Death By A Thousand Kisses

Models: Anna Polina & Eve Sweet

‘What’s wrong, sweetie? Don’t you like your new look?’

Alex tried to retreat as Stella raised a hand towards his face, but there was nowhere to go. She had backed him up against the wall dividing the bedroom from the lounge, her sumptuous body pressed in close. Of course, he could have easily broken free – her touch was light and far from restrictive – but even if he did there was nowhere to go: the door to Stella’s apartment was locked and they were on the top floor, so any freedom achieved by leaping through a window would be short-lived.

‘Please,’ he repeated for the hundredth time, ‘please let me go. I won’t breathe a word, I promise. Just… just let me go. Please.’ His voice cracked as terror cleaved his insides, cold and sharp.

So far Stella’s hand had hovered just above his skin, but now she caressed his cheek. She smiled as he flinched. ‘Now why would I do that when you’re so much fun to play with?’ Lowering her voice to a hushed whisper, her sequined top slipped off her shoulders as she leaned in close enough for Alex to feel the heat of her breath on his lips. ‘Besides, we both know this is turning you on, don’t we?’

Alex shook his head firmly, dislodging strands of dark hair as he did so. ‘No. It’s not… I’m not…’

Stella’s soft gaze suddenly hardened, cold fury blazing in her eyes. ‘Tell the truth, bitch. Tell the truth or I’ll make you scream it.’

Alex’s brows knitted together and his plump lips turned down at the corners as he fought against Stella’s command. ‘This body craves you, but I don’t,’ he said eventually, the effort of his resistance causing his breath to come in pained gasps.

Immediately Stella’s smile returned and she was the same bubbly beauty Alex had met in the club. ‘But this is your body now, beautiful. I made it especially for you. It might take a little adjustment, but I know you’re going to love it. Come on, let me show you.’

Every fibre of Alex’s being wanted to refuse her; every crevice of his brain was screaming at him to flee. All of which made it so much more horrifying when he allowed her to take him by the hand and lead him to a nearby chair without so much as a whimper of objection.

In hindsight, Alex knew Stella had been controlling him from the moment they met. When they had locked eyes across the club earlier that night a small voice in his head had told him to go and introduce himself. Later, that same voice had urged him to buy her a drink, to dance with her, to accept her invitation back to her place.

It was only now that he realised the voice hadn’t belonged to him at all. It was Stella’s – her soft, sultry tones projected into his mind like a siren’s song drawing him into her trap. And all the while her terrifying power had mellowed any concerns he might have had about the stunning woman eager to invite him home after barely an hour of acquaintance.

Once they arrived in her apartment, however, Stella had dropped the act.

‘Don’t scream,’ she’d said, a wicked smirk on her face.

Immediately Alex felt her in his mind, a crawling oppressive presence that clawed its way into the deepest recesses of consciousness and assumed total control.

Unable to deny her command, when the agonising ecstasy of his transformation took hold his body had simply refused to scream. His lungs burned with restrained howls, his throat clogged with them as they fought their way up, yet the moment they reached his tongue they simply evaporated to leave him writhing frantically on the bed with his transforming face fixed in a silent shriek.

The pleasure of that transformation was still lingering as Stella eased Alex down into the chair. Large and round, like everything in the apartment it was modern and expensive. The dark material was soft on his hairless skin.

Kneeling down before him, Stella brushed aside Alex’s long, dark hair to reveal deep lines furrowing his brow. A second later her hand had descended to run along his clenched jaw and downturned lips.

‘Oh, don’t look so sad, beautiful. Pretty faces like yours are made for moaning, not moping.’ She smiled as the frown faded from Alex’s face. ‘There, that’s better.’ She shuddered then, giddy excitement rippling through her body as her smile spread into a grin. ‘You know, this is my favourite part.’

‘What is?’ Alex asked, certain he didn’t want to know the answer.

‘Exploring my new plaything’s body for the first time.’

And with that, Stella’s hands were on him.

When she’d transformed him, Stella had left his black jacket untouched, and though it was a poor fit on his new body Alex was grateful for the privacy it provided.

But now she flicked the lapels aside to reveal his incredible new figure.

Stunning curves were wrapped in tight lingerie, the sheer lace doing little to conceal his magnificent tits and twinkling pussy. The plump lips of his sex peeked around the edges of his panties and he could feel the thong nestled deep between the cheeks of his ass. Stockings that had once been jeans were just as tight, slick material hugging his legs like a second skin, and they descended into a pair of glossy black stilettos that Alex found unnervingly easy to walk in despite never wearing heels before.

Already Stella was stripping him. The erotic heat of her fingers on his skin drew whimpers of fearful pleasure from his puffy lips, but with her power in his mind he could only sit there as she peeled down the bust of his bra to expose his tits. A few seconds later she was kissing them, her teeth finding Alex’s nipples and nibbling gently. At the same time her hand descended to his crotch, where she began rubbing his swollen clit through the lace of his panties.

While his kidnapper savoured his new body, Alex realised he wasn’t the first victim Stella had exploited in this chair. It was becoming clear that this was all just a game to her – he was simply the latest player.

‘I know who you are,’ he said quietly. ‘I knew the moment we got back here.’

Easing back, Stella met his eyes. ‘Is that so?’

‘You’re the Siren.’

Stella said nothing, but her wicked grin was all the confirmation Alex needed.

The Siren was the nickname the papers had given to the serial killer stalking the city’s clubs. Although no bodies had ever been found, at least three dozen disappearances were attributed to her – albeit with most estimates putting her body count much higher – yet the authorities had all but given up trying to identify her, because not a single case seemed to have been committed by the same woman. Every eyewitness described her differently, from a blonde bimbo to a nubile redhead to a voluptuous brunette. She was seemingly chameleonic, and the leading theory was that she had a background in prosthetics, but without a firm description the police had no idea who they were looking for.

Alex understood now that they would never find her. No doubt Stella could surely transform herself as easily as she could her victims, and with such perpetual anonymity she was free to continue her kidnapping spree without fear of capture.

All of which summed to one terrifying conclusion: nobody was coming to save him.

Though tears of fear twinkled in his eyes, Stella’s order for him not to look sad prevented them from rolling down his cheeks. ‘Please don’t kill me,’ he breathed.

Stella giggled impishly. ‘You silly little thing. Haven’t you figured it out yet?’

Alex struggled to ignore the tendrils of lust working through his brain as he tried to process her question. Then, all at once, everything made sense.

If Stella really was murdering her victims after transforming them then dozens of unidentifiable women would have been turning up dead across the city. But the police had never found any bodies. Not one.

‘You don’t kill them,’ Alex murmured.

Wicked glee edged Stella’s expression as she undid the buttons of her shirt before allowing it to slip to the floor. ‘No. I do this.’

Like a bird of prey swooping down to sink her claws into vulnerable flesh, Stella dived in close to Alex’s body. All at once her breath was swirling over his tits and her fingers were running between the folds of his sex. She hadn’t bothered going to the effort of removing his underwear manually, instead they had simply faded from existence when her hand came near, and now she chuckled softly as he gasped.

‘Remember your transformation,’ she hissed, her words burrowing through his thoughts. ‘Feel that pleasure again. Don’t fight it this time. Just let it flood through you until your tits ache and your pussy throbs and you’re burning with desire.’

Alex didn’t need her orders to bring the memory back. The experience was seared into his mind like a brand, permanent and unforgettable.

It had felt as if he was being seized by countless unseen hands. Their touch was hot and erotic, instantly driving him into a state of psychotic ecstasy, and he had convulsed violently as they wrenched and crushed and ground his body into the object of Stella’s desires. Large tits forced their way out from his chest to fill the cups of the bra she summoned for him; body hair vanished as if withered to ash by the fiery heat of arousal burning his flesh; blemishes and scars vanished as his skin was pulled taut over new curves.

When dark hair unfurled from his scalp it descended over a rapidly shifting face. Within seconds his lips were plump, his lashes long, and his features had morphed into a soft, beautiful visage. What was more, behind that face the unseen hands were working just as efficiently. As he transformed he sensed new desires being injected into his psyche, creeping through his thoughts like an infection intent on corrupting him into an addict of sin.

The room echoed with the loud splintering of bones as his broad frame contracted. Shoulders, ribs, legs, hips and more all reset into a more petite physique, giving Alex the sensation of being forced into an outfit several sizes too small. Yet where there should have been excruciating agony all Alex felt was euphoria beyond anything he had ever imagined possible. That euphoria had reached a crescendo when his cock abruptly regressed into a tight, wet slit that sent pleasure throbbing through every inch of his new body.

Alex’s transformation had been perfect torture. And now, thanks to Stella’s commands, all that terrible pleasure was brimming in his veins once again.

Instinctively, Alex started groping himself. One hand came up to fondle his fleshy tits, while the other clung to Stella’s shoulder as if she was the only thing rooting him in reality. The wicked woman chuckled softly, though it took Alex several seconds to realise what had amused her: he was grinding his crotch against her fingers.

Despite her smile, her words were soft and sinister as she continued to tease his clit. ‘That’s it, beautiful, let the pleasure consume you. From now on, every time I kiss you you’ll feel all the pleasure of your transformation all over again. It will be like the most intense orgasm you’ve ever felt, and I can give it to you over and over with just a touch of my lips.’

As she spoke Stella slipped off her own bra to reveal her heavy rack. Erotic evil was written on her face as she rose to straddle Alex’s waist, her knees planted by his hips and her body slung so low her tits rubbed against his.

Darting in she pecked his neck and Alex’s world exploded. His hands flew to clasp her body as he cried out, the combined pleasure of his transformation rushing through him all at once and striking a devastating blow to his psyche. For several seconds he was left reeling, not quite sure who he was anymore, and when he finally managed to gather his senses he found Stella grinning down at him.

‘This is why they never find any bodies,’ she said. She was breathless with arousal and Alex could tell she was barely holding herself back. ‘By the time I’m finished with my playthings, they are begging for me not to turn them back. They’re desperate for my touch, my body, my kiss. Sometimes I keep them for days, or weeks. Sometimes I bring others home and we all play together. I think you might be my best work yet, gorgeous. If you impress me, maybe I’ll keep you as my permanent slut. Either way, in a few hours you won’t be pleading to be set free – you’ll be begging to stay forever.’

With that, Stella dived in and showered Alex’s neck with kisses, grinding her body against his. Still unable to scream he could only thrash beneath her as each kiss shattered a little bit more of his mind to dust.

As Stella’s wicked control splintered his soul, Alex realised that in a way she was going to kill him. Very soon he wouldn’t be himself anymore. In his place would be Stella’s desperate lover, addicted to her in every possible way. But with each touch of her lips there was less of Alex left to care and already he could sense arousal washing aside his worries.

Alex knew he was going to die tonight. But when death came by a thousand of Stella’s kisses and the promise of an afterlife as her sapphic fuckdoll beckoned, he couldn’t think of anything better than becoming the Siren’s next victim…

Thanks for reading!

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not usually the best when it comes to stories with dark themes, but when it came time to write my Halloween slate for this year the concept of a suspected serial killer who secretly transformed her victims really caught my imagination. Better yet, it suited this gallery perfectly, which had been on my to-write list for a while, so I got to kill two birds with one stone. And as an added incentive it also allowed me to write another story including Anna Polina. Her chapter in Fantasy Manor was one of my favourites of the series and I absolutely love her work, so any excuse to write a story involving her is always welcome in my book.

As usual, all of my content in October will be themed around Halloween. Anybody who has read my seasonal work will know that I’m not always the best at writing themed content, so admittedly some of these just veer a bit more supernatural than normal rather than being outright Halloween pieces. But still, I hope you enjoy them!

I’ll be releasing a new piece every Friday as usual, one of which will be a Tumblr rewrite as I’ve been doing for a while now. So hopefully I’ll see you next week for Halloween story #2.


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