Possession Between Friends

Models: Elena Vedem & Xavier Miller

Milly stood in front of V wringing her hands nervously. V had the distinct impression their friend wanted nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, but despite Milly’s nerves V had to confirm they had heard her correctly.

‘I’m sorry, did you say you want me to hop you?’

‘Only if you’re okay with that,’ Milly said hurriedly. ‘I know we’re friends, but you… you could think of me as a client maybe? And I… I can pay if you like, or I could owe you, or–’

‘Don’t be stupid, I’d never make you pay,’ V said, holding up a hand to silence her. ‘What I really want to know is why you want me to hop you?’

Peering over the rim of her red-lensed glasses, Milly gnawed on her lip for a moment. The glasses were a rather extra addition to her black latex nurse’s dress and fishnet stockings, but V couldn’t deny Milly looked extremely enticing in her Halloween outfit.

‘Well, it’s just that you’re… you know… you. You’re confident and seductive and you always know how to show any hookup a good time. And I’m none of that. I never know how to act sexy, or flirt, or fuck. I can’t do what you do, but…’

‘But you want to?’ V finished for her.

Milly nodded, dislodging a curl of bleached hair. Nerves were etched over her pretty face. She looked like she was about to cry.

But V was grinning. ‘Sweetie, that’s a better reason than most of my paying clients have. Of course I’ll do it. But if we’re going to do things properly, we’re going to need a little help.’ V hurried over to the door. ‘Just wait here a minute. I won’t be long.’

When V opened the door the room was briefly filled with blaring music. Then they were out and had closed the door behind them, leaving Milly to continue wringing her hands while listening to the muffled music. The Halloween party was being thrown by one of V’s associates – as it turned out, being a bodyhopper could earn you lots of popularity with lots of people – and Milly had been invited as their plus one. With none of their other friends present, she’d known it was the perfect place to take V to one side and ask for their help.

Still, Milly definitely wasn’t expecting the surprise on V’s arm when they returned.

‘This is Zayn,’ V grinned, ushering the handsome black man into the room before closing the door behind them. ‘He owes me a favour, so he’s agreed to help me to help you.’ V’s grin spread as they made a point of locking the door.

Milly felt her insides wriggling as she was flooded with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. She was wringing her hands more vigorously than ever when V approached and took her gently by the shoulders.

‘You sure about this?’

There was a warm smile on their androgynous features, but Milly could sense the mischief just beneath the surface. Concerned that if she didn’t keep her response short she might lose her nerve, Milly nodded once.

‘If you want it to stop at any point, just say. But hopefully stopping will be the last thing on your mind,’ V added with an impish wink.

And then, all at once, Milly wasn’t alone in her own body.

Being bodyhopped wasn’t at all like Milly had expected. She had imagined it would feel like being stuffed into the depths of her own mind, perhaps just on the edge of the subconscious – somewhere amongst half-forgotten thoughts and the remnants of dreams. She had also assumed that her control over her own body would be forcefully wrenched away, leaving her a prisoner in her own mind. What she hadn’t expected was to feel like a casual onlooker, control eased gently from her hands as soothing pleasure enshrouded her psyche. Of course Milly knew V would never exploit her, but still, the reality of being V’s latest vessel was surprisingly pleasant.

‘That’s because I’m going easy on you.’

Though she knew she wasn’t the one controlling them, Milly could still feel her lips moving. In fact, she could feel much more than she’d been able to just a few seconds before, as if her body’s sensitivity has been dialled to max.

Fuck, Vicky, does hopping people always feel this good? Milly said, using the name she knew V identified by when in a female body. This time Milly’s lips didn’t move – instead the words filled her head.  

‘Always,’ Vicky confirmed. As she continued her hands began to explore Milly’s body, sending thrills through their unified consciousness. ‘It’s always the little things I pick up on first. I think it’s because after a while you get used to the feel of having new tits, or a new dick, or both. But the little things are what make people unique. The bangle around our arm.’ She ran their fingers over the metal band. ‘The choker at our throat.’ She touched the accessory. ‘The way our stockings shift when we move.’ She rubbed their thighs together.

With each sensation Vicky mentioned, Milly felt her mind unfurl a little further. It was like she had spent all her life living on a map she thought represented the whole world, but now Vicky’s presence was unfolding new regions she had never even known were there. She was experiencing her body in entirely new ways and already she was craving more.

Just then, Vicky reached down and pulled up the hem of their dress. ‘Oh, and the way our naughty lace panties make our pussy look good enough to eat. Speaking of which…’ Vicky trailed off as she looked up at Zayn.

Milly had been so preoccupied coming to terms with being bodyhopped she hadn’t noticed their companion starting to strip. When he arrived he’d been wearing some kind of dark grey military uniform that Milly assumed was an homage to a character she didn’t know, but now he was naked to the waist. He was lean, athletic, and smiling devilishly.

That smile only widened when Vicky sank down onto a nearby armchair and raised both legs to hook their knees over the arms. ‘Come on baby,’ Vicky purred. ‘Let’s show Milly what she’s been missing, shall we?’

If she’d had control of her body, Milly would have shuddered when Zayn peeled off their underwear to expose their flushed folds. Kneeling before them he leaned in close, his thick fingers circling their clit gently.

The next moment he was eating them out and Milly’s world became a riot of pleasure.

Milly had been eaten out once or twice before, but Zayn was on another level. Where her previous lovers had been soft and doting, Zayn buried his face between their thighs to feast ravenously for short bursts of mind-bending euphoria, then he would pull away and play with their clit once more, leaving Milly reeling from the sudden absence of his lips and tongue.

Every facet of Milly’s mind wanted to squirm and writhe and gasp, yet Vicky was clearly used to such hedonistic treatment and she simply lay back and allowed their lover to gorge himself. She even unzipped the front of their glossy black dress to expose their bra, and she giggled when Zayn reached up to grope their petite tits.

Yet without the ability to release her mounting arousal, Milly began to lose herself. She felt like she was drowning, saturated in orgasmia that was seeping into the deepest parts of her psyche. Once there it spread corruptive roots through her thoughts, filling them with fetishes and fantasies that filled her mind’s eye with an endless stream of images depicting all the lewd things she wanted Zayn to do to her. Her corruption would have been terrifying if it wasn’t so fucking hot.

Within a matter of minutes, Milly could feel her grip on reality faltering. Fuck… I can’t take it… I’m so fucking horny it’s driving me mad.

‘I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,’ Vicky said. By now even she was starting to quiver under Zayn’s repetitive oral assaults and her face was a picture of eye-fluttering pleasure. ‘This is what you wanted, remember? To be a slut like me. Well a true nympho can only be born by stripping away your limits and inhibitions and surrendering to the hedonist inside. That’s what we’re going to do, babe – me and Zayn, we’re going to ruin you. And then we’re going to take all the pieces and shape you into the insatiable cocksleeve you’ve always dreamed of being.’  

You’re a demon. The thought came to Milly without warning. She wasn’t quite sure whether it was an insult or a compliment. A demon of lust come to make me your host.

Vicky smiled at that. ‘I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I like it. After all, it is Halloween, so what better night for a little possession between friends?’

This time Milly’s intrusive thought was thick with lust. I’ll let you possess me as long as you like so long as we fuck him until we can’t remember which one of us is which.

Her hand coiling down to stroke Zayn’s shoulder as she spoke, Vicky chuckled softly. ‘That’s my girl,’ she grinned.

Taking Zayn by the chin Vicky guided him away from their pussy and up onto his knees. Easing forward she met him with their lips, kissing him passionately as their hands descended to despatch his trousers and underwear. For Milly the taste of his lips was a cocktail of erotic taboo: alcohol, aftershave and pussy nectar all mingling with his natural aroma and tasted through lips that weren’t entirely her own. He tasted like sin, and immediately she was addicted.

Milly was so lost in the urge to get her fix that she barely noticed his trousers fall to the floor. Nor did she notice Zayn tugging off their bra and tossing it aside.

What she did notice was his broad hands pushing them deeper into the chair and the head of his cock pressing against their glistening folds.

But by then it was already too late.

The moment Zayn drove inside, two things happened. Firstly, Milly’s body was flooded with pleasure so intense that for once she found herself grateful she wasn’t the one in control. Secondly, Vicky unexpectedly reversed their roles so that Milly suddenly was the one in control.

Overwhelmed by the ecstasy of Zayn’s invading dick, Milly’s face froze in a mask of startled lust – the face of a woman who knew she couldn’t take what was about to happen but couldn’t bring herself to stop. Their hands hooked over the back of the chair she seized it with trembling fingers as Zayn began to thrust, his incredible shaft sliding in and out of their tight, wet sex.

It took several seconds for Milly to realise she was rolling their hips against him. But the real shock came when she realised she was doing so of her own volition; Vicky’s influence was completely absent.

That’s it. Take him deep. Let your inner slut out. This is what you wanted, babe, accept it. Vicky’s voice was sultry and wicked in Milly’s head, like an intrusive thought given sentience. Although she was no longer controlling Milly’s body, her presence still filled her with deviant impulses while simultaneously warding off Milly’s nerves and inhibitions to let her indulge those impulses.

There was a note of amusement in Vicky’s tone as she went on: clearly she was relishing her role as the devil on Milly’s shoulder.

See what you’ve become, whore. You let me in and now you’re my puppet. How does it feel knowing I can take control whenever I like? How does it feel knowing that once he’s fucked your brains out I can take the reins again and take us out to find another bull so we can do it all over again? Once I’m finished with you you’re going to be a cock-hungry nympho, but right now you’re my personal sex toy for the night. I don’t think you thought about that, did you?

‘No,’ Milly said quietly, her voice so low Zayn couldn’t hear. For all that she’d craved V’s life of depravity, Milly had been so focused on how it would feel being bodyhopped she hadn’t put much thought into what depraved things Vicky would drive her to do as her vessel. Only now did she understand that she had consented to letting Vicky use her like a living sex doll – but as lust continued to saturate her soul, Milly couldn’t help but be turned on by that idea.

By now the room was echoing with the repetitive clap of Zayn’s thighs against their ass. Their little tits bobbed with every powerful thrust and their belly bulged as he plunged in over and over, his hefty dick rearranging their insides each time.

Milly’s thoughts were a fog of lust. But now she was in control again, she could finally put that lust to good use.

She was moving before she knew what was happening. Pushing Zayn back, she ignored the void left behind as his cock slid out. After driving him a few steps back she eased off the chair and down to the floor before removing their glasses to peer up at him with hungry eyes.

Milly’s lustful look was all the invitation Zayn needed to join them on the floor. Sliding into position behind them he lifted one fishnet-clad leg high to spread their sex before plunging in once more, one hand on their groin and the other looped around their back as he rolled his hips in a slow, sensual rhythm. The pleasure drew Milly’s pretty face into a mask of pleasure, but behind the frown of arousal a new slut was growing.

Tell him, Vicky whispered in Milly’s mind. Tell him all the things you want him to do to you. Tell him to make you his whore. Even as Vicky spoke the urge to follow her instructions flooded through Milly’s body, as if her instincts had come to life and were compelling her to descend deeper into depravity.

‘I’ve got a better idea,’ Milly said, her voice shuddering with a barely suppressed groan. ‘You’re in my head. You already know all the things I want him to do better than I could ever put into words. So maybe I don’t have to.’

Somehow Milly was able to feel Vicky’s wicked smile inside her. Then, all at once, she was alone in her body once again. For a few seconds Vicky’s absence left her reeling, but then Victor’s voice was in her ear to ground her again.

‘I hope you’re ready for this,’ he growled. ‘If you thought I was a demon before, just wait until you see what I can do with this body.’

A small part of Milly wondered if Victor was being as gentle with Zayn as Vicky had been with her, or whether Zayn had been forced deep into his own subconscious to allow Victor total control. But as she snaked a hand up to pull Victor closer she knew she didn’t really care. All she cared about was all the wicked things her bodyhopper friend could show her before the night was through.

‘I’m ready,’ she said. ‘Make me your whore.’

After that words became a foreign experience to Milly, because as Victor began pumping in deep and fast and hard her world melted into a sinful blur as she eagerly succumbed to the corruptive urges Vicky had helped her unleash…

Thanks for reading!

Happy Halloween!

When it comes to bodyhopping, it’s one of those premises that I’ve warmed to over time. Including this piece I’ve only written four bodyhopping stories on this blog, but the more I write them the more I find I enjoy them. I can’t say that they’re going to be a super common part of my work moving forward, but I already have another one written up for my Christmas slate and I have no doubt I’ll end up doing more in the future too.

If I’m honest, I think I hit the jackpot when I came up with V’s character. I always enjoy revisiting them which acts as a great incentive to come up with bodyhopping story ideas, and although I do want to explore other the exploits of other bodyhoppers, V has really helped me get to grips with this kind of character and for that reason they are one of my favourite characters on this blog.

Given that V has appeared in three of my stories now I did briefly consider giving them their own category (especially given that some of my other categorised stories have less entries). In the end though I opted against it because V’s stories don’t feel like either a miniseries or a serialised storyline – instead they’re all standalone pieces that happen to follow the same character. Whereas basically all of my serialised stories require some level of backstory to explain what’s going on, you don’t have to have read any of V’s existing stories for this one to make sense, hence why I’ve decided not to give them their own category.

Of all V’s stories I have to admit this one is probably my favourite (which is high praise given that their first appearance was in a story including Natalie Mars, one of my favourite models), especially because exploring V’s personal life in more depth was a lot of fun. As my readers know I’m a bit of a sucker for the more sensual side of smut, and this one felt like it had plenty of that as well as a healthy dose of naughtiness too. Plus this gallery has been on my list of Halloween options for years now, so the fact I could finally use it was an added bonus.

As mentioned in my notes on last week’s story, I’ve decided to just release this story this week rather than putting one out tomorrow as well. If Halloween fell a bit earlier in the week then I probably wouldn’t have done this, but given that we’re almost at the end of the week anyway and November has five Fridays, skipping tomorrow’s release just puts a little less pressure on me when it comes time to proofread, edit and schedule my content for next month. Apologies to anybody who was hoping for another one tomorrow, but I hope you enjoy what I have coming up next Friday all the same.

Until then, I hope everybody has a great Halloween!

Gallery: https://www.pornpics.com/galleries/slender-teen-elena-vedem-gets-fucked-wearing-a-stunning-latex-nurse-uniform-17845696/

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