Models: Kiara Cole & Manuel Ferrara

The first Eliza knew about Dominic’s presence was the heat of his hand on her midriff. The other came to rest on the bare skin of her neck a second later, and his broad frame towered over her as his fingers eased ever so slightly into her panties.
‘You put on quite a show out there my dear.’ The material of Dominic’s suit was stretched tight by the muscles beneath, yet for a man so conspicuously powerful his voice was surprisingly soft.
‘Don’t I always?’ Eliza said sweetly. ‘Besides, you know how much I love a crowd, and the New Year’s Eve show is always the best of the year.’ Her clit was just a breath away from his fingertips, but she closed a hand around his wrist before he could go any further. ‘Is there something I can do for you Mr. Carson?’
Eliza’s thoughts were a mix of both lust and confusion. On the one hand, the situation was stirring her arousal more than she cared to admit; all of Dominic’s dancers would have run across traffic for even the chance of having his body against theirs in the privacy of their dressing room, and now Eliza was living that exact fantasy. On the other hand this sudden show of vice was extremely out of character; Eliza had been dancing in his show for almost two years and he had always been the perfect gentleman.
Though her hold on his wrist was only light Dominic made no effort to overcome it. Instead he leaned in closer and hissed four words that shattered Eliza’s world. ‘No. But Elliott can.’
After she first signed on to be a dancer in Dominic’s show, Eliza had spent many anxious nights panicking that her secret would come to light. Somebody would dig a little too deep and unearth her past; somebody would ask her the wrong question and she would slip up; hell, just a glance at her bar orders would be enough to lead a sharp mind to the truth. Over time, however, that panic had eased until she barely even thought about her old life anymore.
But now, with Dominic’s words ringing like a death knell in her ears, she realised how naïve she’d been to believe she could keep her secret forever.
Even so, Eliza surprised even herself by how smoothly she reacted. Despite a slight stutter and a fractional tightening of her grip on Dominic’s wrist she didn’t miss a beat. ‘I… I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who’s Elliott?’
Dominic chuckled softly. ‘You are. Or rather, you were. There’s no need to deny it. I know everything.’
All at once Eliza felt as if the ground had fallen from beneath her. The strength in her legs vanished. Unable to hold herself up, she was forced to pivot around and lean heavily against her vanity. When she reached out to brace herself on the edge the motion caused the white cords supporting her faux fur sleeves to slip off her shoulders; one of the sleeves fell to the floor while the other bundled around her forearm.
‘How long have you known?’
‘Not long. Until very recently I didn’t have the slightest suspicion about your true identity.’
Eliza didn’t want to look him in the eye but she couldn’t avert her gaze. ‘How did you find out?’
Dominic smiled. ‘I suppose you might call it a happy coincidence. I’ve been working in Metamorphose for over a decade, so as you might imagine I have plenty of friends amongst the staff. One of those friends happens to be our head of security, Felicity – I believe you and her have a history, no?’
Eliza swallowed. Calling her past with Felicity ‘a history’ was putting it kindly; as Elliott she had spent so much time in Felicity’s custody it was a miracle she hadn’t been subjected to the Lucky Deck as punishment.
Her silence was confirmation enough for Dominic to continue. ‘Well, as I’m sure you’re aware, Felicity knows how to hold a grudge. As it happens, one of those grudges cropped up in conversation when she came by to watch a show the other night, and I found the details very interesting indeed.
‘According to Felicity, around two years ago a young man named Elliott was causing her a bunch of trouble. He had a thing for transformation. Not surprising really – most of our patrons do. But his desire quickly became an addiction that he couldn’t fund. Felicity said she’d lost count of how many times she detained him for being caught pickpocketing, and the only reason he wasn’t punished more severely was because at the time Felicity had just come into possession of a new sex kitten, Lizzy, and their nightly fuckfests had mellowed our head of security enough that she let Elliott off with a bunch of stern warnings. But then one night, after Elliott had blown all his funds during a New Year transformation spree, he swiped the wallet of the wrong man.’
As he went on, Dominic maintained eye contact all the while, his expression unreadable. ‘As it happens, some of Metamorphose’s most valued customers are career criminals; smugglers, loan sharks, fraudsters, that kind of crowd. But so long as you can pay your way and don’t cause trouble while you’re here, we don’t concern ourselves with where your money comes from. As they say, what happens in the casino stays in the casino. But even amongst our shadier clientele, the last guy you’d want to steal from is Rico Davis. So when he caught Elliott making off with his wallet, Rico went nuclear. He had his goons scouring the whole casino trying to find the thief, and apparently it was an over an hour before Felicity could calm him down enough to have him call off the hunt. Of course, by then the pickpocket was in the wind.
‘Felicity says nobody has seen Elliott since. But she hasn’t stopped looking. In the end she had to give Rico a free month in the penthouse suite, an unlimited bar tab on the house, and half a million in complementary poker chips to keep him sweet – although even then she ended up throwing in a week with Lizzy to seal the deal.’ Dominic’s lips twitched at the corners. ‘As you can imagine, that’s what stung Felicity the most, and I’m assured that if she ever catches the little rat who forced her to give up a week with her fuckdoll, she intends to mix together every cocktail we sell and waterboard him in it until he goes mad.
‘But do you want to know the most interesting part of Felicity’s little story? According to her, whenever Elliott did corral the funds to transform, he always went by the same name: Eliza.’ He paused, allowing the name to hang in the air for a moment. ‘Of course, I’m sure there are hundreds of Elizas in this city. But I couldn’t help noticing that the timeframe Elliott disappeared lined up remarkably closely to that of you joining my show, so I pulled a few strings to take a peek at your purchase history. And what do you think I found there?’
Eliza dropped her eyes to the floor. ‘Sultry Spritzers,’ she confessed quietly.
‘Sultry spritzers,’ Dominic confirmed. ‘One per day, every day, delivered by room service first thing in the morning. More than enough to maintain a constant transformation, not to mention all the allure you could ever need to entrance anybody who sees you on stage.’
With the wreckage of her ruined life scattered around her, Eliza tried to ignore the blend of fear, guilt and awful resignation churning in her gut. ‘So I guess this is the part where Felicity shows up to take me away, right?’
‘Actually,’ Dominic said, moving a little closer, ‘I was hoping we might be able to come to a more… mutually beneficial arrangement.’

Raising one hand, Dominic pressed his fingers gently against Eliza’s chin, parting her lips enough that he could rest his thumb between her teeth. The other hand toyed with the crown of her bra, although he stopped short of peeling it down enough to expose her tits.
‘I’m no fool. I know all of my dancers would give almost anything to get into my bed. The thing is, they’re not my type. But you are. In my experience the most sensual lovers – the ones who can and will lose themselves to pleasure in ways that others couldn’t even dream of – are people like you. The metamorphosed, if you will. You willingly gave up your old life to live this one, and anybody who makes that decision understands lust on a deeper level than any natural slut.’ Dominic paused, his eyes falling to her mouth. ‘See what I mean?’
Without thinking about it Eliza had closed her lips around his thumb. Her stomach flipped at the realisation, but she made no effort to pull away.
‘I confess, I wasn’t interested in you before. But now… well now the things I want to do with you are many and varied. And we both know that you’re just as eager to get in my pants as the other dancers – I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve hit on me in the last two years. So if we were both to act on those desires, then I for one would be far too busy to have the chance to tell Felicity who you really are. In fact, I suspect your little secret would slip my mind entirely.’
Eliza felt as if a vat of treacle had been poured through her mind, dragging her thoughts to a crawl. She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Technically speaking she knew this was blackmail, yet it didn’t feel like it. For one thing, Dominic had always treated her with the utmost respect, and as she stared up into his eyes she had the distinct impression he wouldn’t have suggested such an arrangement at all if he didn’t believe she would willingly accept. For another, he was absolutely right that she craved him – she had done since her first night on his stage – so his offer felt less like extortion and more like all her erotic fantasies come to life.
But most enticing of all was the fact that beneath this so-called ‘arrangement’ there was the offer of something that had always been just out of reach: a clean slate.
Until now Eliza had always had the spectre of discovery hanging over her. Whether it was Rico’s goons or Felicity, if she was ever found out then the life she loved would all be ruined. But with Dominic’s support she would never have to worry about that again. With him to vouch for her nobody would ever suspect her of having a previous life; she would simply be Eliza, the hot dancer who had managed to seduce her boss where all her peers had failed.
No, this wasn’t blackmail. Not really. It was an escape.
‘Of course, there would be other benefits,’ Dominic said, removing his thumb from her lips.
From his breast pocket he produced a beautiful pearl necklace as long as Eliza’s arm. Rather than slip it over her head, instead he held it at both ends, slid it around the back of her neck then fed one end through the other before allowing it to hang down between her breasts. The pearls sparkled like captured stars.
‘I’m a man who can afford to indulge my lover’s most luxurious wants. Whether that is expensive jewellery or the right pills to render any physical transformation permanent.’ He paused, allowing the gravity of the last few words to sink in.
When he continued his voice was quiet. ‘But there is one thing I must warn you.’
‘What’s that?’ Eliza breathed.
‘If you say yes then I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold myself back long enough for us to get to my room. I will take you here, now, and I won’t stop until neither of us can remember our own names.’
Though Eliza always knew how to play on the desires of the men and women who came to watch her dance, she could only assume that today’s Sultry Spritzer had been a little stronger than usual, because even she was surprised by how effortlessly seductive her response was.
Allowing a soft smile to play on the edges of her lips, she eased up onto her tiptoes, snaked a hand around Dominic’s nape and leaned in so close to his ear that when she spoke her lips feathered across the skin.
‘Yes,’ she whispered.

True to his word, Dominic abandoned all his decorum instantly. Twisting his head sharply down he savaged her vulnerable neck with kisses as he crushed his powerful body against hers. Pinned between him and the vanity she could do nothing as he wrenched down her bra and seized her tits in strong fingers – nothing except return the favour by yanking off his suit and shirt to expose his broad figure.
Eliza had only the briefest glimpse of Dominic’s god-like body before he drove her onto her back. Caressed by the soft faux fur of her abandoned sleeve Eliza found herself reclined on her vanity with her hips jutting out over the edge. Already those hips were in Dominic’s hands and Eliza gasped as he spread her legs wide, lifting one up onto the desk and swinging the other over his beefy arm.
Possessed by desire, Dominic didn’t tease her. He simply flicked her panties aside and buried his face in her sex.
Head lolling back, Eliza’s pleasure came out in a shuddering moan. ‘Oh fuck. Oh fuck, that’s so good. Yes, yes, right there baby… right there…’
Reaching down Eliza took Dominic’s hand and raised it to her breast once more, whimpering softly as he resumed his groping. Desperate for something to anchor her in this blissful reality she curled the other hand around the back of his head, her red nails shining like rubies in his silver-flecked hair.
But as Dominic gorged himself on her sex even this wasn’t enough to ground her. The tether binding her mind to her body unravelled and she was set adrift by currents of desire. It had been a long time since she had thought about that fateful night, but Dominic’s words had pulled those memories to the surface.
She could remember scrambling through the crowd with Rico’s wallet in hand, the shouts of his thugs ringing out behind her. Knowing it was unlikely to be high on their list of spots to search, she had headed for the Decadence Lounge – one of Metamorphose’s more refined areas, where Dominic’s dancers performed tastefully deviant shows for the casino’s classier patrons – and immediately ordered a Spritzer. Fortunately Rico’s wallet was thick with cash, so she had paid for a private booth in which she had transformed and spent the rest of the night watching the show.
Knowing that the room she’d stayed in as Elliott would be on lockdown, the following morning she had paid for one on the opposite side of the casino and holed herself up there for the next few days, living off room service and hyperventilating anytime footsteps went past her door.
But even in the midst of her panic, Eliza’s night watching Dominic’s dancers had left its mark. After all, she couldn’t live off Rico’s cash forever, and if she was going to stay in this body she couldn’t think of a more enticing way to fund herself than flaunting her sultry figure on the stage. Luckily, Dominic was always looking to add new girls to the lineup, and when she eventually mustered the courage to venture down to the Lounge again he had hired her on the spot.
The rest, as they say, was history.
And now, with Dominic’s lips on her pussy and his hands on her body, the idea that she had ever been anything other than his sultry slut seemed almost laughable. Succumbing to lust alongside him felt as natural as breathing, and her mind was already alive with fantasies of all the depraved nights they would be sharing together from now on.
Lost in her thoughts, Eliza did not resist when Dominic lifted her in his burly arms and moved to the large pouffe in the centre of the room. When he set her down she was welcomed by the soft touch of several faux fur coats laid across the top, but Eliza was too distracted by the sound of his unbuckling belt to notice. Her stomach flipped as she heard his trousers fall to the floor, but she didn’t look back. Not yet.
The pouffe shifted beneath her as he planted one knee beside her own, and then the head of his cock was pressing against her pussy lips.
‘Oh fuck,’ she said, erotic anticipation gnawing on her insides.
Before she could beg to be fucked, however, Dominic snatched hold of her necklace. Pulling it tight around her throat he stifled the words before they could reach her tongue.
‘Always remember this is our secret, little one,’ he growled. ‘I will gladly do this with you forever, but if you ever let slip who you really are then I’ll hand you over to Felicity myself – otherwise I suspect you wouldn’t be the only one facing a bimbofication waterboarding.’
Eliza actually giggled. ‘This is who I am, baby: your needy little sex kitten. Always.’ Easing back slightly she took a little more of his cock, her eyes rolling as his girth stretched her flushed folds. ‘Besides, why the fuck would I ever tell when this feels so good?’
Dominic smirked. ‘Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like we have a deal. Now all we need to do is seal it.’
Eliza never managed to reply. Because before she could even think of a response Dominic was thrusting, his huge cock plunging in deep and sending white-hot waves of searing pleasure surging through every fibre of her being. Her brows rising and her jaw falling open, she peered back at her new stud with an expression of breathless ecstasy. His wicked grin sent erotic shivers down her spine, each of which collided with the orgasmic ripples that came rolling through her nubile body with every incredible thrust.
And as the depraved duo sank into a state of divine orgasmia, Dominic’s earlier words echoed through Eliza’s sex drunk mind: what happens in the casino stays in the casino…

Thanks for reading!
Happy 2025! I truly hope this year brings luck and joy to all of my readers – though hopefully not too much that you’re too busy to read all the stories I’ll be releasing this year.
As far as I’m concerned, this is a great story with which to kick off the new year. Granted I would’ve preferred a few extra images in this, but to do so would have likely bloated the story and I’m personally really pleased with the pacing for this one so I chose against it. Metamorphose is among my favourite recurring concepts because while it doesn’t explicitly need any links between stories it nonetheless allows me to include them if I want to. I love the fact that while I make multiple references to my Luck of the Draw miniseries in this piece, it is by no means required reading for this one to make sense. Instead those references are just fun little Easter eggs that add small continuity details, which is the kind of thing my brain loves including in my stories.
At the time of writing this in early December, I have been steadily working on a new summer project and as such I only have a single new standalone story written. That means that from now through January and beyond I will be getting to work on a slew of new stories. As usual I will be taking January off as a brief hiatus, but I will be back in February with new pieces running from then until the end of June. I’m currently undecided as to whether I will produce any Gaypril content this year (knowing me I probably will because I’m not typically a fan of changing routine) but whatever I choose to do I have a bunch of smutty ideas that I’m looking forward to writing up.
For now though I shall sign off until February by once again wishing you all an awesome 2025. See you next month!
Image gallery: https://www.pornpics.com/galleries/skinny-blonde-kiara-cole-takes-a-hardcore-pounding-in-front-of-the-mirror-68007628/