Models: Xiao Ye Ye & unknown male model

Looking in the mirror of his vanity, Yusheng could not deny he looked ridiculous. The silk bust of his white strap vest sagged badly with nothing to fill it, the waist of his leather skirt dug in to his hips resulting in a bulge of flesh over the edges, and when he lifted the hem his black lace panties could be seen struggling to contain his junk. He had even applied a little makeup, most notably the soft orange eyeshadow that made his lids look like sunsets.

Yet despite how badly suited he was to his outfit, every second wearing it was bliss. It was difficult to tell which turned him on more, the caress of the silk on his skin or the warm air playing over his exposed skin, but collectively the pleasant sensations were making his underwear increasingly tight as his dick started to swell.

And all the while, Yue’s voice whispered to Yusheng through his pretty pink headphones.

You’re so close. You’ve done everything and Chiko will be here soon. You want to be ready for him. Just one last thing to do and you’ll be perfect.

‘Yes,’ Yusheng nodded, reaching for the small glass of water on the vanity. A faint purple tint was the only evidence of the dose of Formula he had emptied into it. ‘Yes, I will be perfect. For him. For me. For Yue.’

That’s right. Become perfect for me.

Nodding again, Yusheng downed the contents of the glass in one go. Then, placing the glass gently back on the vanity, he smiled as the pleasure of Yue’s emergence washed through him.

Yusheng’s transformation was like being set free. For months Yue had been only a vision in his head, a dream he could not quite reach, but now he could finally feel his body shifting to take the shape of the woman he had fantasised about for so long.

The expansion of his breasts was possibly the most intense change. Within seconds his pecs were buried beneath layers of flesh and from there his new rack continued to swell, inflating further and further until they filled the heavy bust of his top – but even then they did not stop. Their growth continued, their sheer size spreading the cups wide to provide a view of deep cleavage, and it was only when the straps of his top were taut over his shoulders that his tits finally settled.

Nevertheless, the ecstasy of his shrinking cock was a worthy rival. Yusheng realised absently that if he had waited any longer to drink the Formula his erection would have split his underwear at the seams, but now the stitching gave a sigh of relief as the front of his panties rapidly flattened. Very soon the bulge was entirely gone and the lace was flush to the tight pussy that had replaced it, his new sex sending flares of feminine arousal through his loins.

Everywhere else Yusheng’s body was becoming softer. He had already prepared for his transformation by shaving himself smooth, but in doing so he had revealed the natural muscle sliding beneath the surface. Now that muscle faded quietly, masculine strength dwindling from shoulders to shins in order to leave the lines of his figure supple and enticing. The same changes were likewise overcoming his facial features, the Formula efficiently reforming his male attributes into the tender, innocent visage of a beautiful young woman. This new face was soon framed by dark hair that sprouted from his buzzcut, the glossy locks coming to rest in waves around his shoulders and as trimmed bangs across his brow.

As the Formula’s effects slowly left her, Yue gave a blissful sigh: she was free.

Lifting her skirt and running a finger over her delicate lips she admired her new reflection. After dreaming about her for months Yusheng had known exactly what size clothes she was, so everything was the perfect fit, but he had also added a few finer details she hadn’t expected: a couple of cute bracelets, a small gold necklace, a demure silver ring. And, she realised as she slipped off the headphones, a pair of silk bows slipped into his hair.

Yue stared at the headphones for a long moment. They had been a Christmas present from Yusheng’s roommate, Chiko, though they were mostly a prank gift. Knowing Yusheng was a regular streamer, Chiko had bought them as a joke.

‘All the e-girls have them,’ he’d laughed. ‘Maybe they’ll help you boost your viewership numbers.’

At the time neither man could have imagined the consequences that simple joke would incur.

Just then, Yue heard Chiko arrive home. Hopping onto the bed, she felt a shiver of erotic anticipation tingle through her nubile body: she had been waiting for this moment. Locked away in Yusheng’s mind she had spent months longing to see the look on Chiko’s face when he realised what his gift had done.

She was not disappointed.

‘Hey, dude, I – what the fuck?!’ Chiko stopped so fast he almost fell over, his eyes wide with a mixture of shock and arousal when he laid eyes on the busty raven-haired beauty kneeling on the bed. ‘Who the fuck are you? Where’s Yusheng?’

Yue peered up at him with big eyes, doing her best to look innocent even as her entire body was yearning for his touch. ‘It’s me, Chiko. See?’ Yue tapped the tattoo on her collarbone – the one Yusheng had paid for on a drunken night out together the year before. When she dropped her hand she made sure to cross the arm beneath her tits, squeezing her cleavage tighter and causing her large areolas to rise over the cups of her top.

‘Yusheng?’ Chiko said, eyes growing wider still.

‘It’s Yue now.’

‘What happened to you? And what happened to this place?’ he added, staring around at the room as if seeing it for the first time.

Yue wasn’t surprised Chiko was taken aback. His work often kept him away for long periods and this time he had been gone for almost two weeks. After he left, Yue had seized her chance and whispered instructions to Yusheng for how to prepare for Chiko’s return. In that time Yusheng had repainted the room in a cutesy pastel pink and thrown out all his old furniture. Now the bed was covered in pastel-coloured sheets, the room was lit by the warm light of new lamps, and Yusheng’s desk had been replaced by a large vanity on which sat a shiny new laptop with a webcam attached to it. Even his old gaming chair had been switched out for a dainty rose gold replacement. It was the perfect bedroom for a cute little thing like her.

But no matter how surprised Chiko was by the décor, his eyes kept coming back to Yue.

‘I redecorated,’ she said simply. Then her voice took on a more seductive tone. As she continued she lifted her skirt to reveal her pretty lace underwear. ‘I’ve been waiting for you, baby. You never knew it, but I’ve been waiting for you for a long time now. I need to thank you.’

‘Th-thank me?’ Chiko stammered, trying and failing not to look at her spread legs.

‘Of course. If you hadn’t bought those headphones for Yusheng I would never have existed. So without you I wouldn’t be here. And I’m very, very grateful to be here.’ Biting her lip, she met his gaze and bit her lip. ‘If you come here, I’ll show you how grateful I am.’

Seemingly on instinct, Chiko took a step forward. Before he could take another he shook his head as if trying to dislodge an unwanted thought. ‘Wait… I don’t understand… how could the headphones turn Yusheng into…?’ His voice trailed off as if he couldn’t quite trust himself to finish the sentence, but the question was clear enough.

‘Oh, they didn’t. Not directly. But the headphones were only designed to be worn by women. For normal e-girls they’re pretty harmless. Usually they help come up with fun replies to comments, or endearing things to say – just little things like that to help them appeal to their viewers.

‘But for men the effects are very different. Since there is no e-girl to improve, the headphones make one instead. They whisper to you and those whispers get into your mind and take root, moulding your desires into new, naughty things. The longer you wear them the more they infect you, and the more they infect you the more desperate you are to become the girl the headphones want you to be. Eventually you don’t even need to wear the headphones to hear the whispers – they become the voice inside your head, just like I was for Yusheng. It’s a well-known side effect – but obviously neither of you read the instructions.’

For a woman with such an innocent face, Yue could look very naughty when she wanted to. Crawling forwards, she made sure to let her hefty tits hang low. To her delight, Chiko couldn’t help but ogle them.

‘Yusheng was so desperate to let me out it was easy to convince him to buy a dose of the Formula. I’d become his only desire, so all it took was a little drink and he could finally be me.’ She nodded to the empty glass on the vanity. Then she was reaching out towards Chiko. ‘And now you’re here. Now I can really thank you. Come on, handsome, don’t you want to join me?’

Her words were dripping with seduction, but it wasn’t until her fingers curled around his wrist that Chiko responded. Looking up at her suddenly, he allowed her to lead him to the bed. Despite his shock, his trousers were starting to tent.

‘Why… why do I want you so much?’ he asked in a hushed voice. He had already slipped down the straps of her top, releasing her huge breasts which he was now groping softly. ‘I… I don’t know why I’m doing this? I can’t resist…’

Yue held a finger to his lips even as her other hand was undoing the buttons of his shirt. ‘Don’t fight it, baby. It’s the Formula. See, the only thing Yusheng wanted was to become completely me. My body, my mind and my desires. And the only thing I want is to have you, here, in my bed. I know you want it too – I can see it in your eyes – but right now you’re holding back because when you look at me you just see Yusheng. The Formula is changing that. It’s removing all those nerves and inhibitions so that we can both have what we really want.’

Slowly, Chiko began to nod. Then, as if he had just crossed some unseen line in the sand, he surrendered to his lust and pulled her into a passionate kiss. While tongues danced agile hands eagerly worked off the remainder of their clothes and soon they were holding one another tight, skin to skin, their moans muffled by their locked lips.

Too horny for foreplay, it wasn’t long before Chiko span Yue around and aligned the head of his rigid cock with her slick sex.

He didn’t waste time with teasing. Plunging inside, he hooked his hands beneath her shoulders and used his grip as leverage to help him to drive in hard and deep. Each perfect thrust was punctuated by the resounding crack of his hips striking her fleshy ass. Flooded by orgasmia, Yue’s tits bounced around wildly as she rocked against him whining for more.

‘Yes, yes, that’s it, fuck me just like that baby.’

Yue’s eyelids fluttered as she succumbed to the bliss. Months of waiting were finally over, and now she was here she couldn’t get enough. Still, she had one last admission to make before she lost herself entirely.

‘There… there is… one more thing… I need… to tell you,’ she said, her words interrupted by Chiko’s driving thrusts. ‘The headphones, they don’t just make guys want to be normal gamer e-girls. They make them much naughtier than that. I want to be a camgirl, baby. I want you to fuck me on stream every night. Please, will you help me be a camgirl slut?’

Chiko’s reply was breathless as he continued to drive in. ‘Anything you want, babe. As long as I get to use this perfect pussy, I’ll do anything you fucking want.’

From that point on, Yue descended into a state of mindless orgasmia. High on lust and trembling with pleasure, she allowed Chiko to fuck her with ever increasing passion. And as her climax began to build, she could feel the anticipation shifting her pretty face into something even she hadn’t expected: lips parted, tongue easing out and her eyes beginning to roll, the accidental e-girl knew ahegao was imminent.

Already imagining the naughty thrill of pulling that face every night live on stream, Yue could hardly wait to be fucked on-camera. But tonight all that mattered was her and Chiko, and she had no intentions of stopping until they had extracted every last ounce of pleasure from this sinful new bond they shared…

Thanks for reading!

Like last week’s gallery, this one has been one I’ve wanted to write a piece about for quite some time. Unsurprisingly, anything that sets a gallery apart from the endless other options out there often serves as the inspiration for what the story ends up becoming, and in this case I knew I had to involve the headphones in the plot somehow. I absolutely love the final product, and not just because I enjoy the story.

I always enjoy using galleries from studios I haven’t showcased before, and given that most of the galleries I use are from scenes produced by Western studios the chance to use this one from the Chinese studio AV Jiali was really fun for me. I think the lighting and general vibes of their scenes are consistently impressive and I really want to write more stories using their galleries. Unfortunately production values for Eastern studios can be pretty variable, so it’s great to find one that produces scenes that inspire me. In addition, while it doesn’t actually make much difference to the plot, it was fun to be able to write about Asian characters for a change. I don’t really write race change stories anymore, so most models with Asian heritage that show up in my work are typically Asian-Americans and are portraying Western characters in a Western setting. But in this case I got to set the whole thing in the East including culturally appropriate names while simultaneously showcasing the work of Eastern models too. I’m not trying to say this is some amazing insight into Eastern culture – it’s still just smut at the end of the day – but as my readers likely know by now, I deeply enjoy trying out new things in my stories, and this piece definitely ticked that box for me.

Suffice it to say that AV Jiali’s galleries will undoubtedly show up on my blog in the future. I already have one planned for Christmas (which I intend to start work on soon) and hopefully I’ll have more in 2025 too! For now though I hope to see you next week for a return to a very hedonistic shop.

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