Brunette pushes breasts around man's thrusting penis

The internet really was a fantastic place. These days it was the work of but a few clicks to indulge in one’s most twisted desires and if you wanted to go that bit further there were always those who were willing to supply you with what you wanted. One thing he was more than happy about though was that, just as it always had, money spoke volumes. All of those messed up bastards offering taboo products and services were still all after the same riches that the working layman was grabbing at day after day, and when you had as much money as he did it became less a question of what you could afford, and more a question of how quickly you could have it delivered.

As always, the internet could help with that too, and his most recent purchase had been in his inbox within a matter of minutes after the funds had been transferred. As the CEO of a multinational company, the five-hundred thousand had been precisely nothing to him, and now his dick was running between the plump tits of his beautiful secretary he counted it as money well spent.

‘That’s right,’ he said, a manipulative smile twisting his features, ‘just keep watching my dick between your tits. Remember what the program told you. Repeat it back to me, Miss Stone.’

‘It said that I am your plaything Mr. Hardy. It said that I feel good being your plaything. It said that it is right for me to do whatever you order me to. It said that I feel good letting you use me.’

He stared down at her and stroked her hair gently. ‘Very good Miss Stone, you were paying attention.’

The hypnotic video file had been worth everything he had spent on it, and though he had undoubtedly harboured concerns about its legitimacy it had been more effective than he could ever have hoped. His search for a means to seduce his hot new assistant had taken him to some of the more untoward corners of the internet, but once he had hit upon the right website it had been only a matter of a simple bank transfer and an email before he had the answer to his desires. Attaching the file to an email he had sent her had been all it took. As expected she had opened it, and now, twenty minutes after having sent it she was entirely his.

She had strode into his office with a seductive sway of her hips and locked the door before sinking to her knees and pulling her tits out of her red shirt. Every hypnosis file was tailor made to the customer, and his had told the brunette bombshell to do exactly this: come to his office, lock the door and allow him to fuck her tits. As with all of the files, the programmed submission to the sender would be the event that solidified the hypnotic suggestions into the personality of the one who had been exposed to them. And as she watched his cock pump between her tits he watched as a peaceful smile spread across her face.

‘Thank you for showing me the program, sir,’ she said, ‘I feel so silly for not letting you use my titties before now.’

‘You don’t need to feel silly, Miss Stone. After all, you’re my little plaything now, remember? We’re going to have plenty of time to make up for all that. What about you come back home with me tonight and we can have a little one-on-one training together?’

She nodded happily, squeezing her tits tighter around his shaft. Then she frowned, as though she was just realising that she had forgotten something. Without warning she lowered her head and opened her mouth so that when he thrust upwards Mr. Hardy’s dick slipped between her hot lips. He moaned automatically and his breathing came in a shuddering gasp as she swirled her tongue around his head. He hadn’t expected her to take him in such a way and the shock had him stop thrusting, leaving his dick on her tongue.

Her cheeks caved in as she sucked hard and worked her head as far down his shaft as she was able and the next moment she had released her tits and took him all the way to the base. Mr. Hardy braced himself on his desk, a content grin splitting his features as the hypnotised slut began to bob her head rhythmically, gagging on his dick with as much enthusiasm as a young child might bounce on a trampoline. Her wet gagging only made him harder and before long he could feel his orgasm mounting.

Looking down at her he beamed. The hypnotised bitch was perfect. Her body was so arousing, her tits so soft and plump, her mouth so hot inside. He could only imagine how fuckable her holes would be. The internet truly was a wonderful place, and he found himself thanking the sick fucker who had supplied him with the file that had reduced his bright young assistant into his cock-sucking slut.

‘I’ll take that as yes,’ he said, wrapping his hands around her head and pulling her down his dick where he held her until he came. As hot as it felt pouring his load down his sexy secretary’s throat, her satisfied moans as she swallowed him were even hotter. One thing was for sure: he couldn’t wait to get this bitch home…

Thanks for reading!

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