Lie Back – A Tumblr Rewrite

Models: Purr Simona & Sofi Vega

Lowering himself into the steaming bath, James sighed with release as the water lapped at his skin. The bubbles clung to his skin, welcoming him like the embrace of an old friend. But it wasn’t long before his sigh melted into soft, sensual groans as the magic-infused water began to work its way through his body. Rather than watch himself change, James closed his eyes and chose to savour the feel of it instead, only his head and shoulders above the water.

His transformation was a thing of blissful release. It worked up from his feet, which he supposed made sense given they were the first part of him to enter the bath. His legs were filled with both a pleasant warmth and a faint tingling that signalled his body hair retracting to leave his skin perfectly smooth. Those legs were also becoming softer, fleshier, the masculine lines of his thighs and ass filling out gently until he was gifted with sumptuous curves. For a brief moment those curves ended at his cushioned rump, but then they rose further as the abs he had honed over many passionate nights faded into a smooth midriff.

Though his upper torso was still above the waterline the magic had hold of him now. There was a faint creaking while his shoulders narrowed slightly, but James felt no pain – in fact, the most notable sensation was the slight tightening at the base of his neck when his clavicles lifted to be more prominent than before.

And then it was the turn of his face. The magical warmth worked its way beneath the surface of his skin and as it spread he could feel the features it undermined softening slowly. His nose became a little shorter and wider; his lips rounded into supple cushions; his jawline tempered to a smooth curve. The delicate shifts of his skin injected a few ticklish giggles into his quiet groans, while above he sensed his head growing heavier; where once there had been hair cropped close to the scalp, now long glossy locks formed a tight bun atop his head.

It was only when everything else was perfect that James’ tits and pussy came in, almost as if they were a reward for accepting his new body. He let out a brief gasp as the simultaneous sensation of his chest expanding and his crotch contracting flushed fresh pleasure through his body, prompting him to squirm slightly and send small ripples through the bubbly water.

James remained there for several minutes, lying back in the water’s warm embrace and enjoying the way it played over his new form. Then, opening his eyes, he sat up and cupped a small heap of bubbles in his hands. Blowing on them, he watched little clumps peel off and drift through the air, and as he followed their progress his eyes came to rest on the other woman in the room.

Katie was kneeling at the end of the bath completely naked. Her long hair was splayed over pale shoulders and she had her hands over her eyes.

‘You can look now,’ James said.

Rather than drop her hands, Katie peeked through her fingers and gave a delighted squeak. Springing up, she hurried around to the side of the bath where she did an ecstatic dance on the spot, arms held tight against her chest and hands pressed to her beaming face.

‘You’re so pretty, baby. I mean I always knew you would be, obviously. But you’re just so pretty. When you said you had a surprise for me, I never realised you would end up like this. I mean all I want to do is–’ Katie never finished her sentence, because the next second she had sprung forward and pulled James into a sensual sapphic kiss.

Smiling as they made out, James’ hand found Katie’s and he slid his slender new fingers into hers, ebony against ivory. In return Katie’s free hand slid up to cup his cheek and she raised one leg to kneel on the rim of the bath, leaning over so their tongues could intertwine deeper.

James still couldn’t quite believe how drastically his life had changed over the past few months. Nevertheless, he knew exactly where the changes had first started.

Even now he wasn’t sure what had compelled him to enter the poky little shop at the end of the narrow street. He had never seen it before, but something about it had caught his attention, reeling him in like a fish on a line.

It was a very odd place. The walls were dominated by shelves groaning under the weight of countless jars and bottles, their labels written in messy scribbles that were mostly illegible – though even the names James could read made no sense to him. Strange things hung from the roof and stranger things filled glass-fronted cabinets, but the strangest thing of all was the owner. Perched behind the counter like some bizarre crow, she’d been wrapped in a patchwork shawl with a little golden eyeglass hanging on a cord around her neck. Her hair was seemingly iridescent, never quite settling on a particular colour, and she was wearing a wide-brimmed, intensely frayed purple hat. Overall, the general impression was what you might get if you asked a child to draw a witch with a confused fashion sense and a drinking problem.

‘Hello dear,’ she’d said, ‘how can I help you today?’

James scoffed hollowly. ‘If you’ve got anything for an awful ex and crushing loneliness, I’ll take three.’

As though she knew something he didn’t, the woman had given a toothy smile before spinning on her stool and rummaging through the shelves behind her. ‘Now you mention it, I distinctly recall a fresh batch of comeuppance coming in last week,’ she said over the clink of the glassware. ‘And I always make sure to keep companionship in stock. Ah, here we are, these should suit you nicely.’

Swivelling back to face him, she popped two little vials on the counter. In one was a violent green liquid, in the other a vibrant red powder. ‘Comeuppance and companionship, just like I said. My own secret recipe,’ she’d added with a conspiratorial wink. ‘What you want to do is run a nice hot both with a little of those in. But don’t go getting in yourself, dearie, oh no. Just you leave it and see what happens. Oh, and take this too.’ She produced a slip of card from the folds of her shawl. ‘This shop, it tends to wander, but if you ever need to find it the address will be on there. Now off with you, dear. First visits are always free at Morgana’s. See you again soon.’

And with that James had found himself outside, vials in one hand, card in the other, struggling to wrap his head around what just happened.

James’ thoughts were briefly dragged back to the present when Katie pulled back. His mouth felt cavernously empty without her tongue filling it, but fortunately it was only a brief lapse. After tying her hair back in a quick bun, Katie joined him in the bath, her nubile body slotting perfectly into the space beside him.

Once in position she pressed her pale body against James. One hand rose to caress his neck while the other looped around his back, pulling him closer.

‘Are you sure you like me this way?’ James asked before Katie could lock lips with him again.

The way she smiled at him then made it difficult to believe they had ever been anything other than wildly in love. ‘Absolutely. In fact, I think I like you even more like this. You’re so soft and perfect. And…’

‘And?’ James prompted when she did not continue.

A flush of colour rose on Katie’s cheeks. ‘And I think I could kiss you forever,’ she said quietly.

James’ smile was edged with more than a little impishness. ‘No arguments here,’ he said as he pulled her back in again.

The vials from Morgana had sat untouched in his bathroom for some time. Eventually though, after a particularly long day and an evening spent nursing more than one strong drink, James had thrown caution to the wind and drawn a steaming hot bath. The addition of the liquid and powder had caused the water to froth like a churning cauldron, and by the time the bath was full it was heaped with mountains of aromatic bubbles.

No sooner had he stopped the tap than James heard an unexpected knock on the door. But the visitor standing on his doorstep was even more unexpected.

‘Katie? What are you doing here?’ His ex was clearly dressed for a night out – tight black dress, towering heels, deep cleavage – and her lip curled when she saw him. They hadn’t spoken since their breakup and it looked like she wasn’t especially happy about breaking that streak.

‘Turns out I left some heels here after I dumped your ass. I’m not leaving them for any loser you date to steal, so I’m here to take them back.’

Before he could reply Katie pushed James aside and barged up the stairs. Following her up, he almost knocked her over when she stopped abruptly in the bathroom door. She stood motionless, frozen, and when James looked at her face he was surprised to find her staring longingly at the bubbles.

But then Katie was herself again and her expression twisted into a mocking smile. ‘Are you serious? Since when do you have bubble baths? This whole place smells like a freaking spa!’

‘Oh, that… that’s not for me,’ James mumbled bashfully.

‘Not anymore it’s not,’ Katie had laughed, and before he knew what was happening she had shoved him out of the room and locked the door behind her.

It was clear that whatever was in those vials was more potent than he’d realised, for after a minute or so of standing outside the door in disbelief James heard Katie give a sigh of relief as she sank into the water. Later, James would come to wish that he had been in the room during her first bath, but as it was he was left speechless by the strange turn of events and eventually he went back downstairs, poured himself another drink, then watched TV until he drifted off to sleep.

The surprises only continued the next morning.

James had found Katie in the kitchen. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers, her stunning figure on full display, but she didn’t quite look like the Katie he knew. To his eye she seemed a little shorter than before, hair a fraction darker, frame a touch daintier. Still, she had greeted him with the same scowl he was used to.

‘You might be a loser, but you know how to run a good bath. I was so relaxed in there I couldn’t be bothered to go out so I slept here. I figured I’d make you some breakfast, you know, to say thanks I guess.’ Katie had gestured to the two bowls on the kitchen counter. James could only blink in shock: though it was only cereal, Katie had never prepared a meal for him before. ‘Had to steal one of your shirts, sorry. Boxers too.’

James had assumed Katie would be gone by the time he returned from work that night. She wasn’t. And she hadn’t left since.

Every night he would pour her a bath, and the following morning she would awake having changed just a little more. Before long the bitchy blonde brat who had walked in and stolen his bath was a distant memory; now she was sweet and giggly and always eager for his attention. Admittedly her newfound need to be around him had taken some getting used to – but the effects were incredible. There was rarely a day they didn’t spend fucking like animals, her transformation having imbued her with newfound stamina that far surpassed anything she’d had before, and James could not imagine her being more perfect.

What was more, Morgana had helped him adapt to his new life. Just as she’d said, her shop never appeared in the same place twice, but James had come to accept the restless nature of Morgana’s store just as he had accepted the magical nature of what she sold there.

The weird old witch always seemed to have the perfect product for him. When James had been forced to take more and more time off work in order to keep Katie company, she had provided him with a potion of good fortune; fortuitously, the following day he had been identified as the sole heir to a multi-million fortune of a distant relative. When he had started to struggle to keep up with Katie’s insatiable sex drive, she had worked a little enchantment to help keep him virile as long as he needed. And when he’d wanted to treat Katie to something special, Morgana had sent him home with a beautiful sheer negligee that came with the added bonus of making the wearer absolutely desperate to give and receive oral.

But all these things paled in comparison to what Morgana had given him on his most recent visit.

‘I… I want to be like Katie,’ James had admitted a little bashfully. ‘Every night I watch her lie back in her bath and there’s this look of total bliss on her face. I… I want to know what that feels like.’

In response, Morgana had smiled the same knowing smile she had given him so many times before and produced a small yellow bath bomb. ‘I think you’ll find this is exactly what you’re looking for. Just pop it in the water, lie back and let it work its magic. My own special recipe, of course,’ she’d added with a familiar wink.

And now here he was, basking in the lingering pleasure of his transformation and relishing the more immediate lust that Katie’s sensual kissing was stirring with him. If heaven existed, James couldn’t imagine it being better than this.

‘What should I call you?’ James frowned at Katie’s question, prompting a girlish giggle. ‘Well, I can’t keep calling you James, silly. You deserve a pretty name to suit your pretty face, and I want to have something to moan when you’re making me cum.’ Though James opened his mouth to reply, his bubbly girlfriend was already continuing. ‘No, wait, let me think about it. Jessica? No. Joanna? No. Jasmine? No.’

Katie’s face suddenly lit up. ‘Jade,’ she said.

The sultry brunette’s tone was dripping with such intoxicating seduction that in that moment James knew even if the bath was empty, he would have been dripping wet. His new body ached for Katie and he had to force himself not to pounce on her.

Instead he nodded and smiled. ‘Jade. I love it.’

‘And I love you,’ Katie purred. As she spoke she spread a towel across the rim of the bath before gently easing Jade up to sit upon it.

‘What are you doing?’ Jade smiled, though she did not resist.

Jade’s ex-ex smiled, a twinkle of mischief in her eye. ‘Showing you exactly how much I love you.’

With that Katie cupped Jade’s breasts in her hands and pressed her lips to the closest nipple. Running her tongue over Jade’s tit she peered up at the gorgeous black beauty with a mixture of love and lust on her dainty features.

Sighing with pleasure, Jade cradled Katie’s head in her hands and allowed her girlfriend to lap at her tits. She smiled, thinking back to the very first time she had stepped foot in Morgana’s shop.

She still couldn’t quite believe how drastically her life had changed in the past few months. But with Morgana’s magical emporium never far away and a doting, delicious girlfriend at her fingertips every minute of every day, Jade was happy to savour every sensual second of her sordid new life…

Thanks for reading!

Another month, another Tumblr rewrite. I have to say I’m really having a blast with these, and I’ll be genuinely sad when I run out of stories to rework. Until then though, I intend to continue having fun revisiting these old stories and updating them into something new and – hopefully – hotter.

This story is actually one of the few rewrites for which I could have reused the original Tumblr images. That’s because the gifs included in the original were of Belle Delphine, who many people are no doubt aware produces pornographic content on her OnlyFans. Delphine is a controversial character to say the least, but her decision to produce explicit content means that she is technically a candidate for inclusion on my blog.

Having said that, I opted against using her work here (and almost certainly won’t use it in any future stories) for a few reasons.

Firstly, the original gifs used were produced prior to June 2020 and therefore before Delphine started making explicit content. Even though she has made the transition into such content since, it still felt weird to me to use those gifs again here given the context of when they were created.

Secondly, as mentioned, Delphine is rather controversial. While I typically don’t consider a model’s reputation as a factor in me writing stories using their content (unless they have done something criminal, that is) I feel that in this case Delphine’s notoriety could easily distract from any story in which she is featured, which isn’t at all what I want.

Thirdly, while OnlyFans models technically meet the standards I set myself when it comes to selecting which models I am willing to use, they nonetheless sit in something of a grey area. While I am not saying the porn industry is a beacon of safety and good judgement, I would personally say that career models on the whole have a healthier understanding of boundaries and how to take care of themselves than amateurs. I’m not saying that all OnlyFans models are making bad decisions, far from it – I know multiple people who have an OnlyFans account and put thought into what kind of content they release. But I do believe there is a higher risk of errors in judgement being made there and on similar platforms, therefore I generally steer clear of using such models in my work. I just don’t want to run the risk of using content from an amateur who then decides they regret producing that content for whatever reason. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it is easy to produce OnlyFans content on a whim, but whims can be easily misguided; in contrast, most professional scenes are not nearly as quick or simple to produce and thus include a variety of input from multiple parties, minimising the risk of somebody being involved impulsively. I don’t know if that makes sense to anybody but me, though hopefully it does.

All of that being said, if a model transitions from amateur to professional (for example, Scarlet Chase, who started out on OnlyFans but has since filmed scenes for Evil Angel, among others) then I am perfectly happy to use their content. Amateur origins do not bar a model from inclusion on my blog – working as an amateur in the present does.

Finally though, it just made sense to change the images. Delphine has no professional scenes to her name, and therefore no galleries for me to use. Since using multiple standalone images makes it difficult to maintain a consistent theme or vibe within a piece, I decided just to pick out an entirely new gallery and go from there.

Overall, I absolutely love this piece. I think it’s hot and well-written and romantic in that naughty, twisted sort of way I thoroughly enjoy writing. Hopefully my comments have given you an insight into why I made the changes I did, but even without that context I personally believe this rewrite is far superior to the original and I really hope you enjoyed it too.

Also, for anybody wondering, yes, the Morgana in this story is the same character as in The Witches. In fact, I believe this was her very first appearance in any of my stories and this version served as the inspiration for her later appearances. So technically this is also kind of a new addition to The Witches, albeit one that was originally written before that series even existed.

Next week we’re into October which means a full month of Halloween-themed stories. So I look forward to seeing you then for a little hedonistic horror!

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