‘So how long have you guys been in the neighbourhood?’ Rich asked as he sipped on his coffee. Having spent the last few weeks subsisting on either instant sachets or watery gas station trash, he was grateful to finally have some proper caffeine. The drink was rich and flavourful, and though he detected a foreign undertone to it he assumed his new neighbours merely had a fondness for more exotic

His eyes rolling back in his head, his body tensing suddenly and his fingers gripping the sheets with white-knuckled ferocity, Lincoln once again thanked his past self for taking the steps of revenge all those years ago. He had spent enough nights in dark rooms with other gay men to know what a good blowjob was, and after months of practice his secret lover was hands down the best cocksucker

‘Gentlemen, allow me to show you lot forty-three of the night.’ A low murmur of admiration rippled around the room as the boy entered wearing only a mesh jockstrap and a black bowtie. He carried a tray of drinks with him, which he politely passed out to the gathered gentlemen who licked their lips hungrily as they ogled his tight ass and small figure. The auctioneer stood beside the door

‘Shit,’ Ryan gasped, ‘shit, shit, shit. This cannot be happening. Are you fucking kidding me? Of all the guys to be secretly gay, it has to be the one I go and possess. Fuck you, Justin. Why couldn’t you have been like every other normal hunk in the gym and chase some cheap slut?’ Clinging the towel tight around his waist, Ryan stood in the doorway and peered helplessly up

Pushing the cart along the silent corridor, Cody yawned and glanced at his watch. Scoffing hollowly he rolled his eyes. Quarter to midnight. Who ordered room service at quarter to fucking midnight? Perhaps he might have been a little more agreeable to the request if it had been a large room or a more sizeable order, but he had checked the room log and the order. Just the one guy,

Tate had to admit that the place wasn’t as bad as he had been expecting. He had been reluctant at first to join his gay friend Mick to the gay club, but he had thought it better than to let Mick sit in and mope all night again. It had been almost a month since Mick’s boyfriend had dumped him and he hadn’t taken it well at all. Perhaps a