Models: Alexa Scout & Robin Banks

When he decided to make a deal with a demon, Brock wasn’t sure what to expect. However, as he sat on his bed beside the scantily clad demoness with a seemingly endless scroll winding over the unmade bed of his spare room, he could safely say that this wasn’t it. Brock had summoned her with a simple request: to make him a truly irresistible lover. He had assumed that deal would involve copious amounts of shameless depravity – but so far it was all paperwork.

Then again, though the situation was strange the demoness herself was stranger still. Brock supposed it made sense for a lust demon to be attractive, though the gorgeous woman who had popped out of thin air when he cast the summoning spell had come as quite a surprise. The red skin, sharp horns and forked tail he had imagined were entirely absent, and instead he was faced with possibly the hottest slut he had ever laid eyes on.

Even now, as he watched her tap a finger thoughtfully on her overplump lips, he struggled to process her beauty. She was all curves: fat tits, fatter ass and long, enticing legs he could have spent forever caressing. On the rare occasions he managed to tear his gaze away from her stunning figure he was met by deep, soulful eyes he wanted to drown in. Those eyes were crowned by razor-sharp brows and dusted in glittery shadow that complemented the blush on her cheeks and the glistening gloss of her lips. Surrounding it all her long wavy hair seemed to fluctuate between brown and auburn depending on the light, the dark shades contrasting with the warm tone of her soft flesh.

That flesh was in no short supply, for her attire was about as risqué as it was possible to get without being naked. The cups of her bra were composed of silver chains strung between leather straps which framed her ample tits while doing nothing to hide her modesty. Aside from this, she wore only fishnets: fishnet sleeves, fishnet stockings and fishnet panties, to be exact, the latter of which bulged with a prominent she-cock fringed by trimmed pubic hair. Although her outfit hugged her incredible figure tightly, Brock couldn’t help wishing he could hold her tighter still.

‘Let’s see,’ she said, continuing to press a sharp pink nail against her lower lip. ‘I think that’s about everything. I can’t think of anything else to add to our contract. So, are you ready to sign?’

‘Fuck yes,’ Brock said, trying and failing not to let his impatience show. After appearing in his bedroom, the demoness had paused only long enough to introduce herself as Larissa before setting to work putting together a contract for their deal; that had been over an hour ago, and what had started out as a small slip of parchment was now a scroll at least three times as long as Brock was tall. He had stopped paying attention to what Larissa was adding to the contract after the first five minutes.

When a quill appeared in his hand, Brock immediately leaned over to sign on the line Larissa presented to him. The nib had barely even left the parchment when the scroll abruptly vanished.

‘So, what happens now?’ Brock asked as the quill likewise disappeared from his hand.

Larissa’s smile was a gash of savage evil across her pretty face. ‘Now you learn what it feels like to be the fuckdoll of a demoness.’

The pleasure hit Brock like an avalanche. The air was blown from his lungs as his entire body suddenly flared with erotic energy, bursting from his lips in a shrill wail that sounded far more feminine than his ordinary voice. Although that wasn’t much of a surprise given what was happening to the rest of him.

Brock had always prided himself on his broad, beefy figure, but now that physique was crumpling in on itself. Muscles melted in a heartbeat, leaving his limbs and torso toned yet lean, while his shoulders contracted to almost half their original width with the keen sound of crunching bone. His thick fingers became slender, his huge feet dainty, his vein-riddled flesh smooth and pale. If he hadn’t been crippled by orgasmia the abrupt loss of height and weight would have left him reeling, but as it was the transformation immediately sapped all his strength and led him to collapse into a writhing heap on the unmade bed.  

Like everything else Brock’s skull contracted, the bone creaking noisily as it shrank. Seemingly caught off guard by the abrupt compression his features raced to keep up, migrating inwards to assume the correct proportions for his narrower visage. Within seconds his angular jaw, wide-set eyes and thick nose had all be honed into a far more sultry appearance: brown eyes peered from beneath long lashes and thick winged liner; supple lips shuddered as he groaned; all while the soft lines of his new features oozed sensual beauty. Seemingly as an afterthought dense waves of hair burst from his bald scalp and unfurled down to his shoulders, initially dyed blonde but darkening to natural brunette towards the roots.

Amidst Brock’s desperate convulsions his clothes simply burned away. The deterioration was so fast Brock initially thought they had been ripped off, but when he managed to glance down he found that his outfit had vanished entirely. The only thing left was a leather collar clasping his neck; fronted by a silver pentagram, the collar also bore two extra straps tipped with silver clips that descended towards his collar bone. With nothing left to conceal his dignity, Brock’s small new tits were clearly visible while his rigid she-cock was barely half the size it had been just a few seconds earlier.

Then, all at once, his transformation stopped so suddenly it felt like being slammed into a brick wall.

Brock struggled to gather his senses. When he did Larissa was already gloating.

I, the signee, do consent to any physical transformation the contract provider wishes to impart upon me, without boundary or limitations,’ she recited. ‘Section 327, Article 47, Clause 13. In short, your body is my plaything. And that’s not the only thing you’ve agreed to let me mess with.’ Reaching out to caress her victim’s cheek, Larissa’s voice was soft and sultry when she continued. ‘The thought of sucking my cock is making you so, so horny, isn’t it Brenna? Why don’t you do something about that?’

Immediately the desire to go down on Larissa consumed Brock. It was all he could think about – the smooth skin of her shaft feeding between his lips, the erotic ache of his throat stretching to swallow her deep, the sordid taste of her cum on his tongue – and before he even realised what he was doing Brock moved to fulfil that fantasy.

Or rather, Brenna did. Because although her memories of her former life remained intact, calling herself Brock no longer felt right anymore. Her new name blotted out the old so thoroughly that soon enough she couldn’t even remember it at all.

Brenna went from lying in a trembling heap to gorging on Larissa’s dick in the blink of an eye. The demoness had reclined on the covers, hands folded behind her head as she waited for her suggestion to sink in. Her fishnet panties were already tented by her rigid dick, and she gave a satisfied giggle when Brenna whipped the underwear aside before swallowing Larissa’s shaft to the base.

A slave to her desires, Brenna assumed a ravenous rhythm that filled the air with a symphony of salacious wet slurping. As she did so the straps hanging from her collar took on a life of their own, splaying out so that the clips could latch onto the mesh of Larissa’s stockings, thereby forcing Brenna to keep the demoness sheathed in her throat at all times. Her hard nipples rubbed against the mattress as she feasted while her entire body ached with longing for Larissa. 

Savouring the oral attention, Larissa closed her eyes and grinned. ‘Section 243, Article 27, Clause 9: I consent for the contract provider to maintain total control over my psychological profile, up to and including all emotions, fantasies and inhibitions. You want to think yourself lucky, kitten – imagine how much more tormenting this would be if I decided to give you an aversion to cum but an addiction to sucking cock.’ Without warning Larissa snared a hand in Brenna’s hair. Holding her firmly in place she thrust up hard until the transformed slut’s eyes rolled. ‘If you want me to keep being a generous Mistress, I suggest you prove you deserve my mercy.’

Outwardly, Brenna responded by doubling her pace. Before long precum-infused saliva coated Larissa’s shaft, dribbling from Brenna’s lips and over the wicked creature’s balls in thick rivulets while Larissa watched on with an appropriately demonic grin.

Internally, however, Brenna was in a state of orgasmic terror. Larissa’s influence was even worse than mind control, because it wasn’t Brenna’s thoughts betraying her – it was her very soul. Even though her memories still remained, all the hopes and dreams of her old life had been crushed beneath overwhelming carnal desires, and there was nothing she could do to resist them. If Larissa had been playing with Brenna’s mind perhaps she could have resisted with logic or force of will, but with her emotions turned against her the very idea of pulling away from Larissa’s cock made Brenna feel like she was suffocating.

Splayed out on her front between Larissa’s legs, with a cock down her throat and her lust no longer under her control, Brenna knew her fate was already sealed.

Unfortunately for her, Larissa was keen to quite literally drill home the consequences of their demonic deal.

With twisted corruption eating away at her insides Brenna was finding it increasingly difficult to think, so when Larissa surged into motion it took her mind several seconds to catch up. By the time she regained her bearings, Brenna found herself on her back. Her scalp throbbed where the demoness had seized her hair and manhandled her into position, but now Larissa’s hands were gripping Brenna’s thighs and forcing them back against her chest. The movement bared the new slut’s winking ass while her dicklet twitched against her stomach.

Larissa didn’t bother with any sarcastic remarks. Instead she simply gripped Brenna’s ass and buried herself inside with a primal howl.

Immediately assuming a devastating rhythm, she hammered against Brenna’s prostate with ruthless force until the slap of their colliding thighs rang out through the bedroom like the crack of whip. Larissa’s tits bounced wildly, the chains of her bra jingling loud, and for several minutes she simply used Brenna hard, their united cries of ecstasy dancing through the air. When she wasn’t kneeling tall over her cocksleeve, Larissa was leaning down, her lips crushed against Brenna’s and her tongue invading the transformed woman’s mouth while her raised feet bucked around above them.

There was no pain. Not only was Brenna’s ass moulded perfectly to Larissa’s long cock, but thanks to her magical control any discomfort was instantly reworked into additional pleasure – as such, even when Larissa’s thrusts left angry red marks on Brenna’s ass and slammed the air from her lungs, the drooling slut only groaned all the louder.

By the time she slowed her aggressive fucking had reduced any of Brenna’s lingering fear to dust. The new slut wore a distant expression, her eyes glazed as her body tried and failed to process the sudden influx of violent lust that had overwhelmed her senses. The pleasure, the degradation, the taboo – everything about the situation stoked the flames of her corrupted desires and though her old psyche was still intact, it was rapidly being buried by layer upon layer of slutty nymphomania.

‘Humans,’ Larissa said, her voice thick with loathing. Her thrusts were slow now but deep enough for Brenna to feel her in her stomach. ‘It’s almost pitiful how easy you are to trick. All I had to do was bore you for a while and then I could add anything I wanted to our contract. And believe me, I did. But I won’t spoil what surprises I hid in there – we can experience those together. You really should have read the small print. You know what they say: the devil is in the details.’

Clarity was slowly seeping back into Brenna’s brain. As it did so she realised just how deeply Larissa’s corruption had spread. Her soul ached with the need to be used and degraded and objectified, and whatever remnants of her old psyche remained were only faint echoes. Soon enough, they’d be gone altogether. Brenna knew she would always remember her old life – no doubt Larissa found it amusing to leave a constant reminder of how far she had fallen – but all she could think about now was her new life as the demoness’ insatiable slave.

‘Still, I’m a demoness of my word. You wanted me to turn you into the best fuck around, and that’s exactly what I plan to do. By the time I’m finished with you, you’ll be able to tempt anybody into bed with a single glance. And since you never specified exactly what body you wished for me to train you in, I’m going to make sure your education is extremely comprehensive. After all, what better way to make you the perfect deviant than by fucking you in every conceivable body imaginable? I think a year of training per body should do the trick. It might take an eternity, but we wouldn’t want to break the terms of our contract, would we?’

It didn’t take a genius to work out that Brenna’s training would never be finished. From now until eternity Larissa could transform her over and over again, using her in new and naughtier ways each time, all in the name of honouring their contract. And thanks to that same contract Brenna was now trapped in a life of eternal servitude.

It should have been terrifying. Instead it was so hot Brenna thought she might lose her mind.

All at once, Larissa stopped thrusting. Holding her hard cock in Brenna’s ass she leaned in to whisper in her slave’s ear. ‘You know, that transformation really took it out of me. I think I need a lie down. But lucky for me you’re absolutely desperate to ride me, aren’t you, cunt?’

As soon as the words left Larissa’s lips, Brenna was seized by an almost painful longing to bounce on her cock until she couldn’t remember her own name. So when Larissa pulled out and reclined on the mattress once again, Brenna immediately scrambled to straddle the demoness’ hips.

In the brief seconds it took her to align her ass with Larissa’s flagpole cock, Brenna had just enough time to hope that all the bodies Larissa transformed her into felt as good as this one. Hopefully if she impressed her new Mistress she might even be allowed to return to this form every few decades.

Then she dropped her hips and was bouncing eagerly. And from that point on there was only pleasure and moaning and Larissa’s degrading encouragement as Brenna rode her perfect cock, both of them knowing that they wouldn’t stop fucking for the rest of eternity…

Thanks for reading!

Although this is the last Friday of October, you still have one more story to come out. After all, I couldn’t write a Halloween slate without releasing a story on the big night! So I’ve decided to bring next week’s story forward a little and release it on Thursday rather than Friday. It’s only a one week deviation from my schedule as we’ll be back to normal Friday releases the following week, but I hope to see you on Thursday for the last story of the month.


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