Models: Nestee Shy (among other aliases), Matt Bird & Zenza Raggi

Nancy was in her happy place when she felt a strange tingling in her core. Grinding against the pole a little harder, she stifled the feeling by focusing on the greedy faces of the two men watching her perform.
She still couldn’t quite believe what was happening. She had started her shift at the club expecting to take to the stage just like every other night, but before she could do so one of the security guards had ushered her into a private room. To her surprise, Mr. Cage, the owner of the club, was waiting for her.
‘Thank you for joining me, Nancy,’ he’d said, offering a hand which she shook a little bashfully. ‘I’ve heard good things about your shows, and I was hoping you might be able to offer me a personal performance? I assure you I will make it worth your while.’
Accepting eagerly, Nancy had immediately hopped onto the small stage in the centre of the room and started to dance, her mind racing.
Everybody knew that Mr. Cage ruled the club with an iron fist. Any misbehaving customers were quickly dealt with, and though Nancy didn’t know exactly how they were disciplined it must have been effective, because none of them ever showed their faces in the club again. But all the dancers knew Mr. Cage’s ruthlessness was all an act – behind closed doors he was always striving to make the club a better place for his staff. Which was why Nancy was so excited: she’d heard that impressing Mr. Cage could get you a promotion. Plenty of other girls had been asked for private shows before her, and by the next day they’d already been whisked off to perform elsewhere.
And if the hungry look on Mr. Cage’s face was anything to go by, Nancy was well on her way to joining them.
The tingling sensation returned just as she was about to reach the finale. Starting in her core again, this time it spread quickly outwards, bringing with it an erotic heat that flushed every inch of her body from her soft, supple ass to her glossy pink lips. Taken aback by the sudden burst of pleasure, she stumbled against the pole and was forced to cling to it as her knees went weak.
Horrified that she had messed things up, she turned to Mr. Cage with pleading eyes. But her apologies died in her throat when she realised he was smiling. Sharing a grin with the guard, he produced a pocket watch from his suit and held it up for the man to see.
‘Here we go,’ Mr. Cage said, eyes on the watch. ‘Three… two… one…’
And with that Nancy’s world collapsed.
It was like being dragged under by a riptide. Buffeted from all sides by mind-bending pleasure, Nancy crumpled to the floor moaning and writhing as it flooded her system. For several seconds her eyes were scrunched up as she struggled to stay sane, but when she opened them again she was alarmed to find her body rapidly transforming.
Already her tits had vanished, the cups of her bra now jutting out like empty shells. In their place her chest had become firm and muscular, and as she watched the same muscle spread to her arms and midriff and legs. Chiselled abs carved themselves into her smooth stomach while her shoulders grew wider, lines of masculine strength overwhelming her soft frame. Her legs swelled too, growing thick and beefy in just a few seconds. Dark hair sprouted across her new limbs before rapidly spreading to the rest of her changing body.
Soon enough everything feminine about her figure was gone. In fact, if not for the lingerie and stockings struggling to contain her new form, she would have been the perfect specimen of manhood.
Unable to process what was happening, Nancy could only squirm where she sat as her body betrayed her. With her back against the pole she vented her arousal in a stream of continuous moans, but even these were shifting. Before long her cries of lust came out gruff and manly rather than in the light, familiar tone she knew.
Then, all at once, a massive surge of ecstasy engulfed her groin. Her back arched with the intensity of it as her hands – now large and powerful – bunched into fists. When she slumped down again she found the front of her lace panties bulging.
The sight seemed to trigger something inside her. Slowly, as the pleasure faded, a name rose up in her mind. Not just any name. Her name. Her real name.
‘Welcome back, Nathan.’
His vision swimming, it took several seconds for Nathan to focus on Mr. Cage’s grinning face. The club owner rose from his seat, stashing his pocket watch as he did so. ‘On the dot, every time,’ he said to the guard, ‘it always blows my mind.’
‘What… what happened? Where am I?’ Nathan didn’t yet have the strength to stand up.
Mr. Cage loomed over him. ‘Somewhere we won’t be disturbed. Listen, Nathan, I hope there won’t be any hard feelings between us. But this is my business, and when drunken louts like you come in causing trouble there have to be consequences.’
Slowly, Nathan’s memories started to return, but they were sluggish as dribbling honey. He could remember visiting the club and getting wasted. Really wasted. He’d jumped up on stage and started harassing the dancer, but before he could lay a finger on her he’d found himself face down on the floor under the weight of half a dozen security guards.
Even as the echoes of his true self came back to him though he could sense Nancy aching to be free. She was still inside him and he was shocked to realise he could feel her cravings embedded in his soul: the thrill of being admired by the crowds as she worked the pole; the throb of her pussy as she imagined what they were thinking while they watched; the flutter of arousal when she left the stage knowing she’d be back again the following night.
How long have I been like this?
‘One month exactly,’ Mr. Cage said. He laughed as Nathan looked up sharply. ‘Don’t look at me like that – everybody asks the same question when they turn back. You’ve been Nancy for precisely one month, right down to the second.’
‘How…?’ Nathan asked quietly.
‘This,’ Mr. Cage said simply. From his inside pocket he produced a plastic screw-top vial full of pink liquid. ‘This little beauty is my own personal blend of X-Change strains and as you can tell, it packs quite a punch. I have it commissioned specially. It doesn’t have an official name, but I like to call it Payback.’
A few more memories dribbled into Nathan’s head: recollections of being dragged into a side room and having his mouth held open by one guard while another poured Payback down his throat.
‘There’s three main strains in here. The Forget strain wipes away your old mind after you transform, and Compliant means you’ll happily do as you’re told. But it’s the Countdown that really blows me away. The second you transform it’s like setting a stopwatch, and once your time is up you change back. Of course you can set it to any length of time, I just go for a month to make sure dickheads like you learn their lesson.’
‘So… I’ve been here… working for you… as Nancy all that time?’ Even as reality seeped in and his strength returned, Nathan’s words were still fragmented as he tried to ignore the woman within. He felt hollow, a shell of who he used to be. And inside that shell Nancy was eager to be set free.
‘Exactly. Think of it as a penance for your sins.’ Mr. Cage gave him a wink. ‘And I have to say, you’ve been very good for business. The customers love you – as I hear it you even took a few home on occasion.’ He paused, grinning as Nathan went pale. Then he shrugged. ‘But I’m not totally heartless. Once guys have served their time, I bring them to one side and let them transform back where nobody can see. As you can imagine, none of them ever come back after that.’
His thoughts were clunky, like rusted cogs, but Nathan understood now. Those other dancers – the ones Mr. Cage had ‘promoted’ – they’d been like him. Troublemakers serving their time for breaking the club’s rules.
But not exactly like him.
‘I think I’ve punished you enough,’ Mr. Cage was saying. Stepping to one side, he gestured to a side door, the vial of Payback still in his hand. ‘You are free to leave. But do me a favour and don’t come back, alright?’
Nathan sprang up so fast he was a blur. Seized by a bout of mania, he flew at Mr. Cage like a pouncing tiger. The guard was quick but Nathan was quicker. Before either man could do anything he had snatched the vial from the club owner’s hand and recoiled back to the stage.
Without a second thought he wrestled the cap off and downed the lot.
‘Well… that’s a first.’ Already Mr. Cage’s voice seemed distant as pleasure began eating away at Nathan’s insides, and when he looked up there were four faces staring back at him instead of two. Then six. Then eight.
Nancy was rising. Nathan could feel her surging to the surface, and he had a vague memory of experiencing the exact same sensation a month earlier. Back then he had fought the change – this time he welcomed it.
‘She wants you,’ Nathan panted, rising onto trembling legs and staring Mr. Cage in the eye. ‘She needs you. She’s craved you every night. Whenever she’s taken a guy home she’s imagined it was you. She needs it… so now I need it too. Please…’ He gasped as an especially strong flare of arousal threatened to steal his last words. ‘Please… make her your slut.’

And with that Nathan’s world collapsed.
The transformation was faster this time, like slipping on a familiar outfit. Nathan’s tall frame shrank rapidly to assume the petite curves of his sultry alter ego. His dark hair fell into long blonde waves that swept over a bra now filled by supple tits, while everywhere else his body hair withered back. The skin it left behind was soft, golden and flawlessly smooth. Where once there had been muscles now there were only nubile curves, and when the pleasure left her Nancy found herself breathless even though she couldn’t quite remember why.
She was clutching the pole for support, her long hair slightly messy and her body hot with arousal. Thoughts that didn’t quite feel like hers drifted through her mind, but as she lifted a hand to her head they faded quickly, vanishing like ice in hot water.
Mr. Cage and his security guard were standing nearby. Leaning down, the club owner picked an empty vial up off the stage and peered at it.
‘Never had someone reject their freedom before,’ he muttered to himself. Then his attention turned to Nancy as if noticing her for the first time. ‘Still, far be it from me to refuse a man’s last wish.’
‘I’m so sorry Mr. Cage,’ Nancy said, tears in her eyes. ‘I… I think I blacked out. I don’t know what’s the matter with me. It just happened so quickly. I couldn’t think straight and–’
Mr. Cage cut her off with a raised hand. ‘Calm down, Nancy. It’s nothing to worry about. I’ve seen this before – it’s just nerves, that’s all.’ He held up the vial for her to see. ‘You’re lucky I had this medicine to help you. It definitely seems to have done its job, but just to be sure I think you should start taking it more often. Once a month should do it,’ he added, sharing a knowing look with his guard.
No sooner had he said the words than Nancy happily accepted them. ‘If that’s what you think is best,’ she said. After all, Mr. Cage would know about these things, wouldn’t he? He had worked with plenty of dancers in his time so who was she to contradict him?
All at once Mr. Cage was closer. He had stepped up onto the stage with her and there was a fire in his eyes as he admired her sensual body. The guard was there too, the two men penning her in with the pole at her back.
‘There is something else that might help too. You see, a little birdie tells me that you’re not interested in a promotion. You want something a bit more… sinful.’ He punctuated his final word by guiding her hand to his crotch.
Nancy’s stomach flipped. He was already hard, his shaft a thick bulge as it snaked down the inner leg of his trousers. Every fantasy she’d ever had about him rushed her all in one go and she couldn’t hold back the soft groan that slipped from her lips.
Grinning as her hand tightened around his bulge, Mr. Cage leaned in so close she could feel his breath on her ear. ‘Don’t worry, beautiful. Nobody is going to disturb us in here.’ And with that her bra fell to the floor, released by a deft flick of Mr. Cage’s hand.
Before she knew what she was doing, Nancy was kissing him. Her tongue slid between his lips as she let her lust for the hot hunk consume her, and she did not resist as the guard unclipped her panties from her garter belt. They hadn’t even hit the floor before he was running his fingers between her wet folds, prompting her to moan into Mr. Cage’s mouth.
Nancy’s hands moved on instinct. Without her needing to tell them her fingers were working rapidly down the buttons of his shirt. Once it was opened she immediately wrestled it off along with his suit jacket, both of which fell in a heap onto the floor. A few seconds later and she had seen to his trousers and boxers too, leaving the hung stud stark naked in front of her.
Her pussy quivered as his engorged cock fell into her waiting hand, the soft skin like velvet over a steel rod. ‘Fuck. Is this really happening?’

‘It is,’ Mr. Cage smiled.
Nancy flushed furiously. ‘Am I… am I going to get fired for this?’
The club owner chuckled. Looping an arm around her he pulled her to his chest, the ecstatic warmth of their kissing skin making Nancy’s lids flutter. ‘Definitely not. In fact, I was thinking that perhaps you might like to accompany me home tonight – it can get terribly lonely without company.’ The suggestion alone drew another groan from the horny blonde, but then a wicked edge fell over Mr. Cage’s expression. ‘Although if you’d like this to become a permanent arrangement, you’ll have to earn it. So I suggest you get started.’
‘Yes, Mr. Cage,’ she said as he closed a hand over her shoulder. After that he was pushing her down into a position she’d only ever dreamed of.
While they had been speaking the guard had also stripped, and as she descended she reached out to clasp his hard cock, savouring his grunts as she began to stroke. But Mr. Cage’s cock was met with an even naughtier touch as she wrapped her soft lips around his head. Reaching around to take hold of his leg, she used it as an anchor to ground herself in reality as she worked her way down his perfect shaft. And as her throat stretched to accommodate his cock, arousal saturating her every thought, Nancy felt more free than she ever had before. Free to be the cock-hungry slut she was always meant to be. Free to indulge all her secret fantasies. And free to fuck Mr. Cage so good he’d do anything to keep her as his naughty needy cocksleeve…
Thanks for reading!
As I mentioned in my comments to last month’s stories, when I was working on Fantasy Manor I was using up the stories I already had banked in my backlog in order to continue releasing content while I was writing. By the time June rolled around my backlog was officially empty, so after I finished work on Fantasy Manor I pretty much jumped straight in and began writing new standalone pieces to build it back up again. And this is the very first story I wrote after Fantasy Manor.
The gallery for this one has been on my to-write list for quite some time, and originally I had an entirely different concept planned for it. In that version Nancy’s character was secretly a sissy whose secret was discovered by their boss, but when I took another look at the gallery this idea popped up instead and I definitely prefer it. Admittedly it ended up being a bit longer than planned, but given that I wrote it straight off the back of Fantasy Manor that’s not really surprising – I often find that after a long project it takes me a while to produce compact content again.
I also wanted to highlight that, as mentioned at the top of this piece, Nancy’s character is portrayed by a model who has been known by many different names. As far as I can find she’s had at least 15 aliases, and on this scene alone she was credited as both Willa and Nestee Shy. Given that Nestee Shy seems to be the name she’s most known by that’s the one I chose to credit her as here, but I did want to bring attention to the fact that if you liked this story and want to see more of her work, her portfolio may be spread out over multiple names.
Image galleries: https://www.pornpics.com/galleries/cute-blonde-willa-stripping-sucking-shafts-and-taking-them-in-her-asshole-32991012/