naked, his huge cock rock hard, Mason’s blood ran cold. Tiffany’s alpha boyfriend had beaten him up enough times for Mason to know things would not end well if Joel got his hands on him.

Taking one final look at Sasha and Tiffany, he found them both grinning impishly. To drive his heartbreak home, Tiffany pulled Sasha into a passionate kiss, both of them still staring at him as tears spilled down his face.

Then Joel rounded onto Mason’s side of the pool and stormed towards him. Without a choice, Mason fled, his heart in pieces and his ears ringing with the sensual sounds of his bitchy bully making out with his corrupted girlfriend…

Thanks for reading!

So this month I’m going to be doing something a little different on my blog. Rather than release four single stories, every Friday I’ll be releasing a new instalment of a four-part miniseries. This is the first and while I know it doesn’t include my usual sexual fare, I’m hoping you’ll all be happy to follow the story as it unfolds over the next month. I know I’m biased, but I think the final result will be well worth the wait.

This story had a very weird development process. First, it started out as a single short story which basically covered everything in this part but no more. Then it unravelled into a longer multi-part piece, before that version turned out to be a decent fit for the theme of the monthly competition run on Miss Evie Hyde’s Discord server. And then once it wound up evolving into four parts I thought it would be an interesting idea to spread it out over a month’s release.

I really hope you enjoy exploring Mason’s story over the coming weeks, because I sure as hell loved writing it.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my work, so please leave me a comment!

Keep up to date with new releases by following me elsewhere:

Twitter: @Fetish_Fantasy_


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