Models: Brad Knight & Veronica Leal

Despite the warm cosiness of the room around them, Fae’s thoughts were an endless stream of wicked desires. It had been almost a year since she last saw her man and now they were together again she couldn’t decide how to put her longing for him into practice first. Every year it was the same: each minute they were apart she would ache for him, her body yearning for his touch, her soul desperate for his embrace, yet when they finally reunited she never knew where to begin.
After hundreds of years together, Fae still marvelled that Enzi’s presence could fill her with such unfathomable lust. Yet as she straddled his leg and stroked his chest through his unbuttoned shirt, Fae craved him just as much as she had on their first Christmas together.
As usual, Enzi’s eyes were locked on her cleavage. ‘How is it that ever year you make me want you more?’ he asked, one hand resting on her ass.
‘Is it me you want, or is it these tits in your face?’ Fae pushed her chest forward. ‘This ass in your hands?’ She rubbed her rump against his palm. ‘This pussy on your lips?’ She rolled her hips and bit her lip.
‘All of the above,’ Enzi grinned, his eyes alight with barely suppressed mischief.
Fae and Enzi were both members of the Naughty & Nice Department, otherwise known as List-Makers. Their job was to go out into the human world and assess which children belonged on the Naughty List that year, and which ones deserved a spot on the Nice List.
A side effect of spending so much time amongst the mortals was that all the List-Makers had gradually become a part of legend and folklore. Fae, for instance, was better know to the humans as the Sugarplum Fairy. Enzi, meanwhile, was the inspiration for the Nutcracker Doll – not that he cared for that name these days. After all, his old title was a bit of a mouthful for Fae to moan when riding his cock. Fortunately, over time Fae had labelled him with the pet name NC, which in turn had given way to Enzi, and for their last several hundred Yuletide reunions that was the name she’d used to beg for more.
Unsurprisingly, after nearly twelve months away from home all the List-Makers were in dire need of erotic relief. As such, while Santa’s elves worked tirelessly to make sure everything was set for the big night, the N&N Department were busy unleashing all their suppressed carnality.
Although several List-Makers were willing to play around, most – including Fae and Enzi – were exclusive. The Little Drummer Boy, for instance, had spent the past few hundred Christmases riding Krampus’ huge cock, the rosy-cheeked twink’s wails audible throughout the Grotto as he was railed by his monstrously hung daddy. Ironically, Jack Frost and the Snow Queen fucked with such hot, steamy passion they could have melted half an icecap. And while their associates were spending time one on one, the fifty List-Makers who had inspired the humanoid members of the Twelve Days of Christmas – the eight maids, nine ladies, ten lords, eleven pipers and twelve drummers – spent their time in the Grotto indulging in an orgy so insatiably depraved that any curious elf who dared sneak a peek would vanish until the List-Makers departed again, at which point they would be found naked, cum-soaked, and stark raving mad with lust. None had ever been rehabilitated – they were simply left to goon mindlessly until their Masters and Mistresses returned to fuck them into oblivion all over again.
This year Fae had been the first to arrive at their rooms in Santa’s Grotto. With a few clicks of her fingers she had set up a very cosy scene: low-lighting, a crackling fire, presents for her man spread on the sofa and the mantelpiece and all around the base of the tall, twinkling Christmas tree. Of course, she had also slipped into Enzi’s favourite lingerie set, and when he finally arrived she had watched lust flare in his eyes as he ogled her nubile figure.
Fae had to give her lover credit, he was restraining himself exceptionally well. In general they were already halfway to their first orgasm by now, but tonight they had both managed to maintain their composure.
Well, mostly. Because despite their overall control, neither of them had been able to resist conjuring up a mattress and bedsheets on the floor the moment they laid eyes on one another. Their bedroom was barely a few steps away, but after a year apart even that seemed too far.
‘Are you ready, baby?’ Fae asked. Raising a hand, she felt a thrill of anticipation zip through her as a glass perfume bottle appeared on her palm.
Enzi’s face was a thing of sordid glee. Mirroring her movement, he likewise produced a bottle from thin air, this one brimming with aftershave. ‘Always,’ he replied.
With that, the two lovers sprayed themselves liberally with their respective fragrances – fragrances packed with so much magic and mischief that Fae and Enzi couldn’t help but groan as the particles settled onto their flesh.
Even though she had experienced the same enchantment hundreds of times before, Fae knew she would never get used to it. The perfume’s magic had a will of its own – a consciousness driven by sinful intent – and as it spread through her body she surrendered herself to it, allowing it to infiltrate her mind without resistance. Under its thrall her mind was nothing more than clay waiting for the magic to mould her into something new. And mould her it did.
A heartbeat later Fae cried out in surprise. Suddenly embarrassed by her lack of clothes, she curled in on herself while doing her best to conceal her cleavage and crotch. As she did so an image flashed abruptly through her mind: a nervous virgin, anxious about her body and unversed in the pleasures of the flesh.
Panic rose quickly through her core. But before Fae could fully regain her bearings, she found herself lifted into the air by strong arms. Flipped onto her back, she landed hard. The impact scattered her nervous thoughts enough that when she felt a hand pulling off her panties she didn’t have the desire to resist.
The next moment desire was the only thing she was capable of.

Fae’s initial shriek ricocheted through the room like a captive shooting star. Enzi’s tongue delved deep between her folds, lapping up her nectar hungrily and sending waves of euphoria crashing through her with ruthless efficiency. Within seconds he had folded her legs back to allow himself better access, one powerful hand pinning her thigh down so that her knees were beside her shoulders. His grip was strong, though Fae was too disoriented by her first ever pussy-licking to even speak, let alone reject his advances.
Of course, tonight wasn’t the first time Enzi had eaten Fae out – in reality he had done so innumerable times before. But thanks to the corrupted fairy’s magical perfume, it felt like her first time and the barrage of euphoria was so fierce that it soon eroded her wails into whimpers.
Overwhelmed, Fae’s face froze. Groans continued to froth on her open lips and her eyes were closed as her system tried and failed to process the new sensations. Paralysed by pleasure she did not respond when Enzi reached up to pull off her bra. Nor did she react when he sloughed off his own jacket to expose his muscular torso. All she could do was lie there and tremble at the mercy of his enthusiastic oral attention.
A small part of Fae knew her personality had changed. She knew that just seconds earlier she had been desperate to get in Enzi’s pants, her fingers itching to caress his skin or tangle in his hair. But just because she knew it, that didn’t mean she could reverse the shift. That version of herself was like a photograph: a glimpse of a past she could not return to. And even as uncertainty and ecstasy warred within her, she knew Enzi was also experiencing an all-new persona.
Personality theft was a hobby Fae and Enzi had picked up over two hundred years ago, and they had been addicted to it ever since.
Although their role as List-Makers involved them assessing whether mortal children were considered Naughty or Nice, the adults could also fit in the same two categories. And while N&N Department regulations forbade them from using any magic on children, there was nothing preventing Fae and Enzi from bewitching the grown-ups.
The enchantment imbued in their fragrance bottles was simple yet effective: all they had to do was unscrew the top and the spell would steal the personality of the closest mortal. In doing so, it would completely reverse the subject’s persona. After Fae had stolen the psyche of this shy virgin, for example, her victim had been left as a flirty escort who drew every eye as she strutted off down the street in crop top and hotpants that left little to the imagination. As always, reality warped to accept the new woman, all while the original was stored safe and sound in Fae’s magic bottle.
Over the course of the year she would repeat the act over and over, warping nerds into nymphos and bimbos into bookworms whenever the whim took her. With each stolen personality her bottle would fill a little more, ready for the night when she and Enzi finally reunited and she could experience all those pilfered psyches for herself. By the time they had to separate again their bottles would be empty, all the personalities used up in a month of delirious passion, the glass vessel just waiting to be refilled throughout the next year.
As intense as the sensation of Enzi’s lapping tongue was to Fae’s new mind, deep down she knew this was only the beginning. Because once they sprayed their magic fragrances, neither Fae nor Enzi had any control over which personalities they assumed. Or when.
As if triggered by the thought, Fae’s next persona came rushing in: a slutty queen bee who takes pleasure from whoever she wants, whenever she wants it.
‘Fuck yes. That’s it, baby. Suffocate on my cunt. Worship it. You’re my plaything now, and there’s nothing you can do to resist me.’
Deviant satisfaction flashed through Fae’s mind as she recalled the transformation that had overcome the queen bee after she fell prey to the magic perfume: with all her naughtiness leeched away she was reduced to a pitiful prude, the kind of woman who valued brains over bust size and whose downturned gaze spoke to a lifetime spent completing the homework of superior sluts.

Eager to teach Enzi his place, Fae lowered her legs to press her feet against his neck. Tensing her thighs she forced his face harder into her crotch and was rewarded by the thick muscle of his tongue delving deeper between her folds.
Giggling fiendishly she used her feet to guide his rhythm. On one occasion Enzi pulled away before she was ready, a transgression he was immediately punished for when Fae wrapped her legs tight around his head and clamped him against her sex until his limbs were flailing. After that all the bravado he had shown when manhandling her before faded away and she was left with a doting pussy-licker.
Even so, when Enzi’s personality shifted Fae noticed it immediately. It wasn’t just the rhythm of his tongue that changed, it was the intent behind it too. So far he had been eating her out with the sole intention of turning her on, his tongue consistently running over her clit and sinking between her pussy folds as deep as it could go; there had been no sensuality in his attention, just carnal hunger.
But now Enzi savoured every second feeding on her sex. The strokes of his tongue were slower, softer, doting on her pussy rather than ravaging it. His grip on her hips was no longer the firm grasp of a hunk keeping his writhing sex doll in position, but the gentle touch of a man distracted by the only task that mattered. Drunk on her pussy nectar he devoted himself to her satisfaction – and somehow that was even hotter than having him feast.
Unsurprisingly, Fae’s new persona wasn’t used to such treatment. Her lovers rarely had enough brains to spell passion, let alone deliver it, and the unexpected shift took her completely by surprise. Her head tipping back over the edge of the mattress she gasped and groaned as her chest heaved with lust.
‘Who were you?’ she managed. ‘Before you shifted just now, who were you?’ Her hands trembled as she clutched the bedsheets tight.
Lifting his head Enzi recited the memory of his first personality. ‘A seasoned womaniser who can make a slut of any lady he lures to bed.’
‘And now? Who are you now?’
‘A service sub who craves nothing more than the chance to satisfy his lover’s sinful needs.’
Sensing the opportunity to make Enzi obey her, Fae’s queen bee bitchiness tried to take control of the situation. But even as she spoke her voice was tight with pleasure and her grip on the sheets had sent her knuckles white. ‘In that case I suggest you put that tongue to use you pathetic little–’
The rest of Fae’s sentence collapsed into an orgasmic groan as Enzi willingly pressed his face against her crotch once more. For a queen bee used to wrestling with her lovers for the chance to be on top, having a man who both submitted to being her plaything and committed himself to her pleasure was too much to process. All Fae could do was moan and writhe as her submissive stud supercharged her lust in ways no dumb bull ever could.
This was the thing Fae loved most about stealing personalities. Under ordinary circumstances, the queen bee would have instantly rejected a service sub like Enzi; similarly, he would have considered her much too arrogant to be worth his time. But thanks to their magic bottles, two wildly different personas suddenly found themselves on a collision course. And from that point on the possibilities were endless.
When Enzi finally lifted his head, he had shifted again.
‘An alpha jock who likes his women shallow and cockdumb. Now that’s a personality I can get onboard with.’ His eyes glittering, he wiped the smears of pussy juice from his face. ‘I’ve gone down on you until you wailed. Tell me, babe, are you ready to return the favour?’
Although Fae was still shuddering from the attention of his previous persona, Enzi’s words had revitalised her slutty streak. As he lay back she eagerly scrambled to join him. Coiling one hand around the base of his flagpole cock she planted her knees next to his shoulder and gave a soft groan as he looped one arm beneath her and reached up to grope her plump ass.
However, the queen bee never got to taste Enzi’s rod. Because the moment she sealed her lips around his shaft, Fae’s personality shifted again.

A quiet bookworm who dreams of living out the fantasies written in the erotica she loses herself in every night.
For a few seconds Fae froze as her brain struggled to process what was happening. She had a cock on her mouth! A big, fat, juicy cock, the kind she had dreamed of gorging on for as long as she could remember.
Then something inside her snapped and Fae began to bob her head. She started slowly, her lips gliding in long, gentle strokes up and down the length of Enzi’s impressive manhood. But the longer she fed on him the more confident she became, and after several minutes she had assumed a regular rhythm that filled the air with hot, wet slurping sounds.
‘Mmmh, good girl,’ Enzi said. ‘You’re such a hungry little whore for my cock. It’s all you want, all you can think about. And it’s all yours, baby. You don’t ever have to stop – you can just suck, and suck, and suck until your brains are mush and your throat is my cocksleeve.’
As she eagerly worked Enzi’s dick, Fae remembered being particularly proud of the transformation the spell had induced in this victim. After her personality had been stolen, the former bookworm had been corrupted into a silicone-filled bimbo on the arm of her very own bull. Although her brains had been leeched away, her blissful smile as she had sauntered away with her man’s hand brazenly clamped on her ass had made it obvious that she was living her dream life.
Right now, that was a sensation Fae understood all too well. All those nights spent indulging in fictional fantasies now fuelled her lust. All those daydreams of seizing the nearest handsome man and having her way with him now drove her to swallow Enzi deeper. And with the gruff encouragement of her lover in her ears, Fae groaned around Enzi’s cock as a bud of sluttiness took root and unfurled its petals inside her.
From there the seedling grew rapidly. Soon enough her thoughts grew sluggish, bogged down in thick, cloying lust that simultaneously drove her increasingly ravenous movements and sapped away her conscious thought until she was acting only on instinct.
Fae wasn’t quite sure whether her deterioration was due to Enzi’s intoxicating presence or years of repressed desires clawing their way to their surface, but either way the end result was the same: with eyes rolling and throat full, she descended into cockdumb euphoria.
The corrupted bookworm had no idea how long she spent gorging on her man. All she knew was that by the time he coiled a hand in her hair and lifted her up, her lips were coated in frothy saliva, her throat was laced with his seed, and thick ropes of cum dangled in pearlescent strands from her cheeks and chin.
Eyes glazed, jaw slack and blissfully brainless, Fae didn’t even really see Enzi as he twisted her around to face him.
However, before Enzi could manhandle her into position to use one of her other holes, a personality-shifting shudder ran through them both.

The influx of her new persona robbed the strength from Fae’s body and she slumped down onto Enzi’s muscular chest with a soft sigh.
A sensual decadent with a taste for all things gentle and amorous.
The sensations of her new mind washed over her one after another. The way skin-to-skin contact sent her arousal surging; the shiver that tickled her spine as Enzi’s hands settled on her back and ass without realising both were turn-on spots for her new personality; the fresh urge to meet his gaze and lose herself in it.
When Fae did lock eyes with her man a smile spread over her pretty face: she saw herself in those eyes. The same sensual decadence, the same relish for the softer side of depravity. Purely by chance, their ever-shifting personalities had conjured up a perfect match.
‘I love you, Enzi,’ Fae breathed. Flipping her hair over to one side she traced the line of her lover’s jaw with delicate fingers.
Enzi raised an eyebrow with a smirk. ‘Is that you speaking or the personality you stole?’
‘Both. She loves any opportunity to succumb to temptation, and I love being in your arms. So right now there’s nowhere either of us would rather be than right here.’
‘You know, considering all the twisted, wicked changes we’ve made to unsuspecting mortals over the years, you make it sound almost romantic.’
A flash of mischief crossed Fae’s expression. ‘Isn’t every romance a little wicked deep down? Beneath the passion and the pet names and the flirting, there’s always an erotic darkness hidden away. The mortals think that love and lust oppose each other, but they’re wrong. They’re one and the same. True love is just what happens when you find someone whose darkness matches your own.’
For a few seconds Enzi simply stared at her, gazing deep into her eyes with an unreadable expression.
Then the hand on Fae’s ass squeezed tighter and the other pulled her harder against his chest. ‘In that case, I guess your darkness completes me babe, because I love you too.’
With that he was kissing her, his tongue slipping between her cum-smeared lips to wind around her own. Despite the sensual natures of their personas there was no softness in the action: they kissed hard and rough, the room dancing with the wet sounds of their sparring lips. Consumed by a sudden desperation for one another, their hands roved frantically, stroking and clawing and groping as they frantically tried to vent the storm of horniness roiling inside them.
When Fae slid her knees up beside Enzi’s hips he was quick to respond. Clamping his hands around her waist he raised her higher, allowing her to lift one leg, plant her foot alongside his thigh, and spread her twinkling pussy wide.
Inevitably, a heartbeat later Enzi was stretching it wider still.
Continuing to make out hungrily, their united groan as Enzi plunged inside Fae was imprisoned by their sealed lips and eventually crushed between their jousting tongues. But while the first was flattened, once Fae began bouncing her hips and taking him deep their orgasmic cries came thick and fast, forcing them to swallow one another’s lust over and over again.
United in ecstasy, Fae and Enzi burned with lust. The bedsheets rustled beneath them as Fae’s riding became increasingly slutty and eventually Enzi started thrusting up to meet her descending hips, the resultant slap ricocheting around the room. Neither Fae nor Enzi was lucid enough to notice when their personalities changed again, but when they did the carnal couple completely abandoned any semblance of sensuality in favour of raw, primal rutting.
With the lights of the tree bathing their depravity in a cosy glow, the fairy and the soldier surrendered themselves to the sordid magic. And as the line between naughty and nice blurred, Fae and Enzi filled the room with shameless groans as they gleefully descended into a world of endless nymphomania…

Thanks for reading!
I’ll admit that this may actually be one of my favourite Christmas stories I’ve ever written because while I personally think it’s super hot, it’s also kind of dumb and I love that about it. As a general rule I’m a fan of worldbuilding and of stories that don’t take themselves especially seriously, and this one allowed me to indulge in both those pleasures.
For instance, did this piece need an extensive paragraph about what sordid endeavours all the other Christmas-themed characters got up to at Santa’s Grotto? Absolutely not. Did it even really need to focus on the Sugar Plum Fairy or the Nutcracker at all? No – it could just as easily have been about a random magical couple and it would still have worked just fine. However, by just letting my imagination run wild and come up with those added details I was able to have so much fun writing this piece and ultimately that’s what writing is all about: enjoyment. Sometimes that enjoyment comes from tackling a new or challenging technique or format; other times it comes from warping Santa’s Grotto into an uninhibited hive of hedonism.
As mentioned last week, this is the last of my Christmas-themed stories for the year, but I have two New Year pieces on the way, the first of which is scheduled for release on New Year’s Eve. Hopefully I’ll see you then, and of course I hope everybody who celebrates had a wonderful Christmas.
Image galleries: https://www.pornhat.com/albums/125770/christmas-came-early-3/ https://www.imagefap.com/pictures/11852951/Veronica%20Leal%20-%20Christmas%20Came%20Early