Models: Valentina Nappi, Abella Danger & Jessy Jones

Brunette woman standing at club bar wearing glittery dress

She was without doubt the most beautiful woman Jack had ever seen. The subtle shimmer of her sequined dressed hugging her curves, the hypnotic allure in her large, pink-shadowed eyes, the vivid contrast of her soft brown locks against her perfect golden skin, both irresistibly touchable – it was all Jack could do not to slump to his knees drooling over her. She seemed to wear lust like a perfume, her very aura infused with sexual intent; just looking at her sparked sinful thoughts and he realised there was nothing he wouldn’t give just for the chance to fuck her.

‘Hey, are you looking at my girl?’ Even the angry voice didn’t drag Jack from his stupor – it took hands on his shirt dragging him around to face the man speaking to do that. ‘Are you deaf, loser? I’m talking to you. What do you think you’re doing eyeing up my girl?’

All at once, Jack found an angry jock in his face. The man was broad, of an athletic build, and his chiselled features were set in a furious scowl. He was just the kind of guy Jack would have expected a woman like her to fall for: a perfect specimen of masculinity who, based on the designer clothes, gold chain and expensive watch he was wearing, was more than capable of providing her a luxurious lifestyle. His dark quiff trembled as he shook Jack roughly.

‘I… I’m sorry,’ Jack stammered, suddenly realising how close he was to a beating. ‘I didn’t mean to stare… I wasn’t being rude… I just… I zoned out…’

The woman smirked as her boyfriend slammed Jack against the bar. The pathetic little loser was sheet white and as her man continued to rough him up he began to tremble, grovelling for forgiveness.

In fact, Jack was so focused on not winding up at the end of her boyfriend’s fist that she didn’t even have to rush spiking his drink.

Turning to the clutch bag she’d left on the bar she rummaged inside and produced a small purple purse. She picked through the contents carefully, taking her time to choose from the many silver strips of pills inside. Eventually she picked one out and popped one of the pills free, the word Passion etched into the bright pink surface. Daintily dropping it into Jack’s drink she waited for the X-Change capsule to dissolve completely before slipping her purse away, shouldering her clutch bag and giving her boyfriend a sharp nod.

‘Come on, Krissy,’ he said, shoving Jack against the bar with a scowl, ‘let’s get out of here. We don’t want this fucking creep leering at you all night. As for you,’ he continued as Krissy strutted up to take his arm, ‘you’re not even worth the effort to beat up. I suggest you keep your eyes to yourself next time, cunt.’

With that they strode off through the crowd, leaving Jack shaking uncontrollably. Breathless and pale, he failed to spot the couple duck into a nearby booth, from which they watched him intently.

Unwilling to stay in the club just in case they changed their mind and came to find him again, Jack took up his drink with a shaky hand, downed it in one gulp and began staggering off in the direction of the exit.

The effects of the X-Change were swift, and before he had even made it a few steps he could feel a strange tingling in his fingertips. Away from the lights of the bar, pushing his way through the darkened dancefloor, he was unable to see his cracked nails healing and growing into long, squared off talons glazed in clear gloss. Meanwhile the mental fog descending over his mind was already warping his thoughts; with all the twisting, writhing bodies around him, his arousal skyrocketed, and all he could think about was grabbing the nearest man or woman, stripping them nude and worshipping their body right there in the club.

Just lucid enough to pull himself away from the dancefloor before he did something he’d regret, Jack caught sight of the toilet door nearby. His vision was too blurred to make out which sex it was for, but he barged in anyway, desperate to get away from all the hot studs and sluts grinding up against one another around him.

By the time he reached the sanctuary of a cubicle his hair had already swept down into deep brown locks, perfectly straight and shiny as silk. His features had fashioned themselves into feminine lines too, his acne-scarred complexion now unblemished, his lips full, his brows plucked, and his alluring beauty almost a match for Krissy herself.

The remainder of his transformation took hold quickly, his orgasmic howls ringing through the bathroom. His skinny legs filled out into plump thighs and lean calves; his prominent ribs vanished beneath blossoming curves of soft flesh; his ass swelled up while a pair of supple breasts erupted from his chest. But it was the sudden retreat of his dick that threatened to drive him completely insane, the orgasmic ecstasy of a virgin pussy forming in its place blinding him for several minutes. When he came to his senses, Jack found himself panting and dizzy slumped on the toilet lid.

But the name Jack no longer felt right. Even thinking it felt wrong, like a misplaced jigsaw piece.

Jaz, she thought, and the name fit perfectly in place. Yes, Jaz. That sounds better.

Glancing down, she found the transformation had altered her attire too. With the crinkled shirt and faded jeans Jack had been wearing gone, Jaz was wrapped in the tight embrace of a stylish red dress which hugged her sublime curves like a lover. Patches of skin were visible through the cut-outs down the side and her cleavage was on show through an open section across the chest, while her look was complemented by sleek black heels and an assortment of dazzling jewellery.

All at once, she had the compulsion to admire herself in the bathroom mirrors. The moment she opened the cubicle door, however, a new desire overcame her in a heartbeat.

Krissy and her boyfriend were stood against the bathroom door, smirking smugly.

‘You were very noisy in there, hot stuff,’ the jock said with a wicked grin. ‘Anyone would think you were enjoying yourself.’

‘You,’ Jaz seethed, fixing him with a piercing stare. ‘You did this to me.’ The memories of her former life were faded, indistinct, but they were there beneath her raging lust nonetheless, and she knew there could be no other culprit for her transformation than the scheming couple.

Striding across to him, she slammed him up against the wash basin and pressed herself so close to him her lips were almost on his.

‘Oh, you don’t have me to thank for that. I was just the distraction. You can thank Krissy here for your current situation.’ Jaz wasn’t listening though. Sinking down to her knees, her hands were already fiddling with his jeans and in a few seconds she had his rigid cock pulled free. His grin grew even broader as she took it in her soft hands. ‘But I’ll happily take the punishment,’ he chuckled.

Busty woman with black hair masturbates man with tits and gives him oral sex while encouraged by brunette woman

Jaz moved on instinct. Bowing her head, she took his cock deep, her supple lips gliding over the shaft as though it was her only purpose. Within a few seconds she was bobbing her head hungrily, savouring the salty kick blossoming over her tastebuds. Desire roared through her, intoxicating and irresistible, and she eagerly abandoned all thought of the man she’d been before – being Jack had never felt this good, and all she wanted was more.

‘Fuck, you taste so good, stud,’ she groaned, pulling away and eyeing him with a mixture of lust and loathing.

‘The name’s Ivo,’ he replied. ‘I suggest you learn it, since you’ll be screaming it once you’re riding my dick like the slut you are.’

She gave him a mischievous smile, her teeth speckled with pearly droplets of precum. ‘Well I’m Jaz. I’d be careful what you wish for – once I start riding you, you won’t even be able to form the words to scream my name.’

Krissy came up beside her then, an equally impish smirk on her lips. ‘Oh, I like her baby. She’s the hottest bitch we’ve ever turned. She’s so naughty and bad. I mean she didn’t even hesitate, she just dropped to her knees straight away and started going down on you. She’s such a fucking nympho for your dick.’

‘I’m not just hot for him, babe,’ Jaz said. Turning her head to face Krissy, Jaz snaked one arm behind the brunette’s back and pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss.

Their combined moan set Ivo’s cock twitching, but hotter still was the increasing violence to their movements. As they continued to kiss, Jaz reached around to spank and grope Krissy’s fat ass, while Krissy herself wrenched down the bust of Jaz’s dress and set about squeezing the slut’s tits so hard her knuckles went white. Writhing up against one another, they groaned sensually and when they eventually parted lips they were both breathless.

The kiss seemed to have unlocked something in Krissy. Devilish deviance flashed over her features, a sinister grin warping her full, pink lips. Taking Jaz by the shoulders she pivoted her back to face Ivo. Embracing her gently, she squashed Jaz’s fleshy tits together into deep cleavage, which she then guided towards Ivo’s waiting cock.

The new slut didn’t need telling what to do. Taking hold of his dick, she slotted it between her breasts and promptly began jerking him off with her tits, the head of his meat slipping into her waiting mouth with every thrust.

‘That’s it, gorgeous, titty fuck that dick. You’re a dirty fucking bitch now, and me and Ivo are going to show you how to put this new body of yours to use, aren’t we, babe?’

Ivo nodded awkwardly, his head lolling about as pleasure burned through his crotch. When he replied his words were grunts broken every few seconds by shuddering groans. ‘We sure are… just… just wait until we get you home… By the end of the night… you’ll never want to turn back…’

‘Actually, she’ll be ready to make the swap permanently much sooner than that.’ Krissy wore a wicked expression as she peered up at Ivo, savouring his frown of confusion. ‘I gave her a Passion pill.’

Aroused beyond measure, Ivo’s eyes rolled back and he tangled his fingers in Jaz’s hair, fucking her throat noisily. As sloppy wet sounds rang through the bathroom, Krissy pressed herself close to the newly-minted nympho with a cunning smirk.

‘Do you know what a Passion pill does, slut? It makes your orgasms ten times as intense as any normal X-Change dose. If you even wanted to go back to being a loser at all, just one climax will change your mind about that. Then again, I don’t think you’re bothered about going back anyway, are you?’ With her head locked in Ivo’s grip and her mouth full of his cock, the only response Jaz could give was to slip one hand beneath the hem of Krissy’s dress and finger her exposed sex.

‘Mmmh, I thought not,’ Krissy said, easing back to allow Jaz’s fingers to penetrate deeper. ‘And we’ve got plenty more where that came from. Once we’re back home you can overdose on Passion pills or any other pill you like whenever you please. You’re going to be a slutty little nympho forever. And you’re going to love every second.’

Just then, Ivo’s groans shifted into breathless pants and he shuddered with the pleasure of an impending orgasm. ‘Fuck, I’m so close.’

To the couple’s surprise, Jaz wrenched herself away. ‘Not in my mouth,’ she said urgently, her bare breasts bouncing as she flicked her hair to one side. ‘Not yet, at least. I want you to brand me as your slut, baby. Cum on my tits. I want to walk out of this place with your seed dribbling down my chest, then every guy will know I’m a taken girl. Your girl.’

‘Mmmh, I like that idea,’ Krissy nodded. ‘Brand me too, baby.’ Pulling down her top, she exposed her own tits. They were smaller than Jaz’s, but no less supple and enticing.

Both women presented their breasts for Ivo to finish on, and just a few seconds later that’s exactly what he did.

By the time Ivo slumped down against the basin, both his bitches had their tits decorated in ribbons of his sticky cum. They groaned softly as the last drops spurted over them, and Jaz continued to jerk him off as he took both of them affectionately by the cheek.

‘You know, I think tonight is going to be one to remember,’ he beamed.

‘Then we shouldn’t waste any time, should we?’ Jaz replied. Rising to her feet, she pulled her dress back into position, his pearly load framed perfectly in the cut-out across the chest. ‘You turned me so you could take me home and fuck me, so I suggest you don’t leave me waiting or I’ll find some other guy to satisfy me.’

Hopping up, Krissy put her own dress back into order, admiring the dribbles of white cum adorning her bare skin like melting pearls. ‘You heard the girl, babe. Let’s break her in together.’

Sandwiched between the couple, Jaz strutted out of the bathroom with a slutty sway in her step.

As they made their way from the night club, she knew she was leaving Jack behind. The man who’d entered the club earlier that night would never leave. He’d had his chance to live, and he’d squandered it being a pathetic loser.

Now it was Jaz’s turn…

Brunette woman in glittery dress and raven-haired woman in red dress receive cumshot over their breasts from hung man in bathroom

Thanks for reading!

This is one of those scenes I’ve been wanting to write about for ages, and I am really happy with the results.

As a general rule, most of the time I will find a gallery and caption it because the images capture my imagination, while the porn scenes I personally consume tend to be kind of separate. Every so often though, I’ll watch a scene that sparks my naughtiness and I’ll hunt down the gallery for that scene and frantically write out whatever idea struck me while watching it. This was one of those scenes and if anything I think the actual scene is even hotter because it involves Asa Akira as a voyeur to the threesome, an element of the scene which sadly did not make it into the gallery itself.

As my readers will know, I’m always willing to write about an Abella Danger scene, so I have to admit this is also an exercise of indulgence, but the overall idea of a couple spiking nerds on nights out was just too hot not to write, and I think this scene captures that concept perfectly. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do!

I would love to hear your thoughts on my work, so please leave me a comment!

Keep up to date with new releases by following me elsewhere:

Twitter: @Fetish_Fantasy_


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