Two For The Price Of One – A Tumblr Rewrite

Models: James Deen, Kendall Kayden (credited as Kendall) & Veronica Radke (credited as Scarlet)

Despite having transformed herself into an unrecognisable stud, Kasey’s grin as she tapped away on her universal remote was just as wicked as it had always been.

‘Let’s see,’ she mused, eyeing her two semi-transformed victims with impish glee, ‘hair, nails, ass. What next? Oh, I know.’


Fresh groans of pleasure filled the air as the powerless duo writhed on the spot, their hands flying to their chests. On the right was Kasey’s jerk of an ex-boyfriend, Ricky, his metamorphosising body a strange blend of masculine and feminine traits. On the left was Ricky’s new slut, Melissa, her appearance similarly confused thanks to Kasey using the remote to systematically mould her into a completely new body type. One of the few remaining assets of Melissa’s old body were her huge tits, but now these shrank at a rate of several cup sizes per second to suit her slender new physique. In contrast Ricky’s chest was inflating, his eyes rolling as perky round orbs replaced the firm pecs he’d always been so proud of.

And so Kasey continued. Reclined on the bed she and Ricky used to share, she applied new features to her victims as easily as flicking between TV channels. Once their bodies were complete she shifted her attention to their minds, scouring away their old personas with ruthless efficiency, all with that same wicked grin on her face.

Only when she was completely satisfied with her work did she set down the remote.

‘How do we look, baby?’ chimed the two girls, smiling coyly at the man on the bed. As one they lifted their shirts to reveal their smooth, toned figures while also stroking a hand over their soft thighs.

Ricky had become a gorgeous blonde, his pale locks and innocent face somehow made even more dainty by the baby pink and crisp white of his raglan baseball tee. His figure was ever so slightly fuller than Melissa’s and there wasn’t a single echo of the man he had once been: every muscle had faded into soft curves, every body hair withered to leave him flawlessly smooth, and the hefty cock Kasey had spent so many nights riding was a thing of the past, usurped by a tight pussy now wrapped in lacey underwear.

Melissa was equally unrecognisable. Everything about her old body had begged for sex – huge fake tits, a massive ass and plumped DSLs – but now that was all gone. Where there had once stood a vapid bimbo, now there was a lithe, beautiful young woman. Silicone curves had been replaced by a naturally nubile figure and her raven hair was as dark as the sleeves of her tee, though her underwear was pink and white, albeit a little less lacey than Ricky’s.

Both women picked at their panties with teasing fingers, the light glinting off their navel piercings.

‘You look good enough to eat,’ Kasey replied, her grin still in place as she admired her work. Throughout the transformation her new cock had been gradually swelling and now she allowed herself to slip a hand down her boxers to stroke her rising erection.

‘We could say the same for you, handsome,’ Melissa smirked, her eyes on Kasey’s crotch.

‘Please, ladies, call me Kane.’

Without Kane needing to tell them, the two new sluts came to join him on the bed. Rising to meet them he looped his strong arms around their soft bodies. Despite having spent the last day or so as a man, Kane still gave a shudder as the women rested their hands on hia bare chest, the heat of their skin on his a sordid thrill.

Leaning in close to his ex’s new lips, Kane paused just in front of Ricky’s face and watched innocent longing bloom in the blonde’s eyes. ‘So tell me, Riri, do you regret dumping me now?’

Riri bit her lip. Thanks to the remote her mind was pliant and receptive to anything Kane said, ensuring she accepted her new name easily. Yet despite rewriting his personality, Kane had left Ricky’s memories untouched, and now he could see Riri processing not only what had been done to her but also how much she was loving it.

‘Would you have ever done this to me if I hadn’t dumped you?’ she asked quietly. From the tension in her body Kane could tell Riri was aching to close the gap and kiss him.

‘No,’ Kane replied simply.

‘Then I wish I’d dumped you sooner,’ Riri admitted in a whisper, her cheeks flushing.

Kane had to agree.

As Kasey, being dumped had felt like an act of war. True, their bond had only ever been physical – vain and shallow as they were, neither of them had much capacity for romance – but she had no problem with being his arm candy so long as it earned her a spot on the end of his incredible cock. So when he’d ended things out of the blue Ricky had accidentally unleashed the fury of a woman scorned.

Kasey had heard about universal remotes before, though she never really believed they were legit. Still, if there was even a chance that a remote was able to humiliate her ex she was eager to take it. The remote had cost most of her savings, but when it arrived she had immediately discovered that it offered a lot of bang for every buck.

Exploiting the power of the remote she had transformed herself into a handsome stud. White-hot pleasure burned through her body as her tits shrank, her cock grew and her figure took on the lean, muscular lines of masculinity. Her new body didn’t have much in the way of brawn – Kasey had always valued horniness over hunkiness in her men – but given the impressive beast that now nestled between her thighs she doubted any girl was going to complain.

Though her hunger for revenge was strong, the ecstasy of her new body was stronger, at least at first. Kasey had spent most of the previous day getting better acquainted with her masculinity (which, of course, meant jerking off at every opportunity). Even so, Kasey’s anger had eventually burned through, at which point Kane headed over to Ricky’s place.

What he found there only enraged him further. That rage still roiled inside Kane as his corrupted sluts caressed his body, though with each passing minute it was being eroded by his building lust. His hands had descended to cup their supple asses, their flesh squeezing like marshmallow through his fingers.

While Riri’s expression was one of innocent arousal, Melissa’s was edged with mischief. Simultaneously pressing herself closer against Kane’s chest and forcing her ass harder into his hand, when she spoke there was unsuppressed deviance in her tone. ‘You know, baby, Riri will need to get a lot of practice if she’s going to become a good little slut for you. Don’t you think a taste of the nympho life would help motivate her?’

Kane locked eyes with Riri as he answered. ‘That sounds like an excellent idea.’

Rather than have his lovers waste time undressing, Kane snatched up the remote and simply clicked their shirts out of existence. Before he could turn the remote on his own boxers, however, the deviant duo had pushed him down with a delighted giggle and were wrestling his underwear off.

Coiling her hand in Riri’s hair, Melissa angled the blonde’s head towards Kane’s rigid cock. ‘Say hello to your new addiction, babe. Here, let me help you with your first fix.’

Kane let out a sound that was half chuckle, half groan as Riri’s lips slid over the head of his cock and down the shaft. Driven by the slutty instincts the remote had bestowed on her, she swirled her tongue in salacious circles as she swallowed him deeper. All the while her delicate fingers were wrapped around the base, holding him in position so she could work his manhood with her eager lips.

Allowing her to feed, Kane slipped a hand beneath his head and lay back to savour the experience. The ecstasy of being buried in Riri’s naughty throat drew a satisfied grin over his handsome features, but it was nothing compared to the thrill of seeing how much her corrupted ex was loving her new body.

Still, despite the erotic view of Riri’s bobbing head, Kane couldn’t help his gaze drifting to the raven-haired bombshell encouraging her to swallow him deeper.

When Kane arrived to find Ricky and Melissa making out he was left briefly speechless, the sight like a vat of cold water being dumped over his head. Then his blazing fury evaporated that water into searing steam as everything slotted into place: Ricky’s distant attitude in the weeks before their breakup, the frequent weekends away ‘for work’, all the time spent glued to his phone. Kane couldn’t believe he hadn’t figured out Ricky was cheating sooner.

For a few seconds neither Ricky nor Melissa had noticed Kane. He’d used the universal remote to let himself in without a key, at which point he followed their groans to the bedroom, where Ricky was pressing Melissa up against the wardrobe. Only when Melissa opened her eyes and gave a shriek of surprise did they turn to face him, by which time Kane already had the remote levelled in their direction.

‘Click, click, motherfuckers,’ he scowled before mercilessly rewriting them from the inside out.

Melissa’s voice drew Kane back to the present. ‘He never told me,’ she said, her eyes fixed on Riri and her hand continuing to guide the blonde’s head up and down. ‘About, you I mean. I’m a slut, but I’m not that kind of girl. I would’ve never slept with him if I knew I was his bit on the side. Believe it or not, I’m as pissed as you about being duped by this cunt.’ Without warning her gaze snapped to meet Kane’s, her eyes bright with desire. ‘But now we can teach him a few manners together, can’t we? I help you corrupt him into a cock-hungry little cumdump, and in return you get two sluts for the price of one. Sounds like a fair deal, don’t you think?’

As a devilish grin spread over his face, Kane was very glad he hadn’t erased Melissa’s mind. Removing a hand from behind his head he extended it to Melissa.

‘Partners?’ she asked.

‘Partners,’ he confirmed.

Riri had watched them talk without missing a beat of her blowjob, her wet slurping filling the room. By now precum was frothing on her lips and a cockdumb glaze had begun slowly creeping across her eyes. Even so, she was still lucid enough to give a soft groan as they sealed the deal with a firm handshake before turning their attention back to her.

‘You know, I don’t think she looks like she’s appreciating your cock enough for my liking,’ Melissa said with a smirk.

‘I was just thinking the same thing,’ Kane nodded. ‘Lucky for her I’m sure we can remedy that.’

Deviant determination written on their faces, the new partners moved as one. While Kane lifted Riri away from his cock and pushed her onto her back, Melissa took up the remote and promptly used it to remove both Riri’s underwear and her own. Her twinkling pussy exposed, Riri bit her lip as Kane eased into position behind her, the head of his dick pressing against her sex.

‘Now then, let’s see how long it takes to fuck those brains out, shall we?’

Before Riri could respond Kane was inside her, his perfect dick injecting her soul with mind-bending euphoria. Melting against his chest she raised a quivering hand to cup his head as he held himself still for a few seconds. Then he was thrusting and her pretty face warped into a mask of orgasmia with whimpering groans seeping from her open mouth. As for Melissa, she was leaning over them both, one hand on Riri’s ass spreading her wider to allow Kane to plunge in even deeper.

With both Kane and Melissa filling her head with words of sordid encouragement and promises of all the wicked things they were going to do to her using their special remote, Riri wondered if Ricky’s punishment was supposed to feel this good. But the longer Kane fucked her, the more she realised she didn’t care either way. After all, Ricky might have seen this fate as his own personal hell, but in Riri’s mind the chance to worship her two horny lovers as their personal plaything felt much more like heaven…

Thanks for reading!

As usual, I thoroughly enjoyed taking the original Tumblr piece on which this was based and reworking it into something I’m much happier with. And in this case the rewriting process really highlighted to me just how much my writing style has changed in the years since the inception of this blog.

Back in the early days I was still finding my feet in terms of what themes and kinks I wanted to explore with my writing, and as a result I often wound up tapping into genres I had seen elsewhere within the TG erotica sphere. In particular one that I used to write but have since dropped is incest stories. Personally I’ve always felt uncomfortable writing those kinds of stories, because although there are many themes that pop up in my stories that I would not condone in real life, incest was always that one theme that just made me feel icky. Nevertheless, given my inexperience in writing erotica I often found it difficult coming up with plot ideas, which led me to draw inspiration from the content of other creators, some of which included themes of incest.

Over time, however, my ability to devise fun new plots has improved dramatically. I am now at a point where when I’m coming up with ideas not only can I draw from a wealth of themes I am much more comfortable writing, but I also have a bunch of story triggers that I’ve developed myself to help spur things into motion, such as Metamorphose or the Little Shop of Hedonism, most of which don’t really lend themselves to incest stories. True, I will occasionally write stories involving step-relations, but these are pretty rare and are usually only used when I feel the story as a whole benefits from the inclusion.

All of which is to say that there are a good number of my early stories that would look very different if I were to write them again today. I often worry that my early work misrepresents the identity I have built up as a writer in the years since, yet at the same time I feel it is important to leave that early work up. That way my readers can see the contrast between where I started out and where I am now, as well as better understand the motivations behind how and why I write my stories the way that I do.

At present I do not have any plans to rewrite my old work. Perhaps in the future, once I have run out of Tumblr pieces to redevelop, it might be an option, although I do already have an idea of what I would like to replace my Tumblr rewrites so we shall have to see.

Overall, I just want to say that I hope my readers can see how much I have grown as a writer over the years – and I hope you will continue to accompany me on this journey as I continue to grow in the future.


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