Models: Stacy & unknown male model

The second Riley saw Bai, they knew she would make the perfect host.

In Riley’s experience one of the perks of being a bodyhopper was that, as a side effect of spending so much time inhabiting the minds of their hosts, reading people became effortlessly easy. All it took was a single glance to gather all the information Riley needed to know about somebody, from whether or not they had an ongoing crush to how dark their deepest secret was.

And in Bai’s case, her role as a trophy slut was blindingly obvious. The glittering diamond earrings, the minimalistic designer bikini accentuating her soft physique, the breathtakingly expensive wine on which she nonchalantly sipped – everything about her presence screamed to Riley that this was a woman who took her life of luxury for granted. As for the sluttiness, well, that Riley could see in Bai’s eyes.

In this private area the thumping music from the foredeck was quiet enough that the waves could be heard lapping at the yacht’s hull. Alone on her seat, Bai evidently considered the idea of joining the crowded party beneath her.

When Riley appeared on the private aft deck of the superyacht, Bai didn’t seem uncomfortable by their arrival. Not that Riley blamed her – as far as Bai was concerned, she had nothing to fear.

‘I don’t care what you are doing here, but I suggest you leave,’ Bai said, her voice level but cold. ‘My husband has guards all over this ship. One word from me and if you’re lucky you’ll still be alive when they throw you overboard. This is your one chance.’

Riley stifled a grin: Bai’s reputation preceded her. By all accounts she was just as ruthless as her husband, Qiang, which was quite some accomplishment given how consistently Qiang’s competitors were the subject of mysterious disappearances. Undoubtedly being married to one of the most infamous figures of the criminal underworld had influenced Bai’s demeanour, but Riley could tell that her cold heart predated any ring or ceremony.

Yet it was Bai’s icy sluttiness that had drawn Riley to her in the first place. Like most bodyhoppers Riley could never get enough of fucking in another person’s body, because no matter how similar two individuals might appear, the erotic sensations they experienced would never be identical. Riley wasn’t ashamed to admit they were addicted to the thrill, but unlike other dependencies no matter how many times they indulged themselves the high of sex in a stolen body never dulled.

Even so, Riley had much more patience than their peers. While many bodyhoppers would only remain in a host for a matter of weeks or sometimes even days, Riley only took a new body once a year. By now it had become a kind of tradition for them to spend New Year’s Eve seeking out a new body, then ringing in the New Year with a fuck to consummate the shift.

Over the years Riley had taken many sordid sojourns across the globe, indulging in hedonistic thrills in various exotic locations and bodies. However, their past few hosts had all been sourced from Asia: three bodies back they had hopped a smoking hot Thai ladyboy and spent the year fucking paying clients as well as railing other ladyboys in between; after that came a famous Korean popstar, in whom Riley had taken great pleasure pounding slutty fans at every opportunity; and this year had been whiled away as the handsome owner of a Chinese strip club whose dancers would provide extra services for the right price, and who were always willing to satisfy the needs of their well-hung boss.

However, after three years with a dick, Riley was ready for a change. And not just a pussy either – they wanted to be spoiled and bratty too. So, when Riley had overheard a group of gang members in the club discussing the hot, slutty, alpha bitch wife of their boss, she sounded like the perfect choice.

And now, after sneaking into Qiang’s VIP party in the body of a waiter, Riley was finally in the presence of the woman they’d heard so much about.

‘You know, I’m honestly glad you’re as vain as everybody says,’ Riley smirked. Their Mandarin was as fluent as Bai’s, and the bodyhopper noticed a brief expression of surprise cross her face at their flawless accent. ‘Hopping sluts with an arrogant streak always hits different. Bratty whores like you are almost as insatiable as me. Almost.’ Riley chuckled to themselves. ‘Oh, this is going to be such a fun year. For both of us.’

Visibly unnerved, Bai frowned as she set down her glass and unfolded her legs.

Riley didn’t give her the chance to do anything else. Springing forward, they dived headfirst across the table towards Bai. But rather than collide with her, Riley’s body simply vanished into Bai’s. The force of the hop slammed Bai back against the railing, her eyes rolling up into her skull as Riley effortlessly took control of her nubile body. An orgasmic groan burst from her lips, her hand automatically sliding into her underwear as pleasure suddenly overwhelmed her.

With that Bai belonged to the bodyhopper.

And just in time too, because no sooner had Riley settled into Bai’s body than Qiang emerged from the cabin.

‘You okay, babe? I thought I heard somebody talking out here.’

Qiang was as handsome as he was infamous. His dark hair was shaved short at the sides and worn long on top. Athletic in build, his pale blue shirt hung open to bare his toned chest while crisp white trousers fitted his lean legs tightly. Despite the late hour the gangster wore a pair of gold-rimmed shades and he carried a bottle of champagne no doubt worth the entire annual salary of Riley’s previous host.

Qiang was peering at the bottle’s label when he left the cabin. But when his wife failed to reply he looked up.

When you spent as long in hosts as Riley did, taking on a new body was always intense. But in Bai’s case, the woman’s inner sluttiness was so powerful it left the bodyhopper utterly speechless. Though it had been Bai’s instinct to start fondling herself – a natural response to the powerful waves of lust that came with being taken control of by a bodyhopper – Riley couldn’t stop herself from continuing the act. Rubbing herself needily, the crotch of Riley’s bottoms rose and fell rapidly, all while the other hand had snaked up to grope her chest.

As the erotic sensations of her new body left her reeling, Riley’s mind was a hurricane of slutty desire. Three years without a pussy ensured the throbbing arousal of her new sex hit hard, while beneath her own lust Bai’s carnal hunger bubbled like a volcano building to eruption. If left unchecked, it would erupt through her and leave her a brainless bimbo for days.

Riley needed a release. And she needed it now.

Fortunately, Qiang was quick to join her. ‘What’s got you so horny?’ he asked, slotting the champagne into the ice bucket as he dropped into the seat beside her.

‘Oh shut the fuck up and use me,’ Riley groaned. And with that she pounced on her handsome new stud.

Hooking a hand around Qiang’s head, she pulled his face into her cleavage before rocking her bosom against him. With the other hand she seized his wrist and pinned it to her ass. One knee nestled beside Qiang’s hip while the other foot was planted on the seat, Riley pressed herself against his body, rubbing her crotch over his abs and groaning as his tongue darted out to savour the flesh of her tits. Instinctively Qiang’s free hand rose to clamp around Riley’s raised thigh, and in so doing he sent an unexpected thrill up her spine. The new slut grinned: clearly Bai had a thing for having her legs groped. And now, as the new tenant of Bai’s body, that meant Riley did too.

After using the waiter’s body to smuggle herself into the party, Riley had slipped out of him in order to go looking for Bai. Being in their natural androgynous body had felt undeniably strange given how rarely they went without a host, but Riley had decided it was better than having the waiter come to his senses outside Qiang’s private cabin. As a result, she and her new husband were now completely alone – and Riley was eager to exploit their solitude.

Sinking down into Qiang’s lap she looped her legs around his waist while rocking her ass over his crotch. His grip on her tightened as his erection began to grow, and when she released him from her rack his head tilted back as he gave gruff grunts of pleasure.

Acting on a whim, Riley snatched off his sunglasses and threw them overboard: she wanted to see his eyes. She wanted to see his lust for her.

‘Those were one of a kind, you know,’ he said, though there wasn’t even a flicker of frustration in his expression. ‘Priceless.’

‘Like you fucking care,’ Riley hissed. Her pretty face twisted into a wicked smile as she eyed him hungrily. All of Bai’s memories were now at her fingertips, and when combined with her natural talent for character judgement it was almost too easy to warp Qiang into her puppet. ‘You might be able to fool all those thugs and crimelords, but you can’t fool me. You don’t care about the money anymore. Maybe you used to, but not now. Now there’s only one thing you couldn’t live without, and we both know what that is.’

Qiang’s voice was tight with restrained hunger when he replied. ‘And what is that?’

Once again, Riley took Qiang’s hand. But this time she guided it to her crotch, sliding his fingers into her underwear and between her saturated pussy folds. Automatically Qiang sank three fingers inside her, drawing a shuddering gasp from her lips. ‘This,’ she breathed. ‘My cunt. You live for it. Deep down, you’re just a slave to your need to fuck me.’  

There were two things that everybody knew about Qiang.

Firstly, he had pulled off one of the most complex bank jobs of the century when he was just twenty years old, and in doing so had effectively cemented himself as one of the most revered members of the Chinese underworld for decades to come. And secondly, he had a superiority complex so strong that even the slightest suggestion of him being inferior to anybody, no matter the reason, was a death sentence.

Unsurprisingly then, being called a slave by his own wife drove Qiang into a frenzy. Tugging his hand free of her cunt he clamped it around her throat, smearing pussy nectar across the skin as he surged to his feet. Using his hold on her neck he drove her back across the deck and into the lounge of the cabin. In here the music from the foredeck throbbed through the walls and floorboards, but all Riley heard was his fearsome words as he slammed her up against the bedroom door.

‘You filthy fucking slut. What the fuck makes you think you can talk to me like that?’

Riley’s eyes flashed manically. ‘Because I know you like it.’

Having rifled through Bai’s memories Riley knew her host was usually very submissive in the bedroom. Slutty, yes, but not willing to rock the boat save she fall out of Qiang’s favour and be cast out for a more obedient lover. But the memories of one night in particular stood out to Riley: a night when Bai had gotten very drunk and abandoned her usual restraint in favour of wild, animal lust. In response, Qiang had pounded her all night long until she was a babbling wreck, clearly loving every second.

When he didn’t reply, Riley continued. ‘Everybody always does as you tell them. Every order you ever give gets followed to the letter because people know if they fail you their life won’t be worth living. But secretly you want somebody to bite back. You want somebody to rise up just so you can put them back in their place. You love the thrill of wielding that power. Well that’s what I want too. I want you to use that rage to fuck me until I can’t think straight. I want you to make me your whore and remind me where I belong every fucking day. And I’m going to keep stepping out of line until you do.’

For a few seconds Qiang said nothing. He simply stood there pinning her against the door.

Then his face mirrored Riley’s deviant grin. ‘I don’t know what’s gotten into you, slut, but I like it. Maybe you’re right that I’m addicted to you, but I’m going to make sure you never breathe a word of it to anybody.’ With surprising softness, he released his grip on her throat.

‘And how are you going to do that?’

‘I’m going to give you what you want,’ Qiang said calmly. Then, moving with sudden and startling speed, he span around and cleared the table in the centre of the room with one swipe of his arms. The contents – a decorative bowl of pot pourri, a small stack of magazines and a framed picture of Bai and Qiang on their wedding day – went flying out of the open door and onto the deck outside. The glass of the picture shattered as it landed, but Qiang didn’t bat an eyelid. Instead he turned back to Riley and fixed her with a stare of raw lust. ‘I’m going to fuck you until you can’t think straight.’

From that point on, Riley’s grip on reality became progressively weaker. Flooded with anticipatory arousal, she didn’t resist when Qiang seized her by the bra and dragged her forwards, ripping off the lower half of her bikini as he did so. Neither did she react when he lifted her leg onto the adjacent seat, spreading her bare pussy and sprinkling droplets of her nectar across the floorboards with the motion. And when she heard him literally tearing off his own clothes, the sound of designer stitches splitting caused her to freeze in position as she fantasised about Qiang turning that lustful fury upon her.

Although every new body gave her a unique rush, Riley couldn’t deny that Bai was special. Unlike so many of Riley’s previous hosts, Bai had a strong will. Strong enough that even as Riley’s presence had washed her panic and fear away, the woman’s natural horniness had remained. That horniness now fuelled Riley’s hunger for depravity in ways she had never experienced before so that an erotic sweat soon broke out over her brow.

With the desires of bodyhopper and host blending together, Riley realised she had never wanted any lover more than she wanted Qiang in that moment. True, he was a bad man, but right now Riley wanted to be a bad girl and she didn’t care who she did that with. Besides, by the time she was finished with Qiang, he would be as much her plaything as she was his. And even though she had only been in her host for a matter of minutes, already Riley found herself wondering if perhaps she had found a body she might stick with for even longer this time. Maybe a year as Bai wouldn’t quite be enough. Maybe she could stick around a bit longer. Maybe–

The rest of Riley’s thoughts were dashed when Qiang reached around, grabbed her plump tits with white-knuckled ferocity, and used his grip to hold her still when he plunged his impressive cock into her cunt. He slid in easily, Riley’s saturated sex allowing him to glide inside and stretch her wide.

Riley let out a strangled scream as ecstasy roared through her. Her strength eviscerated by the sudden orgasmia, she crumpled forwards. Only Qiang’s hold on her tits stopped her hitting the marble table and as he supported her she threw out her hands to grip the edges hard. She knew he would be pounding her on the table soon enough, but for now all either of them wanted him to do was take her from behind.

‘Fuck yes, baby, that’s right. Please, make me your cocksleeve.’ Riley’s silk headband had slipped off while Qiang was manhandling her and now her needy panting set the veil of blonde hair that had fallen across her face fluttering. With Bai’s arousal flaring as bright as Riley’s own, the pleasure was so strong it was almost painful and Riley wore a grimace of tormented delight. ‘I’m your sex doll,’ she groaned.

Leaning in close Qiang groped her tits hard as he whispered in her ear. ‘Well, since you asked so nicely,’ he said.

Then he was thrusting in a devastating rhythm and Riley’s world collapsed. With the clap of his crotch against her ass drowning out the pulsing music and her slutty shrieks ringing out through the night, Riley surrendered herself to the life of euphoric hedonism that would be hers for at least the next year. And as her orgasm began to mount, true to his word Qiang railed her with such perfect ruthlessness that she could do nothing as rational thought trickled through her fingers, leaving the gangster’s new wife brainlessly begging for more…

Thanks for reading!

At this point I feel like I’m really starting to get the hang of bodyhopper stories. While historically it’s been a niche I’ve rarely explored, the story of V – which began in a Gaypril story a few years ago and has progressed in more stories since – has really helped me hone my approach to those kinds of stories.

Personally V is undoubtedly my favourite character through which to explore bodyhopping concepts, however in this one I wanted that visit a new character in order to mix things up a little. That said, I did want to carry forward some details that I established in previous bodyhopper stories which I will almost certainly use in all similar stories moving forward. In particular these include an androgynous physique and gender neutral names for the bodyhoppers when not in a host. Sometimes these will vary a little – for instance whereas V changes their name depending on what gender body they hop, Riley maintains theirs throughout the process – but I find having these basic details on which to found my ideas really helps my generate new story concepts.

I don’t currently have any idea when my next bodyhopper story will be, nor whether it will follow a new character or revisit V again, but either way I suspect it won’t be too long before another one comes along.

For now though I want to wish all who celebrate a fantastic New Year’s Eve, and I hope to see you tomorrow for my first story of 2025!

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