Fantasy Manor: Chapter 12 – A Place To Belong

Models: Jay Smooth & Sofi Ryan

Battering on the door yet again, Janey raised her voice loud enough to wake the dead. ‘Come on! Open up!’

Her scowl deepened as she listened for an answer that never came. She and Solomon were stood outside the room she was sharing with Jaz and Emma. After getting back off the hike she had suggested they chill there for a while, yet they had arrived to find the door firmly locked.

‘Seriously, I didn’t even know think doors had locks,’ Janey said as she subjected the door to another round of physical abuse. ‘And why would Jaz or Emma lock it anyway?’

Janey raised her fist once more, but she was held back by Solomon’s hand around her wrist. ‘Maybe you might want to stop that before you start breaking fingers,’ he laughed. ‘I’m sure there’s a good explanation. Maybe they didn’t even mean to lock it – they could have just knocked a latch or something.’ Pressing his ear to the wood he listened intently for a moment. ‘I think I hear the shower running too. So that explains why nobody’s answering.’

‘So what now?’

Solomon shrugged. ‘It’s no big deal – you can crash in my room instead. The guys might be there, but I’m sure they won’t mind.’

With Solomon leading the way they soon reached the room he was sharing with Sean, Luke and Adrian – although ‘room’ might not have been the right term. In reality their accommodation was more like a small flat, consisting of two bedrooms with ensuites and a shared living area. To Solomon’s surprise, when they arrived it was completely empty.

‘Weird,’ he said as they entered the room he and Luke were using. ‘I’m sure Adrian said he was going to be working on his outfits today. And I figured Luke would have been back from his yoga session with Jessie by now. Plus Sean and Emma left the hike early, so there’s no way we beat them back.’

‘Maybe they’re all getting laid,’ Janey smirked, dropping down heavily on the foot of Solomon’s bed.

Solomon scoffed. ‘Yeah, right. And I’m a dancing monkey.’ 

Janey raised an eyebrow. ‘Do you expect me to deny that?’ she said with a wink. When Solomon didn’t answer, she put on a face of mock pity. ‘Aw, you’re such a big softie. Are you lost without your strays?’

‘Very funny,’ Solomon said dryly, casting her a sarcastic glance.

Though he knew Janey was just joking, she wasn’t entirely wrong. Though he could get along well with everyone in their friendship circle he found that even short amounts of time in the company of the group’s extroverts left him socially drained. Janey was the exception to the rule; although very much a social butterfly she was undoubtedly Solomon’s best friend and they had known one another long before they ever joined the group. Still, when they all met up Solomon preferred to be on the periphery rather than at the centre of attention.

Naturally, that had led him to associate with the group’s introverts instead, particularly Luke, Sean and Adrian. Over time he’d formed close friendships with all three, their bond having something of a symbiotic nature: Solomon acted as the social glue that helped connect them, while they in turn provided him the kind of chilled environment that the group’s jocks never could. Even so, he often felt as if he didn’t quite fit in amongst them either.

Janey knew how important the trio were to Solomon – but that didn’t stop her teasing him about it.

‘Do you mind if I have a quick shower?’ he asked, keen to change the subject. ‘I think if I keep these clothes on much longer they’ll start rotting.’

‘Hey, it’s your room, you do what you like. I’d probably be doing the same if we were in my room to be honest.’

‘Thanks. I won’t be long.’

Once in the ensuite, Solomon practically tore off his clothes. It had been some time since his last hiking trip and he’d forgotten how grimy it made him feel afterwards, his skin coated in a film made of equal parts sweat, dust, and suntan lotion. Given that he’d not yet unpacked his toiletries, he snatched up a bottle of bodywash from a shelf above the marble sink. Assuming it to be Luke’s he failed to notice the Fantasy Resort branding on the label. Fortunately, there was already a mesh shower pouf hanging from the door to the shower cubicle. Snatching it up, Solomon darted into the box of frosted glass. A few seconds later the jets were at full blast, the heat cranked up, and Solomon’s contented sigh was washed away by the thrum of the streaming water.

Solomon’s tall frame was only partially visible through the steam and glass, reducing his physique to a vague silhouette as he applied bodywash to the pouf and began to scrub himself clean. Nevertheless, even with his body barely visible it soon became clear that something was off.

As he rubbed in the lotion Solomon’s movements began to take on a more sensual edge; his hips weaving, his legs squeezed together, his free hand running over his naked body. His breath was coming fast now and when he twisted to the side the line of his chest was heaving hard.

But it was only when Solomon let out an erotic moan that the reality of what was happening to him became clear. Because not only was his groan distinctly feminine, but it was at that moment that the pouf slipped from his hand and he staggered slightly, forcing him to brace himself.

And the hand that pressed against the glass was no longer his own.

The palm was soft and smooth – a far cry from the once tough skin earned from a lifetime of sports and outdoor pursuits – while the fingers were thin and delicate, tipped with long nails decorated with white polish. Solomon’s new hand was also noticeably smaller, feeding into a narrow wrist from which his once prominent veins and tendons were now absent, smoothed over by more soft, tanned flesh.

Groaning again, Solomon retreated back into the swirling steam as his transformation truly took hold. Even so, the hazy view could not obscure everything.

As if eroded by the falling water, the endless streams were reshaping his physique, carving out flawless curves from his broad frame and honing his muscly limbs into slim, feminine lines. At the same time Solomon was gradually shrinking, his height regressing little by little to match his new proportions until several inches had been washed away, leaving him both curvy and petite. While the changes progressed his hands were roving over his body and the pleasure saw him writhing and twisting where he stood. In doing so he pivoted to the side, revealing the swooping arc of his inflating ass.

All at once a striking darkness burst around his head like a tainted halo, spreading down rapidly to splay across his chest in ink-black strands. But these strands were just as abruptly forced aside as his chest began to swell. Bigger and bigger it grew, and as if to dispel any doubt of what was happening another twist around showed Solomon’s engorging tits in profile.

But not all of Solomon’s assets were growing. When stood in profile his cock was also clearly visible – rock hard and jutting straight out like a jousting lance. But while his hands were groping his still-expanding rack, his manhood was shrinking at an equal rate. In less than a minute it was reduced to a nub between his thighs not large enough to be seen in silhouette. A few seconds after that and a loud gasp of pleasure suggested that it had been replaced altogether.

Though Solomon’s face was hidden, the increasing effeminacy of his groans made it obvious that his handsome features were long gone, replaced by a far more sultry visage.

At length, the new woman cut off the shower and pushed open the cubicle door. Appearing around the glass the finer details of her appearance became visible for the first time – from the tattoos adorning her right fingers and forearm, to her large pink areolas, to the neat arc of her brows over long-lashed eyes brushed in warm-toned shadow. Her sensual beauty was so entrancing it would have taken most onlookers some time to realise that despite having just emerged from the shower she was somehow bone dry.

Well, mostly. Because while her skin and hair were dry, the same could not be said for her pussy, which was dripping wet and twinkling like a sordid constellation.

With no need to dry herself off, there was nothing to distract her from the lust swirling through her insides. Her mind was alive with thoughts of sex and pleasure, and as she emerged from the steam of the shower reality seemed to come rushing in, reminding her who she was, where she was – and most importantly, who was waiting for her back in the bedroom.

Oblivious to the heap of dirty clothes in the corner, Sofi strutted towards the door with a mischievous glint in her eyes…

No sooner had Solomon left than Janey flopped back onto the bed with a heavy sigh. Everything ached. As much as she’d enjoyed the hike she had no doubt she would be feeling the effects for the rest of the week.

She immediately regretted lying down as exhaustion washed over her and her eyes grew heavy. If she didn’t get up there was no way she would still be awake by the time Solomon finished his shower, and yet she simply couldn’t muster the energy to do so.

Rolling over, Janey noticed a metal canister on the bedside table. It was topped with a spray attachment and as she peered through half-closed lids she could make out the Fantasy Manor branding.

‘Sweet Dreams Bed Spray,’ she read off the label.

Suddenly conscious how bad she must smell after a full day of walking and keen not to stink up Solomon’s room, Janey crawled across to grab the spray. With a huge yawn and a great effort she forced herself up onto her knees before liberally spraying the duvet and pillows. For good measure she also spritzed just as much into the air, the tiny droplets drifting like miniature diamonds in the sunlight.

Unfortunately, the scented spray was more potent than she had expected. Janey didn’t even have chance to put the canister back on the table before a fresh wave of fatigue flooded her system. Losing her grip on the spray, she was oblivious as it rolled away across the lacquered floorboards, focusing instead on the fight to stay awake.

But it was a futile battle, and a few seconds later Janey crumpled back amongst the cushions.

Curtains of spray droplets hung over her like an iridescent veil, dancing in the whirling currents left in the wake of her falling body. When the air settled they drifted silently down to settle on Janey’s skin, all while the freshly-scented bedding filled the room with a soothing floral aroma.

Sound asleep, Janey never heard the horny groans that started to seep from the bathroom. And nor did she notice any of the changes overcoming her own body either.

Initially the darkness across her chin seemed like a simple trick of the light – an errant shadow cast by the waning sun. But soon enough the stubble was growing across her jaw and cheeks too, followed by more across her top lip. As if spurred on by the fresh facial hair, her jawline filled out into a firmer line, while in contrast her full lips lost some of their softness and volume to form a sterner expression. Higher up, her nose had extended while streaks of black shot through her platinum blonde pixie cut, the darkness spreading to every strand while also growing into a tousled quiff that swept back somewhat messily from a broad brow.

By now Janey’s transformation was picking up speed. The bed was groaning beneath her as her petite figure enlarged rapidly. Within seconds her t-shirt and leggings were at their breaking point, their seams fighting desperately to contain mounting banks of muscle they were never designed to accommodate. But as Janey’s frame continued to expand her clothes could no longer keep up the fight and the room was briefly filled with the sounds of tearing stitches.

The body that emerged from the tatters of Janey’s outfit was unrecognisable. Her perky tits and narrow shoulders had been usurped by a broad, firm chest which descended into a lean midriff, while her once slim arms were heavy with masculine strength. Her legs too were thick with muscle, dark body hair having sprouted all down her shins and other areas. Though by no means a bodybuilder, her new physique was still firm and powerful and infused with prominent strength.

Still, the most striking change was probably the presence of the impressive cock now resting over her crotch and lower stomach. Just like the rest of her clothes, her underwear had been insufficient to contain the new organ and now her dick was laid bare. Semi-erect, the head rested just below her navel while the shaft twitched in response to the sexual dreams filling her sleeping mind.

Through it all Janey remained quiet and still, not so much as groaning despite the pleasure flooding her subconscious. Even when the moaning from the bathroom increased in volume she slept on, although with the warmth of the sun on her naked skin she smiled contentedly when the shreds of her old outfit dissolved away. What was more, as if all the exertion of the day had been stored in her clothes, their disappearance likewise erased the whiff of sweat and dirt to leave her cool and clean.

Once Janey’s transformation faded there were a few seconds of silence: no groaning, no shower, just Janey’s soft breathing and the almost imperceptible pad of bare feet on tiles.

Sofi found Jay dozing peacefully in bed, just as she’d left him. After taking a morning stroll through the woods they had spent most of the afternoon cuddling in bed while watching TV. When she’d noticed his lids start to droop she had excused herself for a shower to let him rest.

However, the shower had left her unexpectedly horny, the memory of her last one – in which Jay had slipped in and taken her hard and deep against the tiles – prompting her to play with herself under the streaming water. Now, as she eyed her handsome man’s naked body spread out atop the bedsheets, letting him rest was the last thing on her mind.

Slinking around to the foot of the bed, Sofi was cautious not to disturb him as she lowered herself down. She crawled up between his open legs just as carefully, nestling just below his hips and flicking her dark, wavy hair to one side. Then, resting her forearm on one thigh and coiling her tattooed fingers around his semi-erect cock, Sofi ran her tongue along the underside of her lover’s thick shaft.

The expression of confused pleasure that danced over Jay’s features forced Sofi to stifle a laugh. His responses were all instinct: the limpness of his limbs made it clear that he was still asleep, but the sensation of her tongue was filtering deep enough into his subconscious mind that arousal sprang up automatically on his face.

Part of Sofi would have happily remained in that moment forever, watching the raw bliss warping his handsome face. But the rest of her mind was running wild with all the delicious sins they could indulge in once he awoke, all of which she was eager to explore. Keen to rouse him, she held his cock in place with one hand as she continued to lap hungrily. As for her other hand, that was nestled lower down in a more unconventional position, one knuckle pressing against his ass.

‘You know, I’ve never met a girl who was actually willing to do that.’ Jay’s voice was as smooth as his demeanour, though even after months together Sofi still wasn’t sure which of the two she found more attractive. Lifting his head Jay met her eyes with a smile. ‘I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though: I’ve never met a girl like you, period.’

Sofi didn’t reply. She didn’t need to; the glint in her eyes and the smile on her lips said more than words ever could, and Jay had learned from experience that when Sofi looked at hin that way he was in for a very enjoyable experience.

Already Sofi could feel her arousal beginning to build. Like a rollercoaster cranking up towards the first peak her anticipation grew as the descent came ever closer. Some women would have backed out at that point, but Sofi wasn’t one of them. In fact, as far as she was concerned the rollercoaster rush of their connection was what made being with Jay so exciting.

To call Sofi and Jay a couple would have been severely stretching the definition. Although a genuine relationship could be on the cards eventually, right now they were simply two deviants eager to explore the limits of passion together.

Before meeting him, Sofi had been beginning to wonder if there was anybody who could truly understand her. She’d always had the urge to be experimental in bed, but she had never been able to find anybody whose approach quite aligned with her own. It seemed as if every guy she met was either painfully vanilla or full-tilt kinky, whereas Sofi’s desires sat somewhere in the middle. Moreover, her fixation was on the mental pleasure as much as the physical; she craved the thrill of competing with her lover for control, the impish delight of exploiting their most secret turn-ons, the suspense of knowing they were willing to try anything together.

To put it simply, Sofi lived for the peak of the rollercoaster, knowing that once they took the plunge anything could happen.

In Jay she had finally found someone who revelled in that same thrill. And she took every opportunity to make the most of that good fortune.

Though at first the long strokes of her tongue had seemed like the prelude to a blowjob, Sofi had never intended to go down on Jay at all. On the contrary, she was teasing him – drawing out his arousal with the promise of her lips and throat gliding over his shaft yet never delivering on it. Her choice to combine this temptation with a knuckle against his ass was in the pursuit of a simple goal: she wanted to make him hard. Rock hard. Hard enough to ride until she couldn’t think straight.

Unlike other men, Jay wasn’t frustrated by the denial. Instead he wore a devilish smirk.

‘Are you going to play with your food all evening? Or are you going to get up here and put your other lips to use?’

Attraction burst through Sofi as she crawled up his body to oblige. That was one of the things she found hottest about their bond: they were of one mind. With their souls in sync no desire could be kept hidden, no fantasy concealed, the net result of which was that they could both play on each other’s cravings with effortless ease – a skill that led to the best sex Sofi had ever experienced.

After sharing a passionate kiss, Sofi reared up and twisted to straddle Jay’s cock, which was now a steel rod angled straight up at the ceiling. Planting her feet either side of his hips she smiled as his hands settled on her flanks, his touch warm and erotic on her skin.

Then, her muscles tensing with euphoria as she descended, Sofi sank down and welcomed his manhood into her flushed wet sex.

‘Oh fuck,’ they groaned in unison, their breath releasing in a single sensual sigh.

Sofi’s voluptuous body was alive with motion as she immediately began to ride. Her tits bounced, her thighs rolled, her ass jiggled, all while the muscles of her legs and midriff shifted beneath golden skin. With one hand splayed over Jay’s broad chest she angled herself slightly backwards to allow herself to take him deeper; in doing so she caused the dark waves of her hair to spill from her shoulders and hang in swaying curtains above him.

The sun was setting by now, it’s rays like fire in the sky. They kissed Sofi’s skin, wrapping her in a warm embrace that fuelled her arousal. The crest of the coaster was imminent. Sofi could feel it in her blood: a mounting lust almost ready to overwhelm them both.

In the end it was Jay who sent them over the edge.

His hands closing tighter around her sides he lifted her free of his cock, leaving Sofi feeling momentarily empty. Breathless from the sudden void within her, she was powerless to resist as he span her around and pulled her down onto his chest, an explosion of arousal bursting through her as their bare flesh pressed together.

Then he was inside her once more and Sofi was gasping as he pumped up hard.

With Jay’s strong hands pulling her in she was pinned in place. His face had come to rest in the curve of her neck, which he now kissed and licked between his own groans, the fingers of one hand tangling through her hair to prevent her squirming away. All the while the clap of his driving hips colliding with her ass rang out in a steady beat. Each thrust drove in deep and after a few seconds he found the angle needed to hit her G-spot, at which point Sofi’s groans pitched into delirious laughter, her eyes rolling and her mouth hanging open as he railed her. On instinct she reached back with one hand to spread herself wider for him.

For several minutes Sofi’s system was overloaded by the sudden blend of sensations. She was reminded of the moment of uncertainty when running a hand under scorching hot water – the brief pause when the heat is too intense for the nerves to convey and you feel nothing at all.

But the pause never lasts forever, and soon she could feel her body burning with orgasmia. Her tits throbbed with arousal as they ground against Jay’s chest; her skin tingled everywhere his body kissed hers; white-hot pleasure flared through her loins with every driving thrust.

This was it. They had started their descent. Lust was their gravity, pulling them ever downwards, faster and faster into and endless world of sex and sin.

Usually Sofi would have attempted to take control by now. But Jay was far hornier than she had anticipated and was fucking her with such vigour that she simply couldn’t think straight for long enough to formulate a plan to do so; every time she tried, her thoughts were immediately scattered by another mind-bending thrust.

What was more, it soon became apparent that Jay had no intention of relinquishing control.

Wrapping her in his arms he abruptly rolled to the side. Sofi gasped as she landed on the mattress, the shift in position both driving Jay even deeper into her and setting the room spinning. When she regained her bearings she looked up to find her man towering over her, firm chest heaving and tousled fringe hanging over his eyes.

For a second he eyed her hungrily through the strands of dark hair: a tiger peering through the foliage at a vulnerable fawn. Then he flicked his fringe back and his smooth demeanour returned.

‘You look so innocent like this,’ he smiled. Sofi had landed on her side, her knees folded up against her torso and her feet jutting out over the edge of the bed. His hands were on her hip and flank, squeezing her softly without quite groping, and the head of his cock remained nestled in the folds of her pussy.

Yet there was an uncertainty in her eyes as she met his gaze. The way he had manhandled her so easily had sparked an unexpected craving for submission, the likes of which she had not experienced before. She wanted to feel small and owned and objectified; she wanted to be a toy for his gratification. Just the thought made her insides squirm with arousal and her brows knitted together as she tried to find the words to articulate this new need.

In the end, however, she didn’t need to; as she opened her mouth to speak, Jay’s finger came to rest on her lips.

‘What are you doing?’ he asked, a fiendish edge to his smile. ‘Good sluts don’t speak. Good sluts only moan. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To be a good slut for your god?’

With his finger still on her lips Sofi nodded frantically, her eyes wide and pleading.

Without even bothering to respond, Jay immediately fulfilled her desires. Tightening his grip on her hip he pressed her harder into the bed, pinning her down. And with her lower half unable to move, there was nothing to stop him pounding her exposed pussy with ruthless  power.

Orgasmic cries tore from her lungs as fresh euphoria flooded her body. The spark of submission now roared like a wildfire, bathing her in the erotic bliss of giving up her body for Jay’s use. Even the ache of her ass as Jay’s devastating thrusts rattled her bones and left her cheeks stinging could not dull the pleasure, and as rational thought fled her mind she was left with a single thought that repeated over and over like a sinful mantra: good sluts moan, good sluts moan, good sluts moan…

Sofi had no idea how long Jay used her like that, her body curled up in a bundle of limbs and lust, only that by the time clarity began to return his face was closer, his muscular body leaning over hers. One of her feet was hooked over his shoulder now, the other leg looped around his thigh, and he was driving into her from above in deep, slow thrusts. At some point Sofi’s own hand had descended to her crotch and she was playing with her clit.

Jay’s burst of dominance had satisfied her submissive desires for now, though the sheer intensity of it had left her tender inside and she could only bask in the warm rays of sunset as they slipped back into gentler lovemaking.

‘Fuck, I could do this forever,’ Jay grunted. ‘Nobody has ever turned me on the way you do. You’re so fucking hot, babe. I wish I could fuck you whenever the urge took me – anytime, anywhere, no matter what we’re doing.’

‘Maybe you should.’

The words were out before Sofi even realised she was saying them. When she looked up she could see Jay was just as surprised as she was.

‘Wait, really? Are you talking about free use?’

Sofi had never considered such an option before, but now she had said it out loud it immediately took root. Hordes of hot new ideas flourished in her mind and filled her thoughts with flashes of all the devilish things free use could lead to. The concept of being available for him to fuck whenever he wanted – not to mention the perpetual anticipation of never knowing when he would use her, or for what – was a wet dream come to life.

Even so, Sofi wasn’t willing to let Jay have all the fun.

‘I am. But only on one condition: it goes both ways. If you’re allowed to fuck me anytime, that means I can do the same to you. So whenever I want to be eaten out, you kneel; whenever I want to ride, your cock is mine; whenever I want to edge you until you’re drooling and dumb, you don’t lift a finger to stop me.’

For several seconds Jay simply stared at her, his hips barely moving at all. Then he plunged down and kissed her more passionately than she could ever remember him doing before. When he pulled up his eyes were gems of lust.

‘Has anybody ever told you you’re the hottest woman they’ve ever met?’

Sofi shook her head.

‘Morons,’ Jay scoffed, before diving down again and ravishing Sofi’s neck with kisses.

Her giggles danced through the air like the bed spray droplets that still sparkled in the sunbeams. ‘Should I take that as a yes?’

‘Absolutely,’ Jay said without breaking away from his kissing.

‘In that case, I’ll let you take charge first, baby,’ Sofi purred. ‘What do you want to do to me right now?’

This time Jay did pull up, though when his face shifted into view there was barely a hair’s breadth between their lips; he was so close Sofi could only see his eyes. When he spoke his voice was low and thick with both lust and danger. ‘I want to fuck my girl until she’s a drooling mess leaking my load from every hole. Then I want to help her clean off with a nice, long, hot shower with my dick down her throat.’

Sofi’s smile was pure depravity. ‘Funny. That’s exactly what I had in mind.’

With that he was kissing her again, his tongue delving between her lips and winding around her own. His thrusting resumed too, sending spirals of fresh pleasure swirling through Sofi’s insides and prompting her to roll her hips to match his pumping rhythm. Bathing in the bliss of it all, Sofi raised a hand to his chest. The skin was warm from the waning sunlight and she could feel the same heat washing over her own body.

In that moment, engulfed in Jay’s embrace as he filled her world with ecstasy, Sofi knew she had finally found where she belonged. And as the sunlight dwindled a simple realisation sprang into Sofi’s pleasure-fogged mind: although the day was ending, their passion was only just beginning…

Thanks for reading!

Of all the chapters I wrote for Fantasy Manor, this one presented me with the biggest dilemma. The reason for this is that I found a gallery that I really liked, however Sofi Ryan’s co-star in that piece was Ryan Madison; his name wasn’t credited on the gallery itself, but with a bit of research I managed to identify it was him. During said research, however, I discovered that he has also been accused of sexual assault by multiple female models in the industry.

Now, these accusations were made in 2020 and, as far as I can find, he has not been officially charged or convicted for any of them. It is also unclear whether or not Sofi Ryan was one of the models who accused him, though to the best of my knowledge she was not. However, given my ethics regarding the content I produce, I could not in clean conscience use his work to support my stories. Regardless of whether the accusations are true or false, the fact that they are out there and seemingly have not yet been resolved either way simply does not align with my personal values for my work. As a result I immediately rejected that gallery and found this instead (which, as it happens, I actually prefer anyway).

The real problem for me though is that Madison has appeared in other stories I have released on this blog. At least four that I know of (those being Time-Crossed Lovers, Disciple of Sin, The Program: Amber Smith – Used And Abused, and The Program: Amber Smith – Oral Expert) but it’s possible he’s been in more given that in my older stories I did not credit the models. For the former two removing him from the stories would be next to impossible, while replacing the images in which he appears in The Program would require potentially extensive rewrites, particularly in the case of Used And Abused. The accusations also state that Madison’s wife, Kelly, was complicit in the abuse, and she also appeared in Used And Abused, though to my knowledge this is the only story I have written in which she is included.

All of this has left me questioning whether I should completely remove those stories or not. At present I have decided to leave them up, however once this piece goes live I will be adding a disclaimer at the top of each that will link to here and thus allow anybody reading them to know that I am aware of the accusations and no longer support the Madisons’ work.

To be clear: I will not use the work of Ryan or Kelly Madison on my blog again.

Full disclosure here, I don’t know if this is the right thing to do. Ultimately I have left those previous stories up because Madison’s character is not the main focus of any of them, but rather a secondary character while the story itself is focused on a different model – in three of the four his face isn’t even visible at all. I don’t think it is right for the actions of one person to warrant stories that primarily focus on the work of a different model to be removed, however I am conscious that this is a difficult subject and my approach may not be acceptable to everybody.

I also want to take this moment to mention that while I always do my best to credit every model whose work I use, I cannot vet all those models prior to use. The only reason I discovered this about Madison was because he was not credited in the original gallery and I was trying to identify him, otherwise I may never have known. As such, I am conscious that it is possible that I have written stories using the work of other models whose actions may conflict with my ethical standards. Hopefully this is not the case, but it is not beyond the realms of possibility. But ultimately this is a hobby and I can only do my best to conduct myself ethically.

I hope my comments here go some way to assuring my readers that whenever a problem comes to my attention, I will act on it without delay; I will always endeavour to ensure this blog is a safe space for everybody who visits.

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