I just wanted to take a moment to recommend everybody go and check out the work of ShadowBornKayla. She is a long-time inspiration of mine and her newest piece reminded me just how much I enjoy her work. I couldn’t find a way to embed the story so the link is here: https://opentgc.com/post/UG9zdDphYmNjN2JlMGNjYjdjNDVkNWJhYjMzMjU3NWU3ZjEwOQ==
You will not go wrong reading her work, and you can find her Tumblr here: https://thestrangeone2380.tumblr.com/ She is in various places across the internet, including OpenTGC which is where you can find the explicit versions of her work, but wherever you follow her you won’t regret it.