Twisted Love – Part 7

Models: Jessa Rhodes & Ryan McLane

‘Do you really think you’re ready for this?’ Lucas smirked, echoing the words Jake had said a lifetime ago. ‘Are you ready for the best fuck of your life, gorgeous?’

Allowing her long white shirt to fall open, Jenna exposed her fat tits and sheer pink panties for him to ogle. She raised one perfect eyebrow, a smile playing on the corners of her full lips. ‘Are you?’ she said, playing along. She pushed her chest forward a little further. ‘See something you like, babe?’

‘How about you get over here and let me show you which parts of you I like?’

Jenna obliged, scampering over with a girlish giggle and leaping into his arms. Hooking her legs around his waist her hands roved over his bare back and broad shoulders, pulling him into a long, passionate kiss.

As they made out, her groin grinding against his, Lucas marched them out of the kitchen and into the lounge. Unlike the clinical white, hypermodern style of the kitchen, the lounge was much more rustic, all bare flagstones, wooden beams and comfy furniture littered with soft cushions. They had bought the mansion with the funds earned through their time with Limitless, and had even filmed a few scenes with their new co-stars in the bedrooms. Even so, the lounge was their favourite place to fuck – there was something special about making love in the warmth of the sun while looking out over the idyllic mansion grounds.

Descending into the lowered pit at the centre of the room, Lucas deposited Jenna amongst a bank of fluffy grey and brown pillows spread out in front of the fireplace. His expert hands had already done away with her shirt and underwear. She lay on the dark rug like a naked angel, peering up at him with those deep, lustful eyes.

‘You’re so fucking hot,’ he breathed as he joined her on the rug, pressing his body close to hers and slipping off his boxers.

‘So are you,’ Jenna replied.

‘I’m glad you think so. Although I’d be upset if you didn’t – you’re the one who dreamed up this body after all.’

It had been almost six months since Jenna stopped taking the Elixir, and in that time Lucas had decided it was his turn to perfect himself for her. After all, for the past two years he had methodically crafted Jenna into the epitomical embodiment of lust and desire, and though he knew she loved him with everything she had, he couldn’t help but feel that while she was the woman of his dreams, perhaps he wasn’t the lover of hers.

Fortunately, all it took to remedy that was a little Formula. Now, rather than using X-Change to switch between bodies, Lucas took a single dose of the Formula each morning instead. It was a special recipe, designed only to react to the desires of others – thus all it took was a single kiss and he would transform into whatever lover Jenna craved that day. If Jenna wanted a burly hung bull or a tattooed bad boy, then that is who Lucas would become; if she needed a curvy stacked MILF or a lithe little slut, then Lucy would find herself in that body.

Today he had the chiselled, athletic figure of a slightly older man – not old enough to be a silver fox, but certainly not a young buck either. He was disarmingly handsome and Jenna gave a soft moan as his hands explored her sumptuous body.

‘I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle all of you, baby,’ Lucas said, groping her tits gently. ‘You’re just so sexy.

Jenna giggled. ‘Don’t worry, gorgeous, I believe in you. But if you really need some motivation, there’s something I have in mind I think you’ll like.’ Rolling on top of him, she straddled his waist, teasing the head of his cock with her pussy as she leaned in close. ‘I want you to marry me, baby. I want this to be our first fuck as fiancés. Tell me you want that too.’

Lucas’ heart skipped a beat. When Lucy had started them both down this path over two years earlier, she had never imagined it would lead them here. But now Lucas knew there was nothing he wanted more than to spend the rest of his life with Jenna.

‘Of course I do, beautiful.’

So close he could hear her heartbeat, Jenna guided Lucas’ hand onto her soft ass. ‘Then let’s make it official,’ she breathed.

‘My thoughts exactly,’ Lucas smiled. Then, drawing her into a sensual kiss, he pushed her down onto his huge cock and began to thrust…

Thanks for reading!

Twisted Love is one of those stories that really took me by surprise: one day I hadn’t planned on writing anything like it, the next day I was hip deep in feminisation smut.

And I actually didn’t come up with the idea all by myself. In fact, you have one of my readers to thank if you enjoyed this.

Back in April, I released a story called Every Last Drop. It wasn’t a super long piece, but it involved descriptions of a character’s lengthy feminisation. Off the back of that, Sissy Jill commented that they thought I could write a really good longform corruption story, which was what inspired me to write this in the first place.

Sissy Jill is one of my long time readers and supporters, and while I hope everyone enjoys this miniseries, it is at least in part dedicated to them considering they sparked the idea in the first place.

So thank you so much to Sissy Jill for inspiring me to write this – I hope you enjoyed reading it, because I sure loved writing it.

And if it wasn’t already obvious, I hope this story proves I do listen to my readers. While I will never stop writing original content, if there is a story you want to see a sequel to, or a genre you would like to see me explore, I would be more than happy to hear about it! You never know, you might just wind up inspiring me!

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