As the plastic blonde probed her tongue into Kyra’s mouth, the young woman felt her concerns melt away. Of course Tammi hadn’t come back last night – why would she ever want to leave this place? Of course Kyra was going to stay with her – the villa was so much better than that crummy hotel she was staying at, after all. Maybe her friends would pay a bit more attention now two of their party had gone missing, but she didn’t think they’d have the intellect to find the villa.
She and the girls had been saving for this holiday for the better part of a year and though they hadn’t been able to afford any more than a rundown hotel on the outskirts of town, they were determined to enjoy themselves. Spending most of their time out partying, the week had been a blast so far, but last night things had taken a turn for the worst.
Tammi had left the club with a hot blonde woman who had spent the night doting on her, but noon the following day she had not returned and Kyra had started to worry, especially when her texts and calls went unanswered. She had tried to explain the urgency of Tammi’s disappearance on the girls, but they were all still too drunk to pay much attention, so Kyra had set off to find her friend herself.
Fortunately, the girls had all downloaded a tracking app before they arrived for just this kind of situation. Following the app directions, they led her to a sprawling, lavish villa on the edge of town – more of a tropical mansion really. The sun had been setting when she arrived and the beautiful blonde had opened the gate, smiling as she recognised Kyra.
‘Ah, you’re Tammi’s friend, aren’t you? I wondered if one of her friends might join us tonight. Please, come in.’
As she was led through the mansion, Kyra was shocked to find it thronging with attractive young men and women. Dressed in either loose silk bathrobes or revealing bathing costumes, they strode about in groups large and small, their hands constantly wandering over one another’s bodies to pluck at bikinis and tug open shawls. Though Kyra tried to avert her gaze, there was nowhere she could look but straight ahead, and that was a view full of the blonde woman’s plump ass, which was barely concealed in a tiny red thong, though even then she caught glimpses of cock and pussy as she passed by.

Coming out by the pool, Kyra had blanched. The poolside furniture was dominated by a writhing mass of naked bodies, an orgy some twenty members strong with more were joining all the time. If it weren’t for her concern for Tammi, she would have bolted immediately.
A moment later she paled a second time as Tammi came bounding from amongst the bodies to squeeze her in a hug. Her friend was barely recognisable, her body now plastic and bimbofied, but there was just enough of the girl Kyra knew left for her to know who she was.
‘You’ve come to join us!’ Tammi shrieked giddily.
Reeling with shock, Kyra had started backing away. ‘I don’t understand. What have you done to her? I have to get out of here. I have to tell the others.’
‘Oh but you can’t leave so soon,’ cooed the blonde woman, blocking Kyra’s escape, ‘you haven’t had any fun yet. Tell her Tammi.’
‘That’s right, Kyra, the villa loves having new guests. It’s a special place – you just have to let it speak to you.’ Then they were dragging Kyra into the passionate fucking, stripping off her clothes and pulling her among the bodies.
Soon she didn’t want to struggle anymore. Their skin on hers felt like an angel’s kiss, their moans set her pussy dripping, and the more Tammi and the woman blessed her body with their perfect lips the more Kyra realised how horny she was. Tammi had been right: the villa was speaking to her. It weaved into her thoughts, twisting them into naughty schemes of desire and passion, and as the power of the villa washed over her she willingly succumbed.
‘You see, doesn’t it feel good letting the villa take control?’ Tammi purred, caressing her friend as the blonde began to descend to Kyra’s clit.
‘Yes, oh yes,’ Kyra moaned, growing hornier by the minute. In a burst of motion, she snatched up bother her phone and Tammi’s and tossed them into the pool. ‘Those bitches will never find us now. They left me to find you by myself so this is their punishment – they don’t deserve this pleasure.’
The blonde giggled devilishly. ‘Oh, I like her, Tammi. She is a feisty one. She’s going to be such a perfect whore once her transformation is complete.’
‘What… what do you mean?’ Kyra gasped as Tammi began sucking on her nipples.
‘Ah yes, we haven’t told you, have we? The villa has a special gift for every guest: it gives you the perfect body. The first time you fuck here you are blessed with a body built for pleasure. Speaking of which – Anton, come over here. Let’s show the new girl how good it feels to be a filthy whore…’

Thanks for reading!
I know I’ve used this gallery twice over the last few months, but really you can hardly blame me: it’s just so fucking hot! As a rule I tend not to reuse galleries, but in truth this was kind of accidental since I wrote this and Welcome to the Neighbourhood at quite different times and I generally forgot I’d used it already. I really love both stories though and I’m glad they’re both out there now.
Given this is an orgy scene there are way too many models for me to justifiably source, so for the purposes of this story I’ll simply link to the work of the models playing the main three characters: Kira Noir, Nicolette Shea and Lela Star. If you wish to explore the work of all the other models, or just watch the film for this scene in general, it is called Brazzers House 3: Episode 4.
All three models are well worth your time. Avid readers of my work will know Noir appeared recently in Fantasy Resort, so you can go check out Chapter 10: The Heart’s Desire if you want to know my feelings on her (hint: she’s addictively hot). Meanwhile, Shea showed up in Welcome to the Neighbourhood. She is pretty much the bimbo, and if you’re into totally plastic whores, they don’t come much better than her. As for Star, she’s one of those models I always intend to watch but never manage to find the time for. I definitely intend to watch her work in the future since she really is a true bombshell, and I hope you will all join me in doing so because she deserves your attention just as much as her co-stars.
I would love to hear your thoughts on my work, so please leave me a comment!
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