Fantasy Manor: Chapter 1 – Deviance By Dawnlight

Models: Jessa Rhodes & Lucas Frost

Jessie knew she’d packed her yoga clothes somewhere. She always started her day with a session and made a point to get up early so she didn’t have to rush. She found it helped her stay calm and collected throughout the day, and though she had certainly done her meditative stretches in other clothes before she much preferred the comfort of her sports bra and spandex leggings.

All the same, despite rifling through her suitcase several times, she simply couldn’t find them. While searching she had taken the opportunity to unpack, so she supposed there was a silver lining at least, but even with her case completely empty and everything hung up in the large walk-in wardrobe her exercise wear remained elusive.

Fortunately, Jessie wasn’t easily put off. Abandoning her own clothes, she turned her attention to the rest of the wardrobe. According to the others, every room had one, each packed with clothing of every conceivable variety. From ballgowns to latex catsuits, the wardrobe contained the most eclectic range of outfits Jessie had ever seen, although why exactly the manor was stocked with so much diverse clothing she couldn’t guess.

Still, it was a stroke of luck for her, because there was more than enough sportswear in the wardrobe to replace her lost yoga kit.

Jessie quickly found a suitable set. The shorts were cut a little higher than she’d like and the cups of the bra were a bit big for her, but they were better than nothing. They also came with a cute purple top, tight on the arms, loose and breathable everywhere else, with the back open to allow plenty of airflow.

Once back in the bedroom, Jessie slipped out of her pyjamas and pulled on the bra and shorts. As she’d suspected they weren’t the best fit, though fortunately Keira and Kacie had both left on the hike before she even woke up so there was nobody to judge the look. Plus she doubted Luke would even notice, if he even showed up at all.

Jessie had to admit it was nice having Luke around. Ever since she had broken up with Aaron, Luke had been there as a shoulder to cry on – especially when she’d learned Aaron had already been trying to get into Chrissy’s pants less than a week after their split. In fact, Luke had been there for her after her previous half a dozen relationships had ended. Sure, he was quite awkward much of the time, and she often got the sense he was trying to be somebody he wasn’t, but it was good to know she had someone to support her when she needed it.

She hoped he did join her for the session. Maybe the yoga might help him loosen up a little. Either way, whether Luke came or not, at least for her it would be a soothing distraction. So, tossing the purple top over her shoulder in case she got cool, she grabbed her mat and padded barefoot from the room with a spring in her step.

There were no signs of life as she made her way through the hallways. With the hikers having already left everybody else was no doubt still asleep, so Jessie was careful not to make any noise as she passed by the bedrooms. Slipping quietly outside via one of the manor’s many, many side doors, she immediately found herself shivering. Though it promised to be a warm day, it was still dawn and the long shadows were cooler than she’d expected.

It was the work of a moment to pop down her mat and wriggle into the loose top.

The moment it fell into place Jessie slumped back against the wall, a shallow gasp bursting from her lips as pleasure rushed through her system.

Her transformation took hold rapidly, as if it had been eagerly waiting for her to don the top and complete her magical outfit.

Jessie’s mousy brown hair looked as if it was being leeched of colour. Paling swiftly to a shade of platinum blonde, it wasn’t long before the only echo of her old hair was the darkness of her roots. As the bleaching set in, the bobble holding her ponytail in place snapped, allowing her glossy locks to tumble down around her shoulders.

Her features were changing too. Jessie had always had a girl next door kind of edge to her appearance – it was what had attracted the attention of her numerous exes. Now, however, her face was reforming into a more sultry visage. Her eyebrows honed into keenly-plucked arcs that crowned eyes that suddenly sported long lashes and expertly applied shadow in the colours of dusk. Her lips swelled into a plump pout while her cheekbones lifted, tightening the skin beneath as they rose. Everything about her new appearance oozed sensuality to such a degree that if there had been anyone around to see her there was no doubt they would have fallen to their knees in adoration of the new beauty before them.

Further down, Jessie’s figure was shifting to suit her ill-fitting clothes. Her flat chest filled out several cup sizes until the bra and top stretched taut across her bulging rack. Likewise her ass inflated just as quickly, pushing the spandex of her shorts to its limits. The extra tightness ensured they were so snug they no longer rubbed when she moved, with the added bonus that they pressed up against her clit – currently swollen with the arousal – to send little bursts of pleasure through her groin with every tiny motion she made. Though Jessie was already toned, she felt her abs strengthen and her waist contract slightly, giving her an even more shapely figure capable of driving even the most devout celibate to sin.

With her transformation almost complete, only a few final details remained. Black nail polish decorated her fresh manicure; nude lipstick lightened the shade of her horny smile; a golden tan washed over the pale lines around her left wrist that betrayed a removed tattoo – the name of her first boyfriend – while fresh ink unfurled across her right forearm in a delicate floral pattern, as if to compensate for masking the other.

Throughout her metamorphosis Jessie’s gasping groans had filled the air. But there was nobody around to hear them – nobody to witness Fantasy Manor’s magic at work.

Once the effects ebbed, it was Jessa who took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The sweet perfume of the surrounding forest filled her lungs and she smiled. Then, collecting her mat from the spot where Jessie had dropped it – and completely unaware of the dramatic change she had just experienced – Jessa made her way towards the manor’s eastern pool…

Today was the day. Today Luke was finally going to tell Jessie how he felt about her.

He had spent months building up the courage to bite the bullet. Ever since Liam and Dominic had first suggested they all come away for the anniversary he’d gone over every possible way to do it, had considered how and when and where to bring up the conversation. He’d gone over each potential response, both steeling himself for a rejection and psyching himself up so as not to cry if she felt the same way.

Luke’s main concern was how he was going to put his feelings into words. He’d had a crush on her since the moment they met, but as he’d gotten to know her that kneejerk attraction had flowered into deep, genuine affection. Her smile always filled him with a warm glow; her laugh always made him happy; the excited animation that overcame her whenever she spoke about something she enjoyed made him want to listen forever.

Regardless, however he told her, however she took it, today was the day.

But first, he had to dress to impress. He’d debated whether to join her in vest and shorts – the kind of attire she’d expect him to show up in given they’d be doing yoga together. But that didn’t feel romantic enough. Moreover, though he had bought along several of his smartest shirts from home, upon browsing the railings of his room’s walk-in wardrobe he’d found that the shirts hung there looked far better than his own.

So here he was, rifling through the railings looking for something Jessie might find attractive.

He hadn’t mentioned his plans to either of his roommates. Of course, he knew Solomon, Sean and Adrian would wholeheartedly support him, but his nerves were already so fraught he thought it best not to get anyone else involved in case they made some passing comment that caused him to panic. Fortunately, Solomon and Sean had already left on the hike while Adrian was – as usual – engrossed in a book, so Luke was confident he could slip away without his friend even noticing his lack of a sporty outfit.

Just then, Luke laid hands on the perfect shirt. It was dark blue with a pattern of alternating stripes and spots. For some reason he felt oddly drawn to it. The idea popped into his head that it was the kind of shirt an experienced lothario might wear, despite the fact he had never actually seen what such men wore when trying to woo a lover.

Adrian’s voice drifted in from the bedroom. ‘Just going in the shower,’ he said.

‘Alright,’ Luke replied as he removed the shirt from the hanger and found it came with a pair of jeans too. ‘I’ll probably be gone when you get out.’ A few seconds later his pyjamas were on the floor and he was trying out the new clothes, excited to see how they looked.

Still, as he was buttoning up the shirt, familiar niggling doubts began to creep into his thoughts. What if she didn’t like his outfit? What if he fumbled his words and messed it all up? What if she turned him down? After all, it wasn’t as if he was her usual type. Yet maybe that was a good thing. The men and women who usually drew Jessie’s attention always treated her carelessly – they were bad boys and shallow sluts, more interested in their own needs than hers. She was never more than an accessory to them: arm candy to show off at cons and parties.

Luke knew he could offer her better. But little did he realise that Fantasy Manor was about to help him do exactly that.

‘Oh fuck!’ he gasped, startled by a sudden wave of pleasure that had washed through his midriff. Urgently pulling up his shirt to expose his stomach, Luke’s eyes bulged with astonishment: abs. He had abs. Lean and athletic rather than the chiselled muscles of a true gym fanatic, they were nonetheless a striking change from his formerly average physique.

Glancing up at his reflection in the full-length mirror set in one corner, Luke frowned. ‘What the…?’ But he never got to finish his thought.

Fresh pleasure stormed through him, only this time it didn’t stop. His gasps become groans as he slumped to his knees, overwhelmed by the ecstasy of the transformation moulding him into an entirely new man.

Like the tremors of an earthquake, the changes spread outwards from the epicentre of his new abs. Within seconds his slim figure was tense with fresh muscles that slid smoothly beneath his skin, flexing and bunching as he convulsed. His shoulders broadened an inch or two, though his new body was far from burly – instead his transformation granted him a toned, sporty physique that looked like it had the stamina to fuck for days without pause.

Without warning a strange prickling sensation washed over Luke’s chin and jaw. A heartbeat later he was no longer cleanshaven as a trimmed beard and accompanying moustache sprouted into being. The stubble gave Luke a more roguish look, as did the sudden growth of his ordinary hair, which surged up into an oiled quiff several shades darker than the light brown it had once been. Though his new hairstyle bore echoes of Aaron’s favoured look, Luke’s features had shifted into sharper, shrewder lines than the jock’s square jaw and broad brow. Unsurprisingly, his new features were a poor fit for his glasses, which flew off during a particularly sharp convulsion and were lost in the depths of the wardrobe.

Luke was powerless to resist the manor’s corruptive power. Grunting with each fresh wave of euphoria, he could only watch in astonishment as his reflection transitioned from the one he knew to that of a total stranger – an intruder who had taken control of his body.

But before Luke could even try to come to terms with what the shirt had done to him, that same intruder stole his mind too. All at once, Luke was gone, washed away by Lucas. Rising to his feet, the new man had no memory of who he had been mere seconds before, but rather his mind was filled with an entirely fresh reality. A reality where he was at the manor alone as part of a singles week. Only instead of finding himself drawn to one of the other guests, it was a member of staff who had caught his eye.

Slipping on a pair of shoes, Lucas exited the walk-in wardrobe. The thrum of the shower was still audible, but Lucas was too distracted by his thoughts to notice.

Because today was the day. Today Lucas was finally going to seduce Jessa.

Jessa got no warning. Despite listening out for Lucas ever since reaching the pool, the slick stud had nonetheless managed to sneak up on her. Taken by surprise she gave a gasp as his strong hands whipped down her shorts from behind, and the next thing she knew he was peppering her bare ass with kisses.

The initial shock gave way to a satisfied smile. ‘Good morning, Lucas. Glad you could join me.’

‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ he said between kisses. ‘I think we both knew this was going to happen, so I thought it best not to leave either of us waiting.’

‘Good, because I was already getting impatient.’ Jessa sighed with pleasure and allowed him to continue worshipping her rump.

In the new reality the manor had bestowed on the transformed friends, Jessa was the resident exercise coach. She was there to provide recreational activities for any group that chose to visit, including the assortment of guests who showed up on the singles week. Yoga in particular was her speciality and she ran at least two sessions per day, although it was rare that anyone showed up to her dawn lesson. Not that it mattered to her – she found the meditative stretches relaxing with or without people to accompany her.

But today in particular she was very glad of the absence of any other guests. Because with them out of the way, there was nobody to interrupt all the naughty things she and Lucas were about to do together.

Though the air was still cool, Jessa’s arousal caused sweat to bead on her skin. Wiping her brow she could feel her purple top clinging to her as she moved. Suddenly she was desperate to be naked, prompting her to urgent peel off her top and toss it aside; it landed in the pool, followed quickly by her shorts, which Lucas had tugged off so he could squeeze her ass firmly while kissing the bunched flesh over and over.

As yet, he hadn’t crossed the line of licking her holes. But his resistance didn’t last long.

Manhandling Jessa onto her back, he pushed one leg aside as he sank down to join her on the floor. Soon he was lying prostrate, his face barely an inch away from Jessa’s exposed sex, the foot of her other leg resting on his shoulder. Her tight pussy twinkled, crowned by a thin patch of trimmed pubic hair.

‘I can’t tell you how often I’ve dreamed of this,’ Lucas smiled. Then he forced a sensual groan from Jessa’s lips as he pressed his own against her sex and began to feast.

‘Oh yes, that’s it baby,’ she purred, peering down at him through fluttering lids. Already she was panting with pleasure, any concerns over fraternising with a guest extinguished the moment he started suckling on her clit. ‘Mmmh, you’re so fucking good at that. I’ve never had anyone make me feel so hot so quickly.’

Supported on her arms, Jessa basked in the pleasure. Her spandex sports bra was the only remaining element of her outfit, though it did little to stop the jiggling of her plump tits once she started to squirm, and it soon joined her top and shorts in the pool’s turquoise waters.

Jessa had known for some time that this was inevitable. After all, this wasn’t the first time Lucas had shown up at one of the manor’s singles events; he had visited on several previous occasions, yet despite his handsome looks and roguish charm he hadn’t managed to forge a relationship with any of the other guests. That wasn’t to say he hadn’t bedded many of them – Jessa had overheard abundant gossip about his impressive sexual prowess – yet things never quite worked out and he always left alone.

During all his visits, however, the two of them had flirted almost constantly. Neither of them were shy about ogling one another, and it had become an unspoken challenge to see which one could tempt the other most – her with her tight exercise clothes and sultry curves, him with his enticing muscles and mischievous smirk – though so far they had never actually acted on their lust.

All the same, they’d both known it was only a matter of time before their attraction became too strong to resist.  

Jessa’s drifting thoughts were dragged back to reality when Lucas spread her even wider while simultaneously easing her hips slightly back. The motion allowed him even easier access to her holes, which he took advantage of by running a finger through her slick folds then using her juices as lubricant to press the tip into her tight ass. Given the lack of actual lube he didn’t drive his finger in any deeper, but the added sensation was enough to add fresh pleasure to Jessa’s erotic groans.

However, there was only so much foreplay Jessa was willing to tolerate. She had waited to feel his cock inside her for long enough. Now it was time for that fantasy to become a reality.

‘Is your tongue the only thing you’re going to put in my pussy?’ she breathed. ‘Please, Lucas, please fuck me. I’m so ready. I need it. I can’t wait anymore.’

Pulling away from her loins with his chin smeared in her pussy nectar, Lucas smiled devilishly. ‘Anything for you, gorgeous.’

It was the work of a few moments for Lucas to strip down. Jessa bit her lip as his clothes fell away, allowing her to admire his toned abs and bare chest and firm legs for the first time. In all the times she’d dreamed of this moment, she’d never quite imagined how horny the mere sight of his naked body would make her.

Just as he was about to drop his boxers she realised she didn’t actually want to see the contents. Not yet. She wanted her first experience of his cock to be the sensation of it sinking into her sex. So, before he disrobed completely, she rose back onto all fours and faced away from him. In doing so she exposed her vulnerable holes. Knowing he couldn’t hope to resist them, a sly smile spread over her puffy lips.

For several seconds after Lucas drove his cock inside her, Jessa felt nothing. The sensation was too intense to register – like placing one’s hand in scalding hot water.

Then an orgasmic groan tumbled from her lips and her eyes rolled back in her skull.

Lucas held himself still until she came to her senses again, his perfect cock stretching her sex and sending waves of pleasure rushing through her insides without ever moving at all. Positioned behind her, braced on one leg while kneeling on the other, he leaned forward so his torso hung just above her back, his chin almost resting on her shoulder.

‘You took your time,’ Jessa said at last, twisting her head round to face him. ‘I was beginning to think you’d never fuck me at all. Always off slapping some other piece of ass while leaving me all alone.’

‘Yeah, well, I guess I was just waiting for the right time,’ Lucas replied, his lips so close they brushed against hers. ‘They were all just exercises in indulgence. It was never serious. But now I’m ready for more. And I want it with you.’

Taking a deep breath, Jessa readied herself for what came next. ‘Then take it, baby. I’m all yours.’ And with that she closed the distance between them and was kissing him passionately as Lucas began to thrust.

From that point on, everything devolved into a sensual blur of skin and ecstasy.

Jessa lost track of the positions they used. Adrift in an abyss of orgasmia she surfaced into moments of clarity only briefly. Every time she found they had assumed a new lustful embrace, each one more arousing than the last. At one point they were up on their knees with one of his hands pressed firmly on her crotch, the other clamped around her hip, both keeping her in place while he took her from behind; another time she was reclining on her side, one leg held high in Lucas’s grip while he plunged in deep and slow; yet another she was on all fours again, only rather than leaning in close as he had before, Lucas had pushed her forwards and was fucking her doggystyle, the clap of their colliding skin like whipcracks in the quiet morning.

She rode him, her tits swinging beneath her and her ass rippling each time she dropped down onto his perfect cock. She went down on him too, gorging herself on his manhood until she came away with frothy precum trickling down her chin. And all the while her hands were exploring his body, stroking and groping and caressing. His upper half was mostly hairless, save for a small patch over his pecs, and she savoured the direct warmth of his skin on her fingers.

Lucas, meanwhile, was in a similar state of blind passion. His movements were driven more by instinct than intent. Alert to the endless stream of Jessa’s erotic moans, he subconsciously adjusted his speed and depth and rhythm in response, his only goal to fill her with as much pleasure as he was able.

Like her, his hands were never still – although he defied any man to keep his hands to himself when they had such a gorgeous woman on the end of their dick. The thrill of squeezing her fleshy thighs and plump ass and magnificent tits was almost as erotic as her pussy doing the same to his pumping cock. More than once he found himself groping her so hard his knuckles were white and his fingers trembling, but his forcefulness only seemed to turn Jessa on all the more, her groans punctuated by desperate begging for him not to stop.

Throughout it all, nobody interrupted. In truth, being caught in the act wouldn’t have made any difference, for they were both far too horny to stop now. But of course the manor itself provided all the privacy they required. The shutters of overlooking windows were closed by unseen hands; the breeze carried their moans away so nobody could hear; and when Jessa and Lucas’s former friends began to rise, the manor guided them away from the pool without them ever realising a thing.

Along with their orgasmic new bodies, the manor had also gifted the two lovers with incredible stamina. As such, though they had both climaxed several times already, they were still fucking hard when the morning began to heat up.

‘Maybe… we could… take things back… to my room,’ Jessa said eventually, her words broken up by the shudders Lucas’s thrusts sent through her sumptuous body. She was lying beneath him, her legs hooked over his hips while he supported himself on fists planted either side of her. ‘I get so lonely there,’ she went on as Lucas slowed his pace. ‘Especially knowing the rest of the manor is full of horny singles getting off with each other. Besides, I’ve spent enough time dreaming of fucking you in my bed – I think it’s time you did it for real.’

Only slightly breathless, Lucas pulled out. Kneeling over her he stroked his cock to keep it hard, although with Jessa’s perfect body spread out in front of him it was an unnecessary precaution.

‘It’s a tempting offer. Then again, I also like the thought of screwing you in the pool, and we can’t do that while tangled up in your bedsheets can we?’

A mischievous expression crossed Jessa’s pretty face. ‘No. But you’re forgetting that I have an entire wardrobe of sexy outfits waiting for us back there. And now I finally have someone to wear them for. I’ll even let you pick.’

Matching her impish smile, Lucas stood up and offered the buxom beauty his hand. ‘Allow me to escort you to your room, milady.’

Jessa giggled. ‘Oh no, don’t try and sound gentlemanly now. We both know we’re just horny deviants and I’m not going to hide that anymore. So let’s not be coy: you’re not escorting me anywhere. I’m dragging you to my room and once we get there we’re going to fuck until the sun goes down.’

Before Lucas could respond, Jessa grabbed his hand and pulled him back inside, neither of them bothering to recover their clothes first. As before, the manor’s magic ensured nobody crossed their path as they scampered through the wooden corridors.

And as they vanished into Jessa’s room kissing and groping shamelessly, elsewhere in the manor more sordid magic was starting to influence the other guests too…

Thanks for reading!

Readers of my previous Fantasy Universe stories may notice a few differences in this one compared with my other summer series. Specifically, this does not have what I’d consider an ‘opening shot’. In previous stories I would use a stock image as an opener to try and give an idea of the setting for the story, but when it came to writing Fantasy Manor I felt like that was an unnecessary addition. Not only can it sometimes make it more awkward to try and blend the stock image and the porn gallery setting together, but I would also typically use the opening shot as the featured image on my blog (the image you see when scrolling through my stories), however I think it makes way more sense to have the models in that image instead. It’s also a big timesaver for me not to have to find extra images, which has helped massively in enabling to write this at all.

All of this means that my Fantasy Manor stories will be more similar to how I’ve approached my Club Fantasy pieces. Which is to say no location shots (aside from the prologue and epilogue), just the porn gallery images. I must confess that sometimes this means there is quite a long stretch between the start of the story and the first supporting image, but where possible I’ve tried to minimise that.

Another thing people may notice is that for pretty much the first time I am including the name of the male models as well as the female ones. I did this in my Lake Fantasy story Hedonistic Honeymoon, but outside of that only one male character has popped up in a Fantasy Universe story since, and it totally slipped my mind to use his name in the story. I chose to make this change for Fantasy Manor because ultimately even though these stories are focused on my favourite models, most of whom are female, none of these scenes would exist without their co-stars. They deserve recognition just as much as the models I’m using as my main inspiration. This is a practice I will continue in future Fantasy Universe stories wherever possible.

And finally, I wanted to mention that I won’t be going into depth about all the models in my comments as I usually do for these pieces. For one thing, if they’re included in this series it’s already a given that I love their work, and for another I’ll only end up repeating myself over and over by the end of the series about how great I think they are. Here and there I may point out particular favourites, but other than that I’ll take the opportunity here to implore you to check out the work of any and all models who appear in this series. I picked them because I think they’re genuinely fantastic, and they’re all absolutely deserving of your support.

That’s all for now. See you on Wednesday for chapter 3!

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