Twin tattooed women in lingerie sit on staircase

‘Hey there, Peter,’ cooed the two scantily clad women lounging on the staircase, ‘looks like it’s been a long day at work.’

Peter sighed and ran one hand down his face wearily. ‘Please, girls, not today. I’m not in the mood to chat.’ Fumbling with his keys for a moment he lost his grip and they fell with a thud on the landing carpet. Swearing reflexively, he closed his eyes and focused on keeping his emotions at bay. If he let the storm of pain and anger out he would probably have kicked the door in, and it bubbled so close to the surface that even dropping his keys threatened to spark a meltdown.

The beautiful twins watched him from the stairs. They lived on the floor above Peter as part of a house share. It was a three-storey house, with the ground floor used as a communal area between the three of them, and they were nice enough to live with, but he did wish they would wear more clothes around the house. Both of them worked as exotic dancers at one of the local clubs and were shameless in waltzing around the house wearing nothing but lingerie. He had grown used to it after a while, and as a divorced man in his late forties he had little interest in girls like them anymore, though that wasn’t to say living them was all plain sailing. Their idle gossip numbed Peter’s brain and, though they were always sweet and polite, he could only handle them in small doses.

Having just been informed that morning his department was being downsized and he would be out of a job within the week, today was one of the days he could not handle them at all. He had thought he’d hit rock bottom once he split from his wife, but now with no job and the loss of his home inevitable, he truly knew what the phrase meant.

‘You look tired,’ said Priya, coming up beside him in her blue lingerie.

‘If there’s anything we can do to help,’ began her sister, Preeti, but Peter cut across her.

‘There’s not,’ he snapped before taking a deep breath and trying again more calmly. ‘There’s not. I’m sorry, girls, I just need to be alone right now.’

‘Whatever it is you’re struggling with, we can help you relax,’ Priya insisted. ‘Honestly, a little pampering goes a long way. When did you last really try to look after your skin, or your hair?’

‘It can’t hurt to give it a go, can it?’

The sisters would not have taken no for an answer, but frankly Peter did not have the energy to deny them and soon enough they had whisked him upstairs and set him down in their chair.

Close-up of makeup brushes and bottles

The desk before him was a forest of brushes, bottles, tubs and tubes, over which towered the occasional magnifying mirror. He would not have known where to begin with any of them, but their hands flew across the cornucopia of products like pilots over the controls of a cockpit.

Forcing his despondency aside he tried to follow their advice and relax. Trying to savour the experience he paid little attention to what products they were using. Instead, he focused on how it all made him feel.

To begin with they rubbed a watery cream into his skin, the cool stuff making his face feel pleasantly refreshed. Next came another cream, this time more airy, like a mousse, and they focused their work with it around his neck and down his sternum. He allowed them to unbutton his shirt a little way, reminding himself that he’d spent years watching them walk around all but naked and thus if anybody was going to be comfortable with a little minor nakedness it was the twins.

Following the creams they patted a pale purple powder across his cheeks and forehead, the smell of flowers filling his nostrils as they applied it. If he was honest, after the powder he lost track of what they were doing. For the next two hours they buzzed around him with a calm efficiency to their work. Creams and powders were only the beginning for by the time they set down their brushes they had used almost every product on the table on their weary neighbour.

As they worked, Peter felt more and more revived, so focused on the soothing sensations of each new product that he did not notice the gradual change overcoming his body. The dry shampoo they worked into his hair prompted it to bloom like flowers in springtime, sweeping slowly down his back and rejecting the encroaching grey for rich, dark locks. The multitude of balms and lotions moulded his appearance into sultry, mesmerising features, complete with piercing eyes and sharp brows. Bright lipstick plumped his lips, moisturisers rejuvenated his skin leaving it soft and sumptuous, while the foundation seemed almost to bond with his flesh to leave him richly tanned. Like a waterfall of beauty, the physical changes cascaded slowly down his body, giving him perky tits, admirable curves, a plump ass and long, shiny legs.

By the time they had finished, Peeta’s office trousers hung loose in the absence of her bulging gut, while her shirt had been discarded leaving her torso bare. Beneath her breasts was a large yet delicate tattoo, and when the twins finally presented her a mirror she squeaked with delight at her reflection.

‘O-M-G, I look amazing. I feel amazing. I’ve not felt this good in years. To think I almost turned you down when you offered to pamper me. You didn’t have to do this for me, girls.’

‘Don’t be silly,’ Priya purred, admiring the work of art she and her sister had made with their magic makeup, ‘we don’t like seeing you upset.’

‘Exactly,’ added her sister. ‘We’ve wanted to do something special for you since we first met. Today you really looked like you needed a pick me up.’

‘This is the best pick me up I could have ever asked for,’ Peeta sighed, continuing to admire her reflection. The floral scent of the numerous products that had transformed her still filled her nose, and the fact she had started the day as a man didn’t seem to matter.

Latina woman sits naked on sunbed by pool

‘We’re just glad to have a new best friend,’ smiled the sisters.

After her makeover, Peeta and the twins were all but inseparable. Peeta was quickly accepted as a dancer at their club and she soon found she far preferred grinding her hot new body on the pole while having notes slipped into her underwear to the soulless office job she had left behind. Together they turned their house into a paradise of magic makeup and pampering, which they often indulged in together.

Recently, they made the choice to holiday together, and with Peeta around even the beautiful twins could not compete when it came to drawing the eye of the handsome guys around the pool. By the time they headed home, she had learned for the first time what it was like use her new body to its fullest potential.

Peeta was so comfortable with her makeover, in fact, that soon after they returned home she suggested to the twins that the next time they head abroad they choose a nudist hotel instead. They just arrived this morning, and already Peeta is attracting a lot of attention. Glancing coyly at the swarms of men eyeing her up, she is wondering how many of them she will be able to drag under the covers before they leave in two weeks’ time…

Thanks for reading!

The models used in this piece are Preeti and Priya, and Canela Skin. Preeti and Priya aren’t exactly models in the same way as Skin – by which I mean they’re not porn stars, although I suppose that depends on how you define porn star in general. To me, porn stars are adult models who engage in intercourse of some kind, be that oral, anal or anything else of a similar nature. As far as I can tell, their work does not and has never contained actual intercourse, however they have produced masturbation and JOI videos, so they definitely tread the line. Anyway, they’re also fairly self-managed from what I understand and therefore I’ve linked to their actual website rather than their PornHub profile, which you can explore at your leisure.

Skin is a model I am more familiar with. For anyone who likes Latina women, Skin is sure to be a favourite and I can highly recommend her massage videos in particular, but then massage videos are a favourite of mine whoever is in them so I’m definitely biased. If you are a porn fan, Skin’s name is probably a familiar one to you, but either way you should certainly take some time to check out her very steamy work.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my work, so please leave me a comment!

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