Models: Jay Smooth, Christiana Cinn & Jasmine Jae
Jaz was not having a good day.
She had only been awake for half an hour but already things were going wrong. For one thing she had major bedhead, her blonde hair puffed out as if she’d just gone headbanging in a bunch of balloons. Given that her hair was unruly at the best of times she knew it was going to take ages to make herself presentable, but there lay issue two: her straighteners were broke. Though they had been working fine when she packed them, for whatever reason they now refused to heat up.
Still there were some silver linings. As well as discovering a spare set of straighteners in the drawer of her bedside table, Jaz was also relieved to find that Janey had already left on the hike. In truth, given how much she’d drank last night she was feeling better than expected, but she still had a persistent headache and she had no doubt that waking up to Janey’s snores would have only made it worse.
Kneeling on her bed, Jaz did her best to wrestle her hair into the straighteners. Preoccupied with a video on her phone, she was initially oblivious as the locks she fed through went in blonde as straw and came out black as obsidian. It was only when a stray coil fell across her view that she looked up and shrieked.
But by then her fate was already sealed. Every strand was now the colour of midnight, and as if their corruptive roots were spreading through her entire body, Jaz quickly felt strangely erotic tingles swelling through her insides.
Turning to look at the straighteners which had done this to her, she squealed again. Already her hands had transformed, the nails and knuckles and digits now those of another woman. Before she could respond the transformation was rushing up her arm, her skin paling by a few shades as it swept inexorably up.
By the time the magic reached her chest Jaz had crumpled back onto the bed and was writhing with unexplainable ecstasy. Her already ample breasts doubled in size, pumped full of silicone that bounced about as she squirmed. The same swelling soon impacted her ass and thighs too, which bulged out into the enticingly fleshy lines of a true slut, while to further enhance her new curves her midriff thinned a little, any excess weight seemingly sucked up into her expanding assets.

Jaz groaned as her lips tingled, unseen syringes injecting them with filler to give her the perfect dick-sucking pout. Her brows darkened to the same shade as her hair, trimming themselves into sharp arcs as they did so, while sublimely applied makeup appeared over her pretty face. From the plumpness of her cheeks, the lack of wrinkles across her forehead, the lines of her nose, soon enough she was the very definition of plastic – the poster girl for nymphos everywhere. Thanks to all the silicone and surgery it was impossible to guess her age exactly, though at the youngest the new woman couldn’t be less than ten years older than Jaz, putting her somewhere in her mid-thirties.
The final touch to her transformation was the rapid restitching of her underwear. The cosy dressing gown she’d been wearing was now in a heap on the floor, exposing her new lingerie for all to see. Where once there was only simple white fabric, now there was purple satin embellished with delicate lace and a little silk bow between the cups. The new set struggled to contain both her immense new tits and her engorged ass.
On her knees, Jasmine blinked. For a second her mind was a little fuzzy, but fortunately it didn’t last long. She wasn’t really surprised she was a little zoned out: she’d spent months waiting for today and despite her best efforts her mind kept wandering. Soon enough she’d be acting out the fantasy she’d been dreaming of for so long.
And with her hair and makeup in order, all she had to do now was pick out some clothes…
‘You know this stuff isn’t half bad,’ Joe said. Taking another sip of his coffee he closed his eyes and smiled as warmth spread through his insides.
Chris nodded, mirroring Joe’s contented expression. ‘You can say that again. I’m just trying to figure out if it’s the best I’ve ever had.’
The two friends had breathed a sigh of relief when they came across the tub of coffee while raiding the kitchen. Liam had never actually told them where they’d be spending the week, instead he had simply given all the drivers the address so as to leave the actual reveal a surprise. Still, Chris and Joe had both anticipated it being some kind of hotel or resort – someplace where you didn’t have to bring your own coffee, at least. As such, they hadn’t packed any, so when it came time for their morning caffeine fix they had been forced to make do with what they could find.
The coffee was clearly the manor’s own brand: Fantasy Roast. Chatting about nothing in particular they had brewed a mug each before heading into the nearest lounge, which was just one of at least half a dozen dotted throughout the manor.
‘Hey, isn’t Keira a coffee girl? You should show her when she gets back.’
Chris flushed at Joe’s suggestion. He stared into the depths of his mug, brown fringe slipping down to cover one eye. ‘I’ll think about it.’
Joe chuckled. ‘No luck then, I take it?’ The slump of his friend’s shoulders was all the answer he needed. ‘Don’t worry, man,’ he said encouragingly, ‘I’m sure you’ll get there. Besides, it’s best not to rush these things. And you know I’m always willing to play wingman if you need me.’
Girls were a stream of conversation that never dried up when Chris and Joe were together. Then again, that was hardly surprising given that their close bond was founded on the shared experience of having dated former members of the group. Both young men had joined with their girlfriends at the time, but since then their exes had left the group while Chris and Joe remained. Having supported one another through their breakups they had become close friends, which most people unaware of their history found distinctly surprising given how unlikely their friendship appeared: Chris was average in every sense of the word, from height to weight to shoe size, while Joe was a standout specimen of masculinity with a tall frame, toned physique and dashing good looks.
Their latest topic of discussion was Chris’s crush on Keira. Joe knew how much Chris liked her, although he couldn’t blame his friend for waiting for the right moment. After all, everybody in the group knew Keira could be a little intense, especially when she was focused on designing her next costume. Even so, Joe hoped this week was the opportunity Chris had been waiting for to act on his feelings.
Little did the duo realise that the manor had other plans for them, none of which involved Keira.
The changes were subtle at first: an extra inch of length to Chris’s hair, the appearance of fine stubble across Joe’s chin, the slightly erotic edge to their sighs when they took another sip before placing their drinks on the coffee table.
But the pace of their transformations quickly increased.
Chris’s hair was now growing rapidly, sweeping down to his shoulders and descending his back. His facial features were shifting as well, slowly but surely rearranging into the cute smile, large eyes and soft complexion of a beautiful young woman. Likewise, Joe was almost unrecognisable. His appearance was more rugged now, while his manbun had collapsed as his hair swiftly shortened, eventually settling into dark, tousled waves barely half their former length and several shades darker to boot.
Mouths falling open in shock, both Joe and Chris raised a hand to point at one another – but at the very moment they were about to cry out, the pleasure hit. Hard.
Joe looked ready to burst. With every passing second his toned figure acquired more and more muscle, which seemed as though it was going to erupt from of his skin at any moment. In a matter of seconds every inch of his body was lined with impressive brawn that lurked just beneath the surface, easily capable of hefting any girl into his arms and holding her there to use as he pleased without ever breaking a sweat. His frame broadened to give an even more imposing outline, while lower down his legs thickened to support the extra muscle mass he’d just gained. A guttural howl ripped from his lungs as his dick lengthened an extra inch or two, his cry so loud the manor had to magic a few doors closed to prevent anyone overhearing. When he finally crumpled back, dazed and delirious, his pounding heart could be heard hammering a tattoo against his ribs.
Dramatic as Joe’s transformation was, however, it was nothing compared to the changes his friend was undergoing.
Chris’s body morphed rapidly to suit his new face. Descending from the base of his neck the changes left nothing untouched. His shoulders narrowed, his arms thinned, his fingers daintified and his nails refined themselves from bitten stubs to manicured perfection. The inflation of his chest came in one sudden burst, his nipples perking with arousal even as his clavicles surged to prominence and his stomach – a feature Chris had always been embarrassed of given that all his weight seemed to collect in his gut – compressed so quickly he was left gasping for air. The mind-bending ecstasy that came as his dick retracted and his pussy took shape was so intense that his entire body tensed, his back arching as if he’d just been subjected to a defibrillator shock. By the time he collapsed again, he had fleshy thighs, lean calves and delicate toes – a far cry from his formerly knobbly knees and beefy feet. Throughout the entire process erotic tingles raced across his body, the result of his body hair magically retreating until his supple new skin was utterly hairless.

When the magic released its grip on them, Christiana and Jason remained slightly breathless, though as far as they were concerned it had nothing to do with their transformation and everything to do with the fact she was leaning on his broad chest with his arm looped around her back. They were so close she could practically taste his lips already.
Her heart skipped a beat as he leaned in a little nearer, his free hand rising to stroke her neck. Her wide, innocent eyes were fixed on his.
‘I can’t believe I’m actually doing this,’ she breathed.
‘I can,’ Jason replied. ‘I knew from the moment we met you were the one. I could see it in your eyes. This is where you belong, baby. But it’s okay if you’re nervous. We can take things slow.’
An impish smile plucked at Christiana’s lips. ‘I never said I was nervous,’ she smirked, just as her hand slid down to Jason’s crotch, pushing aside the blanket which had materialised over their laps as they transformed. ‘Actually, I’ve never been more ready for anything in my entire life.’
Jason matched her devilish expression. ‘In that case, what are you waiting for? Show me what you’ve got, gorgeous.’
If they had been aware of their transformations, the friends-turned-lovers would have noticed that they were both wearing almost the same clothes as before. Joe’s blue t-shirt, charcoal grey hoodie and dark jeans had simply increased a few sizes to contain Jason’s more imposing frame. As for Christiana, her sage green top and black denim skirt were just restitched versions of Chris’s shirt and jeans – although like him she had no bra on beneath, allowing nipples hard with arousal to poke against the fabric.
Now though, both their clothes took the first steps towards their new home in a heap on the floor. Jason reached down and hooked his fingers beneath the hem of her skirt, hiking it up to clamp a hand over her ass. Meanwhile, Christiana’s agile fingers made short work of his jeans, which promptly fell around his ankles, boxers in hot pursuit.
Christiana’s stomach flipped as Jason’s cock bucked free. Already hard, it swayed a little as if beckoning her in.
It was an invitation Christiana could not deny.
Pushing any lingering anxiety to the back of her mind, the young woman bowed her head and took him between her lips. For an instant she held herself there, heart pumping. Then she began working her way down, little by little swallowing his ample length, savouring the sensation of it pressing deep down her throat.
After a few seconds she pulled back and assumed a slow, sensual rhythm. Jason’s sighs of pleasure encouraged her, the rest of the world fading into insignificance as she finally took the leap and let desire guide her.
And with that desire burning through her, she simply moaned when a sultry voice filled her ears: ‘That’s it, gorgeous, show our man what a naughty little nympho you are.’

Christiana hadn’t heard Jasmine enter. Nor had she felt her join them on the sofa. But she knew that voice, just as she knew the hand that Jasmine laid on her head, and those manicured fingers that now took control and aided Christiana in performing long, deep strokes.
‘Mmmh, it’s so hot watching you swallow him deep like that,’ Jasmine purred, leaning against Jason’s shoulder as she spoke. ‘I never really realised how erotic voyeurism could be. But already I can’t wait to see the look on your face when he’s pounding your tight cunt.’ She turned to Jason with a dazzling smile. ‘How is she, babe?’
Jason grinned mischievously. His eyes fluttered as Christiana swirled her tongue around his shaft for the first time. ‘Incredible. Amazing. Mind-blowing. I can keep going if you like? Almost as good as you,’ he added with a wink.
Jasmine smirked. ‘Of course she is. We’re two sluts cut from the same cloth. Together we’re going to rock your world, babe.’
Their words seemed distant to Christiana, their actual meaning barely registering in her lust-addled brain. She was so focused on the overwhelming urge to keep worshipping Jason’s cock that nothing else much mattered. Nonetheless, she was lucid enough for her to stomach to churn as they praised her slutty performance.

She couldn’t remember the last time she was this horny. Though far from a wallflower, this was still Christiana’s first experience with three.
Jasmine and Jason had met her via a dating app. The app was designed for those with more colourful tastes than the usual vanilla fare, matching people based on their sexual fantasies. Christiana, for instance, wanted to explore sex with a couple, perhaps even polyamory of some form. Jasmine and Jason, meanwhile, wanted to bring a third into their engagement, either as a unicorn or a permanent companion. They were a bit older than her – both in their thirties while Christiana was in her early twenties – but that didn’t bother any of them. Unsurprisingly, their messages had quickly turned raunchy.
The couple had initially invited Christiana to play with them separately. She had hooked up with both Jason and Jasmine on an individual basis at least half a dozen times each before now, with the intention of forming a personal bond with both before joining them together.
Their week at the manor was to be their first time being intimate as a trio, so to help soothe any remaining nerves she might have they’d all decided it was best to take things slow. The plan was for Christiana to start off with Jason and get her libido pumping before Jasmine joined the fun.
Yet Christiana realised now that the precautions were unnecessary: just Jasmine’s presence while she sucked Jason’s cock was turning her on more than she’d ever imagined possible.
Leaning in to kiss Jason, Jasmine took the opportunity to tug off his hoodie. A heartbeat later she was removing his shirt, parting lips just long enough to pull it over his head before going back in with even more passion than before. While his fiancée disrobed his upper half, Jason kicked his bunched jeans and boxers away to leave himself completely naked.
The handsome man soon returned the favour. His powerful hands eagerly peeled the tight black top and white spandex leggings from Jasmine’s incredible body, exposing her golden skin and designer curves. Unsurprisingly he was unable to resist Jasmine’s silicone rack, which he began groping before her clothes had even hit the floor.
Christiana continued sucking Jason’s cock as the two deviants then turned their attention to her. Together they relieved her of her top, skirt and panties, although Jasmine stayed Jason’s hand when he went to remove Christiana’s purple over the knee socks.
‘I think they’re cute,’ she said, a devilish smile playing over her lips. ‘They make her look kind of innocent. Which will make it so much hotter once we get her begging to be our little slut.’
Jason nodded. ‘I hadn’t thought of that. But if we’re going to get her to that point, we’re going to have to make sure she’s ready for a good fucking.’
Jasmine’s eyes glittered with mischief. ‘Oh, don’t worry, I can take care of that.’
And before Christiana could responded the plastic nympho slipped headfirst underneath her, where she promptly buried her face in Christiana’s shaved pussy.

Rearing up from her man’s juicy cock, Christiana gasped as Jasmine’s tongue danced over the folds of her sex. She always forgot how good Jasmine was at eating pussy, but this time the pleasure was even more intense because she knew Jason was watching the expressions of ecstasy twisting her features and savouring every moan.
As the initial euphoric heat ebbed, Christiana’s inner whore rose to the surface. The wicked whispers now filling her mind were one of the silver linings of having played with Jasmine and Jason before. Their solo sessions had helped ease her nerves and begin the process of moulding her into a creature of vice and desire so that now, even as she basked in the pleasure of Jasmine’s sapphic attention, her thoughts were teeming with sordid schemes.
After all, it didn’t seem fair that she and Jason should be the only ones struggling to control their lust. What kind of lovers would they be if they didn’t consider Jasmine’s pleasure too? And the busty slut’s pussy looked so wet as she lay there on the sofa. So wet and so vulnerable too…
‘Fuck her,’ Christiana breathed, leaning close to Jason so only he could hear. She pressed her brow against his and looped one hand around his neck. ‘I want to watch you fuck her while she gets me wet so you can do the same to me. Make her moan into me.’
Jason’s grin was pure deviance. ‘And this is exactly why we picked you.’
Moving swiftly he seized one of Jasmine’s legs, hooked her foot over his shoulder and plunged into her tight folds with a grunt of pleasure. Christiana squirmed as the unexpected invasion prompted a howl from between her thighs.
Forming a sordid triangle of desire, the three of them allowed carnality to drive their every motion.
Jason fucked Jasmine deep, his driving thrusts making her belly bulge. He assumed a speedy rhythm which filled the room with the slap of their colliding thighs, and his ears were pricked to Jasmine’s moans, using them to tailor his depth and speed in order to draw out the loudest and longest cries of pleasure he possibly could. Even, despite the silicone slut on the end of his cock he never took his eyes off the youthful body of their mutual plaything.
Christiana’s hands were never still. Now caressing Jasmine’s legs, now stroking Jason’s chest, now groping big fake tits until her knuckles ached, now seizing stubbly cheeks to drag her man in for a kiss. Her nubile body rippled as Jason’s thrusts rolled through Jasmine and then up into her. And all the while her pussy felt as if it was melting, the ecstasy of Jasmine’s insatiable cunnilingus churning her insides into a hot, horny mess. She couldn’t resist the urge to rock her hips and rub herself all over the other woman’s face.
As for Jasmine, she could easily have been a sex doll. She allowed Jason to manhandle her legs into any position he pleased and made no resistance when Christiana played with her tits or fondled her clit or ground against her lips. The jiggling of her plastic body was yet another turn on for her lovers – especially the bouncing of her immense breasts – and she seemed perfectly happy to serve as their living toy so long as they kept rewarding her with cock and pussy.
However, Jasmine didn’t forget why she was between Christiana’s legs in the first place. When she was happy that the young woman was absolutely dripping wet, Jasmine slipped out from underneath her, albeit very reluctantly. She looked up at Jason with a face smeared in Christiana’s pussy nectar.
‘She’s ready for you, babe.’
Jason grinned devilishly. ‘Finally. I think we’ve both waited long enough to fuck this slut together.’ Then, pulling out of Jasmine’s wet slit, he forcefully manhandled Christiana down onto all fours before pressing the head of his cock against her quivering sex.
‘Do it,’ Christiana breathed, suddenly desperate. ‘I’m ready.’
And so he did.

Christiana’s eyes rolled as a sensual moan erupted from her lungs. She had taken his dick before, but somehow this time it felt so much hotter. His shaft stretched her tight sex, filling her up, and once he started to thrust her groans came thick and fast as if his cock was pushing them out of her.
Unwilling to let her fiancé have all the fun with their new pet, Jasmine decided to occupy Christiana’s other set of lips. Rising onto the arm of the leather sofa, she spread her legs and guided the young woman’s face into her pussy with a gentle hand. Desperate for an outlet to the mind-bending pleasure rushing through her, Christiana instantly seized the opportunity and was soon worshipping Jasmine’s cunt with mindless hunger. Her tongue lapped frantically over the older woman’s folds and clit so that Jasmine’s pussy piercings were soon twinkling with Christiana’s saliva.
‘Mmmh, yes,’ Jasmine purred encouragingly. ‘That’s it, gorgeous. Keep going. Forget your inhibitions and let lust control you. This is just the beginning you know. We have all week together. Oh, the things we’ll do – to you, for you, with you – they’re going to rock your world, Christiana. Every sordid fantasy or filthy desire you can think up, we’re going to bring them all to life.’
‘What’s the first one you have in mind, babe?’ Jason eyed Jasmine with a devilish smirk.
Jasmine matched his smile. ‘I want to strap her onto a sybian and make her watch while you fuck me. Every time she cums, we increase the speed until she’s a babbling, broken mess.’ She paused, savouring Christiana’s loud groan as she imagined the experience. ‘What about you?’
Jason took a moment to think about it. Then his smile turned even more evil. ‘I want her tied to the bed, blindfolded, naked and vulnerable. She can hear us close by, she knows we’re going to use her, but she never sees us coming, never knows which hole or body part we’ll torment next. All she knows is that she’s our slutty sex doll.’ His eyes flashed as he turned his attention back to Jasmine. ‘And then I want her to help me do the same to you.’
Jasmine grinned. ‘Promises, promises,’ she said.
Beneath them, Christiana was drowning in pleasure. Her mind was flooded with a torrent of naughty ideas. The thought of being the couple’s willing plaything for the rest of the week was doing things to her she had never felt before. This wasn’t just about exploration anymore – this was about letting sluttiness consume her mind, body and soul. And she already knew she was going to love every last second.

Her orgasm broke without warning. Saturated in euphoria she hadn’t even felt it building. Instead she only realised she was cumming when the waves of climax rushed through her and her shameless howls filled the room. Her eyes rolled, her body burned, and her dripping wet pussy clenched around Jason’s magnificent cock.
Instead of feeling drained, however, Christiana’s orgasm only made her feel even more alive. Feasting on Jasmine’s sex with renewed zeal, she rode the aftershocks of her climax, channelling their euphoric thrill by bouncing her hips against Jason’s crotch.
A heartbeat later Jason too was ready to cum, and for one glorious moment Christiana was certain he was going to unload inside her. He had never finished in her pussy before, nor her ass – the three of them had decided it would be hotter to wait until they were together for that, especially since Jasmine wanted to watch Christiana’s face when her fiancé filled her up.
But then Jason had pulled out and Jasmine was on the floor, a naughty smile on her face.
Frozen by the sudden absence of pleasure, Christiana felt as if a void had opened up inside her now Jason’s cock was gone. Her pussy clenched, expecting his shaft to be there only to close around nothing. And despite the fact Jasmine’s pussy was no longer suffocating her, she found her breath coming in ragged gasps, as if her need for the other woman’s sex was now greater than her need for air, and without it she could barely sustain herself.
But her lovers were too caught up in the moment to notice her stunned state.
Kneeling on the rug, Jasmine thrust forward her huge silicone tits, squeezing them together into abyssal cleavage. Above her, Jason’s face was twisted with pleasure and his hand was a blur as he pumped his thick cock as if his life depended on it.
When he finally came, he let out a primal roar. Thick pearly ropes of semen splattered over Jasmine’s fake rack, decorating them with gleaming white ribbons. Jasmine moaned like a pornstar as he branded her, the sensual noises only driving Jason into an even more erotic frenzy. Christiana could not look away, the sight of the two deviants lost in their own lust far too hot to avert her eyes from.
Only once every last drop of Jason’s load was smeared over Jasmine’s tits did they stop. Jason sank down onto the sofa still stroking his jerking cock. Jasmine rose to join him, though while he was sprawled back amongst the cushions, she perched on the edge of the seat. Meeting Christiana’s eyes she pointed to the floor, smiling warmly as the young woman moved obediently to kneel before her.
From her position on the rug, Christiana looked up at Jasmine. Her torso was covered in cummy body art that twinkled in the light; her huge tits stuck out so far they almost eclipsed her face from view; her bright eyes shone with nymphomania: in short, she looked like a goddess. A horny, lustful, amoral goddess – and one whom Christiana would give anything to worship.
Fortunately, Jasmine was more than willing to have Christiana as her acolyte. All she asked in return was the woman’s unyielding devotion.
‘I’m sorry he didn’t finish in you, baby,’ Jasmine said, stroking Christiana’s hair affectionately. ‘But you’re going to have to earn that. This week isn’t just about indulgence. We’re here to figure out if the three of us really are right for each other. Me and Jason have libidos that put most hookers to shame, so we have to make sure you’re able to handle us before things get serious.’ A devious smile spread across her overplump lips. ‘But don’t worry, beautiful, we know you’ll impress us. It’s one of the silver linings of being shameless deviants: we always know a needy nympho when we see one. Now, how about you lick my titties clean and then we can both suck off our man together. How does that sound?’
Christiana said nothing. Instead she kept her eyes fixed on Jasmine’s as she leaned forwards and licked the first ribbon of cum from her lover’s perfect tits…

Thanks for reading!
Of all my Fantasy Manor stories, if I had to pick one to rework it would be this one. For me it’s a story of two halves: I really enjoy everything after the transformations have happened, but I’m not a huge fan of the start. I feel like Jasmine’s transformation is shoehorned in a bit, but unfortunately I couldn’t devise a way to have her transform alongside the other two using just the images available in the main gallery. Therefore I had to find a different gallery for her transformation, but given that Jasmine has had surgical work done throughout most of her career it then became a task of finding an image that I felt worked for the story while also not being too visibly different from her look in the rest of the images.
On top of that, this story was supposed to be about Jasmine since Jasmine Jae is the model whose work I wanted to showcase here, but in the end I felt like it focused more on Christiana. Part of me is glad it does because I really loved the dynamic between these characters, but at the same time I feel that it veered away from Jasmine’s character more than I would have liked. If the opportunity arises I’d very much like to write a piece more dedicated to her, though as to whether I’ll actually do that at any point I don’t know.
Eagle-eyed readers may also notice that though the male character here is portrayed by Jay Smooth, the name of the character when transformed is Jason. Of course, this directly contradicts the comments I made in chapter 1 stating that I planned to name the male characters after the models portraying them. The reason for this is that Smooth is actually in another chapter of Fantasy Manor as a different character, and I feel that he plays a more integral part of the story in that one. Since I didn’t want to have multiple characters with the same name I chose to have that one be the main Jay and rename this one Jason instead.
Remember that there are three release this week, so be sure to come back on Wednesday for chapter 3!
Image galleries: https://www.pornhat.com/albums/85233/cozy-by-the-fire/